Hello Gliss, hello coinmarketcap.com,
as you should have noticed by now, we have been making numerous attempts during the last few weeks to to get in touch with you or any people working for your site to solve the issue of an incorrect display of Bitcore's circulating supply for BTX.
Please refere to this official statement of the Bitcore (BTX) group on the issue:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.25220368Best regards,
Bitcore team
Gliss, what's up with $BTX?? I guess the more people hound you, the more you're going to delay the correct circulating supply. Who's in your pocket? Jihan, Roger Ver, Fake Satoshi, McAfee lol. What makes it worse is that you guys haven't answered why you haven't updated $BTX's correct listing. You're website is a staple in the crypto community, didn't think you guys would be corrupted so easily. It's a business, I KNOW, but this is crypto...we're supposed to be against "THE MAN", not joining them.
Gliss, what's up with $BTX?? I guess the more people hound you, the more you're going to delay the correct circulating supply. Who's in your pocket? Jihan, Roger Ver, Fake Satoshi, McAfee lol. What makes it worse is that you guys haven't answered why you haven't updated $BTX's correct listing. You're website is a staple in the crypto community, didn't think you guys would be corrupted so easily. It's a business, I KNOW, but this is crypto...we're supposed to be against "THE MAN", not joining them.
^This. Fix BTX supply.
Yeah it would be really nice to have that circulating Supply with BTX fixed.
And maybe you could add qbtc.com as market
wtf bitcore is still not fixed..that's some crazy negligence on your behalf coinmarketcap.
Yes, would like to see this resolved. I wouldn't say CMC is playing bias for BCH as they had a static supply for some of the Zcash forks (namely HUSH comes to mind) but with a well documented spreadsheet, I see no reason why this can't be resolved for the site to properly reflect rankings. As more and more coins get stale with their coin supply, it will cause users to move to other providers for rankings due to inaccuracies.
Can't believe the owner of CMC is an scammer. amazing how every rich owner turns out to scams.
Hello Gliss, hello coinmarketcap.com,
as you should have noticed by now, we have been making numerous attempts during the last few weeks to to get in touch with you or any people working for your site to solve the issue of an incorrect display of Bitcore's circulating supply for BTX.
Please refere to this official statement of the Bitcore (BTX) group on the issue:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.25220368Best regards,
Bitcore team
CMC it is now time to fix this. At this point you have proven to the crypto community that you can no longer be trusted.
why btx supply is not corrected on CMC ? we should use and promote other site alternative and forget about CMC because they are not serious ...or maybe the CMC owner did not stack to many BTX till now and that\s why the delay
So many people demanding BTX to be fixed... You should just do it to get rid of so many complains
Someone is paying you for let you don't fix the BTX wrong supply on Coinmarketcap? Roger Ver maybe? I understand why you have so much fear to fix it...
Fix Bitcore (BTX) circulating supply at once. This is slowly turning into a bad joke.
Yep same here, BTX is an awesome coin but the numbers are incorrect it seems
If CMC don't want to fix Bitcore (BTX) circulation for more than a month they have its own reasons for sure.
But I'm not sure that they are reading this thread...
After so many appeals from people and a team of developers, providing evidence, you must correct the circulating turnover of BTX coins. Or at least to declare all the reasons for which you can not do it. If you can not explain it, then many people are already inclined to think that you are playing someone else's dishonest game.
they just scam people and put the numbers they wants. someone paying them to don't fix it. shame!
The updated btx numbers are still wrong , there is no reason not to fix it if you have btg and bcash listed.
They just dont want to fix it.
They are adding crapcoins daily. They have an interest in delaying BTX success.
They don't put the coins form "virtual" fork into account.
But I don't understand why. The dev's took the exact state from BTC-chain (2nd Nov)., like any other fork. (BCH, BTG..)
Multiplied that with 0.5 and did import that even with the same addresses into the Bitcore-chain.
So anybody with a valid BTC address has access to his BTX, same as the other forks ...
