1. Theymos purported to sell his own shares. They were not his own shares he was selling.
I never said I was selling
my own shares. I just said that I was "selling shares".
Buyers would have needed to have been informed about the other sellers before the sale was complete, if only because the share transfer contract would need to indemnify the other sellers as well as myself. In fact, buyers would probably want this info (which looks bad) to not be public if they would finally decide to buy.
All of the buyers in my original 23% were leaving primarily due to the legalization thing, so it's not like investors were jumping from a clearly-sinking ship. My
opinion was that Nefario was generally incompetent, and legalization would end up bankrupting GLBSE just because following regulations is so expensive and banning small, "dubious" assets represents a substantial loss in revenue. I'm clearly not going to post such a negative opinion publicly when I'm trying to sell my shares. If anyone would have seriously sought to buy, they would have had
all facts and more of my opinions that what I made public. I never imagined that Nefario would be so stupid as to close GLBSE like this.
In any case, I'm not obligated to inform non-buyers of internal info. Keep in mind that my sales thread was only an
advertisement for private bids and discussion, not a complete statement about the asset.
2. Theymos said he had no idea about the goat kickoff; his confederate bitcoin.me said that his reason to sell (in a bulk with theymos) was that he knew Nefario was going to kick off goat. One of the two's lying (and from experience with this mess, probably both).
1. bitcoin.me was not part of the 23% I was selling.
2. A long time after I posted my thread, and after the TYGRR thing, bitcoin.me also decided to sell. I offered to try and sell his shares after the original 23% I was selling was sold.
3. I doubt he really said that he knew about TYGRR beforehand.
4. bitcoin.me is frequently confused and should generally not be considered reliable.
I did not know about TYGRR beforehand.
3. Theymos said there's no SEC investigation and tried to downplay the email SEC actually sent. It's unlikely he didn't know this, as it was public knowledge at the time. (In any case would have been trivial to verify by, for instance, calling the SEC guy up, as a number of people did).
I said that
I did not know of any SEC investigation, which I didn't and still don't. The whole SEC thing could still be a fake, though the increased number of witnesses nowadays makes that seem less likely. Nefario has not said that the SEC is investigating him, and I doubt it is. (Maybe the FSA is, but I doubt this as well.)
4. Theymos failed to disclose his board position. Theymos represented the acceptance of the new buyer as "something not to be concerned about"; turns out the board can't even agree on the most basic of issues.
I briefly mentioned it in the sales thread. I didn't say it more explicitly because the fact that I am treasurer was already public (though maybe obscure) knowledge. It was part of the original PGP contract for BitcoinGlobal shares, which was public. Nefario mentioned it in that old forum thread. I've mentioned it on Stack Exchange and Reddit previously.
Acceptance of a buyer
was nothing to be worried about because I already solidly had 4 (and later 6) of the 7 votes needed, and the others would be easy. The vote to accept a new shareholder is based on number of shareholders, not number of shares.
I'm not going to keep responding to these ridiculous accusations based on rumors and assumptions.