Great site! Will definitely write about this on my blog. However, just a question - don't you think 1% affiliate payout is a bit too low? Even Amazon pays out 4%-6%
Thank you very much! Let us know when you post it up so we can promote it on our social channels as well and help you get more traffic.
For the 1%, yes I agree it is a bit low, but we are giving up 1% of the 2.5% fee that we charge, we would love to offer more down the line once we work out a better system and possibly incorporate the sellers into giving up some commissions to affiliates to provide a better incentive.
It's hard to compete with Amazon's affiliate percentage since they charge high amounts of fees to the seller, around 8-25% depending on the product so they can afford to offer more to the affiliate.
You can check it out more here, we rather find another way to pay affiliates more and not raise fees for sellers so that everyone is happy. If you have any suggestions please let us know so we can find a way to make our affiliate program more popular.