
Topic: ÇoinProLite (ÇPL): Converting Shitcoins' Sçhit ---> ฿/$/etc. via Proof-of-Burn - page 2. (Read 16247 times)

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Image below depicting potential altcoin candidates to have their Sçhit converted to ÇPL, thus enjoying a near-immediate 36% ROI with virtually Ø risk.


ÇoinProLite, as well as YTC and its complementary c-c endeavor, are currently only in pre-Aplha stages, thus ALL suggestions and concerns would he highly deliberated since it's yous that'll have the most invested interest in seeing such to fruition.

Considering that the ambitious goalposts are the YTC innumerable prized c-c (commodity-cryptocurrency having ticker symbols like Khan, Vanoss, ERB, etc.), what possibly could be potential drawbacks in pursuing such an overall obtainable objective?

~Brüno Kučinskas (changed from Bruno Kucinskas per request from the witness protection agency  Roll Eyes)

ÇoinProLite Takes Your Sçhit - Literally!
Activity: 84
Merit: 10

The two images above sourced from

The image above sourced from

According to The Richest YouTubers Revealed, brought to you by the same channel - - that brought you DogeCoin Blowing BitCoin Out Of The Water! with its 171,151 views, PewDiePie (banner and stats above) came in at number one, earning $8.47M USD per year thanks, in large part, to the brand's loyal subscribers.

Let's imagine, for sake of sailing this ship, that Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg - PewDiePie - is keen on the idea of YTC c-c (commodity-cryptocurrency).

PDP may very well be the Ticker Symbol for the c-c that shares of the PewDiePie brand would trade on the YTC c-c exchange where ONLY c-c are traded, even excluding ÇPL and YTC from its platform. (Wait till it's unveiled the name of the exchange I conjured up. You're goin' to love it!)

Sans providing how the figures were calculated, Felix would reap 788,400 PDP (shares) per year of the maximum minable 100M PDP over the course of ~12 years as a premium for allowing his brand - PewDiePie - to be traded on the YTC c-c exchange so that his subscribers could have the option of purchasing PDP themselves, either to show their support or as an investment. Perhaps both.

Considering that the bare minimum any YTC c-c share will trade for is a scant one US ¢ent (equating to a minimum $1M USD market cap in ~12 years), its IPO/ICO (Initial Crypto Offering) price point, what's your best guesstimate PDP would peak out at, given PewDiePie's reach? A thin dime? A quarter? A Kennedy half? A buck? A Phinn fin? A sawbuck? More?

Another question: To what efforts would PewDiePie exert (non-nefarious activity) to help edge PDP pass a buck per share, thus enabling his yearly gifted PDP shares to surpass $788,400 worth? Not versed in if it's ethical (on second thought  Roll Eyes), but what if Felix held an upper board position on some YTC opolis Foundation? Would Felix, or someone of his ilk, holding such a prominent position aid in influencing the makeup of the YTC seascape?

Chances are 100% that Felix will tweet at least once to his 3.87M followers on Twitter about PDP and how they, too, can readily obtain some shares of yours truly's brand, in kind offering up further support with an opportunity to reap for their efforts, possibly uploading a YouTube video on PewDiePie on how they can purchase PDP via Apple Pay.

BTW, in case you're wondering...

...and his girlfriend has 4,270,718 subscribers with 250,975,409 views on her channel: I say it's a safe bit they both hang with fellow creators who have impressive YouTube stats themselves, most of which would quickly embrace the YTC c-c program to also further their revenue stream once they recognize that bro Felix's on board. With an attractive ~33% referral program in play (available to everybody), Felix would do his utmost to get his lowly bros aboard.

If I recall correctly from some nautical primer (or was it Kennedy?), a rising tide lifts all ships. That said, a many predominate brands' YTC c-c exchange rate shall rise accordingly, regardless of whom's at the helm (read sits on the [opolis Foundation] board), albeit the more venerable the name, the higher the lift, wouldn't you say?

