I wouldn't mislead outsiders as to what they are getting into. Just embrace what you (we) think is a better way and attract people that agree.
What I think would be most fun would be allowing everything to be bought and sold for bitcoin credits on your account and not worrying if people give stuff away or trade for other currency out of the games system. I would expect a lot of people buying things with the expectation that they could use the things to make more stuff faster and resell for profit, essentially a skill game played for money, with a sort of built in freeroll for everyone.
Yeah misleading has its drawbacks. It shouldn't be necessary unless the games come to the attention of some busy-body who doesn't even play but doesn't think games with whatever terms we purport to have should exist, or should not be reachable from their part of the internet (like they never heard of Netnanny or something, sheesh...)
Part of this worry about busybodies is the idea of maybe not using bitcoins directly as cashable-out officially. Oh sure there might be some places out on the net where one could trade Ixcoins or I0coins or Solidcoins or Devcoins or Groupcoins etc etc etc for cash, but I was kindof thinking that maybe we could even enhance the perception of Bitcoin by treating Bitcoin like it is "real money", so kind of put it aside somewhat from all the "game money" varieties.
So basically people would be playing for all kinds of "chips" or "tokens" aka "coins", and what they do with them between themselves outside of the game isn't something the game can do much about, other of course than simply not letting people bring their toys into the playground in the first place. Which seems like a somewhat silly idea.
Basically the more kinds of "things" the deeper one can dive away from all the bullsheet, we are trying to play games here, and if we end up liking and enjoying edible toys and toys we can live in and toys we can drive and toys we can fly or cruise around the world in fine and dandy but toys are just not as much fun when a bunch of playground bullies come along and start messing with our enjoyment of our play, games, and toys.
I originally happened upon Bitcoin when I went searching for source code for markets, in order to have all the stock markets on all the Freeciv worlds of the Galactic Milieu be useable as actual playable stock markets, with local companies whose fortunes revolve around the locality of the city they are in and regional companies traded in various markets in a region and even interstellar companies (such as Galactic Mining Corp aka General Mining Corp (GMC) and Galactic Retirement Funds aka General Retirement Funds (GRF)) traded at markets on many planets.
I still don't have market code for that though. I keep looking at Open Transactions but so far its client doesn't even seem to let its user specify which server (IP address and port, or hostname and port or whatever) to connect to so it doesn't seem much use yet even for games.
But hey, the Digitalis D'ydii Cluster supercluster of galaxies is a project that has been on the go since back before the Internet came along so if it takes a while it takes a while...