"I made two accounts and forgot to change IP country, and I didnt know they'd freeze both accounts if you had two accs from same IP"
His account email starts with a v (your site doesn't have usernames) and he's owed 0.18+.
Honestly policies like this are stupid enough, but even when services like coinbase/changetip suspend accounts they still refund the user the balance. As long as he wasn't cheating, double-spending etc there's no reason not to pay him out his balance. Please resolve this and change your TOS
To elaborate a little, the only reason I made a second acount is because somehow you guys made the account balance on my first one negative. It now shows as -0.05, which I had nothing to do with, and I didn't want to risk making a deposit and losing it.
The second account, the one Stunna mentioned, is the one that I am owed 0.18+ on.
Hi Kiritsugu,
Drop us a PM or email and we'll look into your issue for you.