EDIT November 5 2014: Added quick reference spreadsheet screenshot, added Amhash, reformatted scorecard - please use new format!!
EDIT: My to do for this second post: (1) reformat to list scorecard by company rather than by scoring factor,
(2) put into grids by company, (3) add on scorecards for companies suggested by others. Please help me out if you want a company listed by proposing scores for that company!!! It takes a lot of work to put together scores and I cannot keep such a list on ALL mining companies up to date by myself... but again, NO REFERRAL LINKS in the post - I want objective and community oriented responses rather than sales pitches]
Note that I can only review cloud mining services that I personally have used and/or that I can find info about easily. I am NOT limited to the companies listed, but folks need to help me out to add new companies by filling out a scorecard and putting in explanations for scores where needed!!!Note also that a company may offer different products which would be scored differently, so pay attention to the "Product/Algo"!
SCORECARD FORMAT (explanations in first post)
Product and Algorithm (BTC,LTC,SHA256, etc.)
Demonstrated mining activity (0-20)
Backing (0-20)
Verified hash rate = sold hash (0-20)
Longevity (0-20)
Peer review and open discourse (0-20)
Resale or Buyback (0-20)
Mining contract/T&Cs (0-20)
Legally enforceable (0-10)
Relative static ROI (0-20)
Problems withdrawing/receiving payouts (-20 - 0)
Cost << market or promises >> market (-10 - 0)
MLM or affiliate marketing (-20 - 0)
Here are my initial scoring (TDB: convert into scorecard format with explanations by company)
Demonstrated mining activity consistent with claimed ghs or mhs (0-20 points).
GAW: 5 (proven orders for 5 Petahash sha256 from Bitmaintech, but no info on scrypt hashing capacity; T&C's and statements by CEO indicate that hashlets may be virtual and not reflect actual mining activity)
Umisoo (Hashnest): 10 (claimed 4 Petahash farm of S2 miners with real time tracking of farm; some miner failures have resulted in public disclosure of mining capacity reduction indicating that farm stats are likely real; ability to track hash rates of individual miners but with no proof of actual mining)
Bitmaintech+Umisoo (Umisoo.com): 20 (miners must be purchased, and are hosted by Umisoo, with ability to direct to pool of users choice)
KNC Cloud: 10 (pictures and reporters have visited farm; admission of mining using customer equipment makes KNC untrustworthy for purchases but bolsters cloud mining capacity claims; real time monitoring)
Zeushash: 5 (early pictures and public mining operations were disclosed, but almost no public information since forming of Zeushash; provides daily payout info only)
Zoomhash: 0
LTCGear: 5 (early evidence of FPGA farm well established, but ASIC operations are shrouded in mystery)
Genisis: 0?
cex.io: 20
Hashie: 0
PB Mining: 0
Backed by known and trusted manufacturer or disclosed, established financial partner (0-20 points).
GAW: 10 (seems to have good relations with Bitmaintech, and GAW itself is/was a real company before moving to cloud)
Umisoo (Hashnest): 15 (Hashnest is part of Bitmaintech, relationship with Umisoo unclear)
Bitmaintech+Umisoo (Umisoo.com): 15 (relationship with Bitmaintech unclear, but they appear to be close)
KNC Cloud: 10 (KNC is a major manufacturer, but trust factor on low)
Zeushash: 5 (Zeus is too new to be trusted fully, but they are one of the largest scrypt ASIC manufacturers)
Zoomhash: 0 (unclear, maybe only reselling Zeushash?)
LTCGear: 5 (like GAW, LTCGear was a real company/person with established cred but no recent info)
Genisis: 0?
cex.io: 20
Hashie: 0
PB Mining: 0
Mining hash rate is subject to audit/verification (0-20 points).
GAW (Prime and Zen Hashlet): 0 (payouts seem unrelated to any actual mining model; CEO claims payouts based on other business such as miner rentals, coin IPOs)
Umisoo (Hashnest): 10 (farm stats and individual hash rate within farm disclosed)
Bitmaintech+Umisoo (Umisoo.com): 20 (total control over hashing and pool selection)
KNC Cloud: 10 (pool earning rate and stats disclosed)
Zeushash: 5 (pool earning rate disclosed but no hash rate graph or stats, and earnings rates are below model predictions)
Zoomhash: 0
LTCGear: 5 (earning rates closely match LTC, DRK and VERT coin mining modelling stats, but no disclosure of actual pool mining stats)
Genisis: 0
cex.io: 20
Hashie: 0 (upgrade promised where miner would be able to direct hash to pool of miner's choice, but so far not available)
PB Mining: 0
4. Resale market or buy back exists and is verified to be working (0-20 points).
GAW: 15 (lots of issues in market, but in general pretty effective way to exit if you don't like; GAW takes 10% commission)
Umisoo (Hashnest): 0 (will open market when round closes, but so far no market)
Bitmaintech+Umisoo (Umisoo.com): 0 (no way to sell, must take delivery of miner)
KNC Cloud: 0
Zeushash: 0
Zoomhash: 0
LTCGear: 10 (ability to transfer shares, and robust private non-LTC sponsored market due to high demand and limited available shares)
Genisis: 0
cex.io: 20
Hashie: 20
PB Mining: 5 (allows and supports private sales but no market and demand is not very high)
Repeated problems exist with withdrawing payouts over period of more than a week (-20 to 0 points, negative adjustment indicates red flag).