To clarify, the 788,400 PDP would be doled out in set increments each time a new block is created and immediately credited to PewDiePie's PDP wallet address, oppose to getting one large sum of PDP shares once a year, quarterly, etc. Furthermore, all YouTube creators participating in the YTC program will also receive 788,400 shares per year of their respective brands' c-c, e.g., ScottW, TBC and FR, using three diverse bitcoiners having YouTube channels with formidable stats as prime candidates.

Did I fail to mention the PDP facet, available ONLY to those who subscribe to PewDiePie?  Smiley Tentatively (according to preliminary figures), a maximum of 500,000 PDP will be made available, methodically doled out. The charitable 500K sum is indicative of all other YTC c-c facet reward programs.

Even from the poop deck facing where one's been, ÇoinProLite ---> YTC c-c looks extremely promising, with or without a Jack Sparrow moral compass' help, plotting the way in uncharted, yet navigable waters.

Yes, I had the foresight to include all the above on the official site penned over a month ago (the site yet to be link/disclosed with the exception of its initials - YTC). Thanks to the advent of cryptocurrency, such is now not only possible, but relatively easily doable, an appealing concept whose time has come to see to fruition.

Are you...

If so, all that's being asked for at this stage is showing your support via offering up suggestions or addressing concerns with exploratory questions.

~Brüno Kučinskas

ÇoinProLite Takes Your Sçhit - Literally!
Activity: 84
Merit: 10
List of Bitcoin-themed, and the like, YouTube channels envisaged as YTC c-c (commodity-cryptocurrency).

Ticker Symbol (proposed [2-6 characters]): YouTube Channel's About Page ~ #Subscribers

CS: ~ 996
LoB: ~ 1,651
Scotty: ~ 2,069
WUC: ~ 3,345
MadBTC: ~ 3,663
BBT: ~ 3,789
ScottW (Scott Wilhelmsen): ~ 4,499
LTB!: ~ 4,770
dSea: ~ 8,473
WBN ( World Bitcoin Network): ~ 11,765
TBC (The Bitcoin Channel): ~ 12,386
AvsTM (Adam vs The Man): ~ 125,231
FR (Freedomain Radio): ~ 190,572

At some time after Beta launch, a strict criteria will be imposed, one that'll set the minimal stat requirements a YouTube creator would need to abide by to participate in the YTC c-c program. Tentatively, the following could be set as such:

  • Minimum # Views: 1,000,000
  • Minimum # Subscribers: 1,000
  • Minimum # Videos: 10
  • Minimum # Videos to be Uploaded per Month: 1 (any subject matter)
  • Minimum # Months one has been a YouTube Creator: 3
  • Maximum # Channels a Creator can have to participate in the YTC c-c program: 42 (or higher)

~Bruno Kučinskas

ÇoinProLite Takes Your Sçhit - Literally!
Activity: 84
Merit: 10

The above was sourced from

Pretty impressive, eh?

Here's the kicker: Guess who hosts the annual VidCon ---> You guessed it - The Vlog Brothers, John and Hank.

I haven't nailed down the exact date yet for next year's VidCon, but I'm pretty sure it the last weekend of June, 2015.

Having hosted ~300 shows in Nashville, some with named special guests, I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have too much of a problem giving a talk to a bunch of YouTube creators and their fans. And, I'm pretty confident that it wouldn't take too much arm-twisting to obtain further (some will have already signed up) creators to embrace the YTC c-c program, knowing in advance that most all are seeking ways to augment their current revenue trickle.

I say it'll be an easy sell, that coupled with the manned booth also passing out brochures to the kowtowers depicting how they can obtain shares of their beloveds' brands' c-c.

Another short list of YTC c-c, projecting to have ~100 in placed by Beta launch, with 1,000+ c-c listed prior to the end of the second year of operation.

Ticker Symbol (proposed): YouTube Channel's About Page


~Bruno Kučinskas

ÇoinProLite Takes Your Sçhit - Literally!
Activity: 84
Merit: 10

Subbable is a subscription service that allows audiences to connect with and fund the creators they love in a sustained, ongoing way.