So why do they get their forked values accounted into their circulating supply and not BTX?
At least give a explaination of the btx registration lagency. It is a nice coin pls be handle it like it is.
So many people demanding BTX to be fixed... You should just do it to get rid of so many complains
Well, now its a good time to fix that number ... We done Buying
coin market cheat is rigged ... we need another market watcher
This Bitcore issue is starting to get newsworthy, it will be interesting to see a few of the crypto news sites picking this up and maybe investigate a little.
The news is already making it on reddit/other boards and talked about a lot on social media and I think the noise will only get louder.
If there's smoke there's fire, and coinmarketcap is just fanning the flames on this one.
I'm getting out the popcorn
Can't believe the owner of CMC is an scammer. amazing how every rich owner turns out to scams.
Not every!
It is wrong of you to assume or stereotype.
But CMC definitely seems to be these days.
CMC needs to fix their incorrect data on BTX , period, there are other forks that are counting the coins as they should. There is a Token called XNN and they have done airdrop and all their coins are counted as in circulation. There is absolutely no need for CMC to be holding back BTX unless they have an agenda to keep BTX down because they know adding correct amount of coins in circulation will sky rocket BTX to the top 25 and and A LOT more people will take notice and BTX will be in direct competition with BTG and BCH (ScamCash). I really do think this is the reason why they have not fixed it all this time. They say they are waiting on the devs, but yet the devs have given CMC all the information they need.
Don't know what is wrong but if my math is right, BTX should be around the top50 coins in coinmarketcap at the moment.. The numbers are way off, weird.
Don't know what is wrong but if my math is right, BTX should be around the top50 coins in coinmarketcap at the moment.. The numbers are way off, weird.
very strange indeed
How clear does it need to be for you coinmarketcap? This perfectly explains it to you:
CMC lists an incorrect marketcap for quite a few coins.
Anyway.. to clear a few misconceptions,
circulating supply means coins that have recently been sent or addresses known to be active (CMC gives no indication of the time cut-off however). A fairly stupid measuring metric to be honest.
Total marketcap are coins generated 'to date' or in existence at any given point.
If coins were sent to an address; and the owner lost the private key - this does not affect the marketcap total, as said coins still exist and are valid on the blockchain.
The Bitcoin holders 'forked' coins don't matter, if they were reimbursed with BTX due to the snapshot - the BTX they were sent already existed beforehand.
To find the to the minute (and correct) coinmarketcap:
Ensure your baking tray is lightly greased, along with a txindex'd copy of bitcored, mix with python 2.7 and gently stir python-bitcoinrpc library in (pip install python-bitcoinrpc). Don't forget to add your rpcuser/pass otherwise rpc comms will fail.
from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
import time, os, sys
def find_between( s, first, last ):
start = s.index( first ) + len( first )
end = s.index( last, start )
return s[start:end]
except ValueError:
return ""
def find_between_r( s, first, last ):
start = s.rindex( first ) + len( first )
end = s.rindex( last, start )
return s[start:end]
except ValueError:
return ""
# user-config section
rpchost = ''
rpcuser = ''
rpcpass = ''
rpcport = '8556'
rpcpipe = AuthServiceProxy('http://' + rpcuser + ':' + rpcpass + '@' + rpchost + ':' + rpcport)
currentblk = 0
totalcoincap = 0
while True:
#get total blocks
while True:
blocktotal = int(rpcpipe.getblockcount())
if currentblk == blocktotal:
print 'hit end of chain, waiting'
#request each block
blockhash = rpcpipe.getblockhash(currentblk)
blockdata = rpcpipe.getblock(blockhash)
blocktx = find_between(str(blockdata),'[',']').replace('u','').replace(' ','').replace('\'','')
blocktxlist = blocktx.split(',')
#parse all tx in block
for tx in blocktxlist:
rawtx = rpcpipe.getrawtransaction(tx)
# generated pow/pos coins have no prevout
if '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' in rawtx:
#decode the 'generated/mined' tx data, extract the value
coinbasetx = rpcpipe.decoderawtransaction(rawtx)
valuemined = find_between(str(coinbasetx), 'Decimal(\'', '\'),')
#special case for nonstandard pool where coinbaseout isn't first vout
while float(valuemined)==0:
valuemined = find_between_r(str(coinbasetx), 'Decimal(\'', '\'),')
valuemined = 0
print '* could not find vout for block '+str(currentblk)+'!'
