"N*N topology does not scale at all. If that is how they are getting fast performance, then it will quickly bog down.
Well, Skill could establish a new testnet for benchmark testing. New wallets, which will automated send coins to other wallets. Maybe 1000 transactions per wallet and minute. Several people can open this wallets and benchmark test begins.
This would prove how well NODE scale during heavy transaction load and bring much attention. SuperNet integration on the way to NodePay would be a nice gimmick and price surge. Although i think NodePay is better.
The issue isn't with load but with size. The bigger the network and the wider it is spread the bigger problems with latency COULD become.
Speculating on hypotheticals that I'd wager the devs have already considered during the 6 month Pre-release phase is nothing more than fud, Even when you use a qualifier.
JAMES has ulterior motive for NODE to fail. So anyone that is scared away by him is not only a moron but a fool as well.