Hey look I ordered an Asic and there was a shipping delay! Haha
No offense SSB it's out of your control what the post office does.
Why do you thinks these will be garbage as of Monday?
My suggestion to everone here is to lay off the caffeine and chill out. This isn't the day and age of star trek transporters so stop your cry baby whining. Maybe get up and go for a walk or something. It's obvious some people spend way too much time staring at a screen obsessing about something that is obviously out of the OP's control, like the bad weather. Tracking down post office phone numbers and other obsessive behavior just makes you look like a nut! Oh, the screenies of the tracking information was nice too. Let me lay out some facts;
1) sometimes scans do get missed.
2) it's the holiday season
3) there was horrible winter weather across the US.
Just suck it up and wait for your order to arrive and stop acting like a nut!
F off.