totalcoincap = totalcoincap + float(valuemined)
currentblk_fmt = str(currentblk)
while len(str(currentblk_fmt)) < 6:
currentblk_fmt=' '+currentblk_fmt
print 'block '+str(currentblk_fmt)+'|'+blockhash+'|mined '+str(round(float(valuemined),8))+'|coincap '+str(round(float(totalcoincap),8))
We can see as of block 95,338; a total of 16,678,946.0337BTX are in existence.
as of block 95,338; a total of 16,678,946.0337BTX are in existence.
Nobody is asking you to count the airdrop wallet. Calculating the circulating supply should be a piece of cake, thanks.
Any news about the real BTX market cap fix?
CMC needs to fix their incorrect data on BTX , period, there are other forks that are counting the coins as they should. There is a Token called XNN and they have done airdrop and all their coins are counted as in circulation. There is absolutely no need for CMC to be holding back BTX unless they have an agenda to keep BTX down because they know adding correct amount of coins in circulation will sky rocket BTX to the top 25 and and A LOT more people will take notice and BTX will be in direct competition with BTG and BCH (ScamCash). I really do think this is the reason why they have not fixed it all this time. They say they are waiting on the devs, but yet the devs have given CMC all the information they need.
Come on, that's getting out of hand here. Why would CMC have an agenda against BTX?
Maybe they have an interest in BCH, BTG, and BTC and don't want any more competitors. IDK I am just speculating. This should be a piece of cake for them to fix. Them not fixing it only leaves room for speculation. I know I am not the only one who feels they have an agenda. Prove me wrong, fix the BTX listing and let it sky rocket into the top 50 Easy.
Yes there is something fishy going on.
I have submitted a complaint to the SEC about coinmarketcap, I thought coinmarketcap's profile potentially matched some of these violations.
If enough of us submit a report, the sec could have a field day with this, and if not we could at least make them aware of the manipulation and aware them of how much money there is involved in this.
https://www.sec.gov/complaint/tipscomplaint.shtmlIf you would like to provide us information about fraud or wrongdoing involving potential violations of the securities laws, which may include the conduct listed below, use the Tips, Complaints and Referrals Portal. See also further information about submitting a tip or complaint.
Ponzi scheme, Pyramid Scheme, or a High-Yield Investment Program
Theft or misappropriation of funds or securities
Manipulation of a security's price or volume
Insider trading
Fraudulent or unregistered securities offering
False or misleading statements about a company (including false or misleading SEC reports or financial statements)
Abusive naked short selling
Bribery of, or improper payments to, foreign officials
Fraudulent conduct associated with municipal securities transactions or public pension plans
Other fraudulent conduct
BTX Bitcore needs to be fixed, cmon, It would be a nice xmas gift to finally get this done correctly
what the hell are they waiting? are they corrupted by someone else to not fix the next Bitcoin Cash called BITCORE (BTX) ?
I'm really looking forward to the day this BTX issue gets fixed. You can't continue cheating forever...
Another week, another CMC FAIL on the BTX circulating supply.
Hi, CMC are you blind or deaf... Can't you see the incorrect circulating supply for BITCORE, BTX .. FIX it as soon as possible - otherwise the whole crypto market will know CMC is a Money Sucker.. Only suck the dick having money..
Hi coinmarketcap,
I didn't even include every post...
Please have the decency to fix this and reply..only bad people stay quiet for this long...or aren't you done buying in yet?
I s there any idea when the circulating supply of BTX is going to be fixed?