Coininga implemented great changed and add the new features All bets, High Rollers , easy tip bot to send other player and nice progressive jackpot, day by day they are improving the site and make it more better and flexible for dice lovers and this will be great addition to dice gambling.
Thank you! I'm listening to the feedback from the users, and I'm trying to make it better and more profitable both for the site and the end user.
Well done OP these are very positive features with this update.I would like to see the two features on next update rainbot and affiliate system to be added. These two things will help your business also and also will encourage the players to recommend this nice site and promote it in their area of knowing.
Thank you very much! I want to see how stable the site is right now with all the additions and changes at the core. After that, the affiliate system will be added at some point, but I must make it in such way that it is profitable enough for someone to use it, and still keep enough for me to make it worth it for me to keep developing it.
I am planning to add some other games as well as some financial info (such as profits, expenses, tips sent from/received by the admins, etc) to make it more transparent in the future, so stay tuned!