Please take the time to read the rest of Subbable's short (but a tad too long to post here) about page.

Can I choose how much I pay to subscribe?

Yes! You can pay as little as $0 per month or as much as $5,000 per month. The average paid Subbable subscriber pays around $5 per month. You cannot subscribe for less than zero dollars…though that would be a neat trick, if you got us to pay you.

Care to take a guess as to what neat trick CPL ---> YTC's myriad c-c (commodity-cryptocurrencies) ---> BTC$whatever accomplishes?

Just in case you think this thread is too wacky to be taken serious, consider the following contrived Q&A:

I can’t afford loo roll this month. Can I pause/cancel my subscription?

Are you British, Question Asker? What the heck is loo roll? I don’t know if that’s a bathroom thing or some kind of weird tax, but anyway, yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time and resubscribe at any other time, it’s very easy, just go to your subscription management page.

How are you getting rich off Subbable?

We aren’t. Subbable takes 5% of revenue to pay for overhead and server costs (AND OUR PRIVATE JETS) and Amazon takes 5%ish to process payments (and pay for their actual private jets). The rest goes to the creator.

Every YouTube publisher [creator] here - - is a prime candidate for YTC c-c.

~Bruno Kučinskas

ÇoinProLite Takes Your Sçhit - Literally!
Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Details of the aforementioned specialty hardware envisioned to mine the myriad YTC c-c.

Firstly, I guess given this specialty hardware a moniker to refer to it would be a wise maneuver. Give me a sec while I conjure up something marketable.

Well, it took more than a sec, but less than a minute - literally - to coin a name for the YTC c-c mining device. The only problem is is that I can't share it with you, for now I feel it's too good a name to be released in the wild till it's further protected. I will state that it starts with the letter y (small case, with the second letter upper case) and ends in an r, consisting of 8 letters, so not to let you think down the road that I somehow pulled a fast one.

Still needing a name, it took me an additional two minutes to settle on one, one that just might become the hardware's actual name, but have no anxiety in trying to protect - yet!

Introducing the yOctolys (Yoctolys), inspired by

A recent study found that out of the top 5,000 most-viewed YouTube channels, less than 2% were for brands.

So brands have much room for improvement on YouTube.

By bringing our analytical expertise to bear on YouTube, we believe we can help you take your brand to the next level.

I've just discovered Octoly a few moments ago, documented above as to how I stumbled upon it, but after given their site a cursory once-over, I kinda like what I've read, with perhaps a partnership, of sorts, manifesting itself later. We'll see, but in the meantime, thanks to Octoly, I'm now able to use yOctolys, with dibs on first use:

The only thing that pisses me off is that yOctolys/Yoctolys may grow on me. Moving on, using Yoctolys from here on out for reference purposes.

The Yoctolys just happens  Roll Eyes to favor a Groovy Bluetooth Wireless Stereo Speaker 2.1

Almost forgot to add a rendering of the Yoctolys above. Pretty groovy lookin', eh?  Wink

Actually, I kinda like the design, especially the leather strap, one that's conducive to being professional hand-tool with either the Yoctolys logo and/or the recipient's name.

The Yoctolys will be a small device, not much bigger than a BFL Single:

The price point for the Yoctolys shouldn't exceed $300 USD, with a hopefully projected cost being approximately half that. Ideally, if sold at the upper end, all units WILL have free replacements if the miner fails within [say] a year, with the supplier delivering first, thus allowing the mailer to be used as the return box.

Given the above, there'll be no way for both miners to mine c-c due to the programming and registration of each Yoctolys. The supplier will be able to see that the unit is indeed offline, and another one taking its place will be configured accordingly, then registered once delivered by its user prior to them being back up and mining c-c incurring limited downtime. It'll even be to the best interest of the claimant to return their non-functioning miner for fear of being blacklisted.

