We divided 100 stakes in 6 different groups, with a total of 27 lots:
Group 1 = 10 Lots by 1 stake!
Group 2 = 5 Lots by 2 stakes!
Group 3 = 5 Lots by 3 stakes!
Group 4 = 3 Lots by 5 stakes!
Group 5 = 2 Lots by 10 stakes!
Group 6 = 2 Lots by 15 stakes!
For this particular example we will examine group 6! There are 2 Lots by 15 stakes each!
If you wish to bid for only one of the two stakes! Then submit only one bid! If you wish to bid for both of them, submit your bid twice!
How it will look in the spreadsheet:
Bid for 15 stakes:
dzarmush | Lot # 6 - 15 stakes: | 1.05
dzarmush | Lot # 6 - 15 stakes: | 1.50
Since there are only two lots, and nobody overbids you till June 9, you will win one lot of 15 stakes @ 1.05 and another lot of 15 stakes @ 1.50!
If someone over bids you by June 9:
Bid for 15 stakes:
Mr.Overbid| Lot # 6 - 15 stakes: | 2
dzarmush | Lot # 6 - 15 stakes: | 1.50
In this case Mr.Overbid will get one lot @ 2, and you will get the second one @ 1.5!
This rule applies to the rest of the categories!
If you make a mistake you can edit your last submission at the end.