Dude all you do is screw over your users and abuse your powers
Yes, I screwed over a hacker / phisher / script kiddie / DoSer. Was he your friend?
Also, you're. Try digesting messages before rushing to post!
I'm happy to post a SQL dump of users.password, which are hashed and salted with a user unique salt. That proves nothing through, if it was not indistinguishable from randomness then it was done wrong.
No, you're not getting SSH / mysql / whatever access.
Friends with Gweedo? grasping at straws there lol! nah bro I don't even know him in fact I'm not sure if he is even a he, I always thought it was a she for some reason, now I'm confused.
EDIT: for clarification, gweedo lent an alt of mine money on btcjam before and I paid him back, thats the only other contact I've ever had with him, try and find out who it was gweedo!
DoSer? your the one who threatened to DoS me lol! provide proof I DoSed anyone, I don't have a botnet.
You've locked down your sites really good on the SQL injection side of things props for that, the rest however if laughably insecure, you clearly nothing about server administration/security but know a bit about web development is all. You remind me of a guy I met recently, he was an NVC developer and earned $200k working for a multi-national, he didn't know what a password hash was, he found the whole thing extremely alien when I explained it to him, he didn't know what ssh was, plus a lot of other things, and he was a web developer earning serious bucks with a very important job with years and years of experience, your just like him, your not capable of running a site on your own you should be a development contractor, and clearly you have no partners either because I don't believe anyone would let you do crazy shit like this.
I have no idea what is wrong with you, maybe its an ego thing, but people need to read this thread and see what you are really like.
Also you should provide that SQL dump, you'll know if its secure if your users don't get hacked after you post it (providing you actually post the real thing and not fake it which you likely will).
You fix that coinchat bug I told you about yet? how about the coinchat vulnerability I told you about or the coinlenders one? and the inputs.io bug/screw up (deposit I made never credited)? I still don't see it in my balance. Theymos was nice enough to listen to me and fix the 'issue' I pointed out to him on bitcointalk and even followed through and paid me the bounty, you just said 'oh your a phisher fuck off' didn't pay me for any of the ones I pointed out to you and didn't even fix them in some cases, so there will be no more dislosures when I find bugs/vulns in your sites, I will use them for personal gain.
Go and check your logs on coinchat for the "hollowinfinity" episode, where that account was hacked multiple times, you'll noticed I used a fuckload of vulnerabilities on your site that day, I'm never going to disclose them to you and your to incompetent to find them. And post the chatlog here from that 'episode' too so people can see how secure your shit really is.