Yoctolys' power consumption shall be minimal, for these c-c miners  won't require some powerful chip(s) to perform the hashing to seek c-c blocks and secure the various networks.

A c-c miner can run as many Yoctolys miners as they wish, building massive farms if so desired, but pool size will be limited in scope so not to have any solo miners feel like they're just wasting their time. A delicate balance must somehow be implemented, over and beyond full transparency as to who's mining with what total amount of hashing power. One option for such is to limit the amount of Yoctolys miners produced per c-c as they become available but, of course, plenty enough to make the manufacturer happy. Suffice to say, a portion of this paragraph may need to be readdressed.

Quick note: The identical hashing algorithm for the myriad YTC c-c has yet to be determined, thus open for suggestions from those who love to mine cryptocurrencies, in regards to c-c, commodity-cryptocurrencies.

That should be enough on the Yoctolys miner for now, whetting you miners' appetite.

~Bruno Kučinskas

ÇoinProLite Takes Your Sçhit - Literally!
Activity: 84
Merit: 10
I've come to the realization that a massive undertaking like CPL ---> YTC's myriad c-c (commodity-cryptocurrencies) ---> BTC$whatever is packed with enormous challenges, enormous challenges that'll require devs, et al., receiving a readily available conventional salary damn near prevailing wages, coupled with any promised future crypto stakes atop that. Obviously, the aforementioned is the most favorable means to remunerate, oppose to having devs code, et al., from the get-go foregoing steady pay all together by only offering up some proverbial piece of future pie for their efforts as the core compensation package, with proverbial whatever not affording them to pay their personal obligations, the least desirable proposition.

The first couple crypto platforms/algos, ÇoinProLite and YTC, would be relatively easy to actualize comparable to the unique challenges rearing once we commence developing, then amassing, YTC's myriad c-c, coding (probably read retrofitting) an exchange needed for trading said c-c, and R&D the specialty hardware that'll be solely dedicated to seamlessly mine the steady influx of c-c, albeit the financial onus would be placed on the entity that's chosen to produce and supply said hardware sans being funded via pre-orders, a given, considering the converse  Cry.

More info pertaining to the specialty hardware accompaniment in the next post after I complete my thoughts herewithin.

That said, I'm open to suggestions (discussions) as to which route to take in attaining funding for this ambitious endeavor, for the traditional available options are limited, as outlined in what follows, followed by a suggested solution(s).

We all know that Kickstarter is outta the question due to their ToS, and BitcoinStarter (unselfish plug  Kiss) realizes limited success in funding Bitcoin-related projects as depicted on their site, most of which that've been backed sought nominal funding, hence seeking extensive startup revenue on their platform would probably be futile.

Likewise, seeking capitalization via some other crowdfunding avenue or, perhaps, through one of them security investment funding entities may also enjoy similar hollow results, thus leaving even fewer doors open for entry. Furthermore, not until a formidable team is in place - exhibiting documented progress - would a profiled VC of the likes shown here consider seeding the entire YTC program as defined to date, let alone one of its initial divisions - namely, ÇoinProLite.

Ergo, a bit of brainstorming's in order, viz. cogitate beyond the capsule, to solve the age-old issue of sourcing funding, one that'll be beneficial to all concerns - at least that's the objective - upon exhausting the top-tier passage d'entrée for procuring such during the nascent phase.

Enough for now, with this topic revisited in a near subsequent post.

~Bruno Kučinskas

ÇoinProLite Takes Your Sçhit - Literally!
Activity: 84
Merit: 10

David Burch, a TubeMogul spokesman, says that most YouTube video makers do not sell an ad on every view of a video. "It varies a ton, but it wouldn’t usually be more than half, and for many partners it is more like two out of every 10 views will have a video ad," he said. "It is an advertiser’s market."

In such a situation, he said, ads for two out of every 10 views would amount to $2,000, based on a million views. And then YouTube takes 45 percent.


