Campaign is closed, no future reopening foreseen.
Payments for this session tomorrow
Coinchat is a chat site, where you are rewarded mBTC for constructive discussion!
It is
NOT a faucet, but is a fun site to earn some mBTC without having to do anything but discuss.
I'm starting a signature/avatar/PM campaign, but
I am not affiliated with coinchat in any way.
Firstly, if you are joining the campaign, it is
necessary to use the avatar.
The personal message and signature give further bonuses, but you will not be paid without the avatar.
Activity of minimum 5 contributive posts per two weeks is expected.Each participant will receive a score, which is equal to: (number of fields) * (total number of posts) * (post value)
At the end of each bi-weekly period, each user will receive a share of the total pot proportional to their score.
The total pot for now is 0.01 BTC per 2 weeks
Number of Fields: Avatar only = 1, Avatar and signature or Avatar and PM = 2, All three fields = 3
Total number of posts: Not posts made while using this campaign, but total all time posts
Post value:
I will decide this number, between 0.25 and 3. Most users will have a score of 1, but this may be more or less depending on post quality.
Sr. Member+ will have a post value of 2 usually, unless there is exceptional or poor post quality.
Additionally, the poster with the highest score will receive 0.005 BTC every 2 weeks!
Signature rules:
If you're using a signature too, you must not have any other paid signature (you can have other personal signatures).
This signature must come first.
It must link to
The size, font, and formatting is upto you. Size cannot be smaller than the default size.
The text must say " Earn free BTC for chatting!"
Avatar: message: Earn free BTC for chatting!
Why join this campaign?I'll admit that the payment is lower than usual, but there are some good reasons to join.
-> Low post requirement
-> Penalizes spam rather than encouraging it
-> Not gambling related, not a scam or a ponzi either.
-> Avatar and/or Personal Message can be used alongside other paid signatures
You don't need to post here, just use the below sign up link
Sign up link: confirmation will be provided! As long as you're full member+, you are accepted.
Payment may be not paid only if you do not have the avatar, have filled up false data or are banned. Next payment date:
27th of August
Regular registration:
19th of August
Late registration (half the points and payment):
24th of August