GAW: -10 (seems to be improving but issues with withdrawals plagued system for weeks and still pop up)
Umisoo (Hashnest): 0
Bitmaintech+Umisoo (Umisoo.com): 0
KNC Cloud: 0
Zeushash: -10 (withdrawals often require customer service email, but those are usually effective within 24 hours)
Zoomhash: 0
LTCGear: 0 (no applicable since LTCGear does not maintain an online wallet)
Genisis: 0
cex.io: 0
Hashie: -5 (a few reports of problems, but I have never had an issue to date; however, website down a lot so for now they get a negative adjustment until kinks worked out IMHO)
PB Mining: 0 (no wallet, coins seem to come from mixer)
Below market rates per ghs/mhs and/or above market payouts promised (-10 to 0 points, negative adjustment indicates possible ponzi scheme, pyramid or outright fraud).
GAW: -5 (was -10 at start, but now they price hashlets at or above market rates; however, repeated promises of $100 prime prices and hashbase/hashcoin shooting to the moon etc. still troublesome; justification for hashlet pricing seems to be based entirely on promised Hashbase and Hashcoin ICO)
Umisoo (Hashnest): 0
Bitmaintech+Umisoo (Umisoo.com): 0
KNC Cloud: 0
Zeushash: 0
Zoomhash: 0
LTCGear: -10 (while LTCGear/Beekeeper has almost no marketing, resellers and affiliates often make claims of above market payouts and in fact historical payouts are above market; price per mhs is below market)
Genisis: 0
cex.io: 0
Hashie: 0
PB Mining: 0 (historically they were too cheap and had payouts too high, but now they are more in line with market; may have been a loss leader strategy)
Relies on MLM and affiliate techniques for sales (-20 to 0).
GAW: -15 (affiliate program, reseller program; resellers actively engaged in forums and in pumping up values)
Umisoo (Hashnest): 0
Bitmaintech+Umisoo (Umisoo.com): 0
KNC Cloud: 0?
Zeushash: -10 (affiliate program, reseller program)
Zoomhash: 0?
LTCGear: -5 (affiliate program)
Genisis: 0
cex.io: 0
Hashie: -3 (affiliate program but at a very low and unattractive rate)
PB Mining: -10 (affiliate program very lucrative and primary method of marketing)
8. Legal compliance/T&Cs (0-20). Has contractual commitment with clear and well drafted mining agreement, with no overreaching terms, penalties, etc. (e.g., Genesis Mining).
GAW: 0 (T&C's imposed after many customers purchased; new terms are likely unenforceable as users are required to agree in order to access miners; T&C contain clauses making hashlet hash rates unenforceable as unrelated to actual hashing activity)
Umisoo (Hashnest): 10 (detailed T&C)
Bitmaintech+Umisoo (Umisoo.com): 15 (detailed T&C, SLA and ownership of miner)
KNC Cloud: 10 (contract)
Zeushash: 0
Zoomhash: 0
LTCGear: 0
Genisis: 10 (contract)
cex.io: 5 (T&C)
Hashie: 0
PB Mining: 5 (T&C)
9. Relative ROI (relative static ROI):
GAW Prime Hashlet/Zen Hashlet: 0 (at current fees/rates)
Umisoo (Hashnest): 6
Bitmaintech+Umisoo S4 hosting (Umisoo.com): 0
KNC Cloud: 0
Zeushash: 0 (scrypt only, have not computed sha256)
Zoomhash: ? (not enough data)
LTCGear: 25 (without "mods" assuming anniversary shares at sale price in effect today)
Genisis: 0 (scrypt only - have not computed sha256)
cex.io: ? (probably zero due to high cost/fees but have not computed current static ROI)
Hashie: 0
PB Mining: 12
Ability to enforce mining contract (0-10).
GAW: 10 (US based GAW and principals known)
Umisoo (Hashnest): 0 (China)
Bitmaintech+Umisoo (Umisoo.com): 0 (China)
KNC Cloud: 10 (known entity, western European laws)
Zeushash: 0 (China)
Zoomhash: 0 (unknown entities and principals)
LTCGear: 2 (known individual but location and ability to enforce against individual unknown)
Genisis: 5 (entity and Bermuda law disclosed in contract)
cex.io: 10 (entity in UK)
Hashie: 0
PB Mining: 0?
11. Longevity of service (0-20).
GAW: 3
Umisoo (Hashnest): 3
Bitmaintech+Umisoo (Umisoo.com): 1
KNC Cloud: 6?
Zeushash: 2
Zoomhash: 1
LTCGear: 12
Genisis: 3?
cex.io: 20 (first cloud hashing service)
Hashie: 0
PB Mining: 12?
12. Peer review and response to criticism (0-20).
GAW: 0
Umisoo (Hashnest): 20
Bitmaintech+Umisoo (Umisoo.com): 0? (have not seen any public posting of Umisoo service, but I suspect Umisoo will do so eventually)
KNC Cloud: 0 (used to participate in public but not since launching cloud)
Zeushash: 0 (same as KNC)
Zoomhash: 0
LTCGear: 0 (public posts but no response from beekeeper at least in past year)
Genisis: 0?
cex.io: 0?
Hashie: 20 (so far... very new; hoping they keep to this forum and continue to stay open)
PB Mining: 10 (active on bitcointalk and provides responses in public, takes criticism and charges of ponzi scheme in stride, but not very forthcoming with detailed responses to charges such as use of mixer service for coins)