That kind of traffic gives her a strong base for pre-roll ads, but not enough to make up for declining rates over all. The problem is worsened by the fact that fat sponsorship deals for promoting products directly are increasingly rare — and even when they come through, they are not as lucrative as they seem.

"We are underpaid," Ms. Kay says. "We are not only coming up with the commercial concept and tapping into a loyal audience, we are also doing marketing. We are doing all of these jobs for a relatively small fee."

Again, ÇoinProLite ---> YTC (reiterating, does not stand for YouTubeCoin) helps solves those YouTube publishers' financial woes by providing a trading platform for their individual c-c (commodity-cryptocurrency) as either an adjunct income or act as an IPO, of sorts (albeit ICO [Initial Crypto Offering] is a more appropriate acronym), allowing their fan base, among others, to invest in their already proven venerable brands by acquiring some of their limited shares (100M max each) as they systematically become available via identical mining processes, thus allowing them to now further their brands with said funding. It's a given that they, too, will be able to trade their free shares the same way their supporters can, with the desire to better their overall positions prior to converting to fiat, as some (perhaps most) most undoubtedly will.

As a visual [re]presentation, I've updated the following:

  • Schit ---> Ø, orvvv (Basically, where disgruntle Schitters are now.)
  • Schit ---> CPL (Helluva lot better than Schitters' Purgatory.)
  • CPL ---> BTC$whatever, orvvv (I'm done; I'm outta this cryptocurrency thingy!)
  • CPL ---> YTC ---> BTC$whatever, orvvv (Now, this looks interesting!)
  • CPL ---> YTC's myriad c-c (commodity-cryptocurrencies) ---> BTC$whatever (Wait, what!?)
  • YTC ---> YTC's myriad c-c ---> BTC$whatever (Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy mining days are here again!)

Short list of YTC's myriad c-c, projecting to have ~100 in placed by Beta launch, with 1,000+ c-c listed prior to the end of the second year of operation, a many garnered by an attractive affiliate program.

Ticker Symbol (proposed): YouTube Channel's About Page

Mishka: (beats Doge all to hell!)
TA: (used an example a couple posts up)

Now, imagine setting your registered (will only hash c-c on YTC's platform, and only obtainable from a single TBD source), easily programmable miners to your preferred trading parameters, weaving in and out of the league of c-c automatically as predefined conditions warrant.

Echo: A person/entity can ONLY mine c-c if they're registered AND on regulated miners suitable for mining on YTC's platform. Registration will be as painless as possible, hopefully with only an email account sufficing dependent upon what provincial regulators may rear their naughty heads.

That's some pretty impressive shit, if I may say so myself!  Wink

Speaking of Schit, here's a fictive depiction of extrapolating ÇoinProLite to an envisaged conclusion (incorporating previous examples from within this thread):

  • 1,381,500 CFC2 (CoffeeCoin) ---> 2,031ç ($20.31 USD)
  • 2,031ç ---> 2,763ç ($27.63 USD, thanks to a 36% premium and rounding up, never down)
  • 2,763ç ---> BTC$whatever ($27.63 USD), orvvv
  • 2,763ç ---> 2,763 YTC
  • 2,763 YTC ---> BTC$whatever ($27.63 USD), orvvv
  • 2,763 YTC ---> 2,763 Khan[link] (at lowest possible IPO/ICO price)
  • 2,763 Khan ---> 8,289 Khan (after a 200% exchange rate increase)
  • 8,289 Khan ---> BTC$whatever ($82.89 USD), orvvv
  • 8,289 Khan ---> 8,289 Mishka[link, for those still pining for DOGE action] (at lowest possible IPO/ICO price)
  • 8,289 Mishka ---> 16,578 Mishka (after a 100% exchange rate increase)
  • 16,578 Mishka ---> BTC$whatever ($165.78 USD), orvvv
  • Continue trading the myriad YTC c-c to your heart's content prior to ---> BTC$whatever

Did you just have a Holy Fuck! moment, or are you missing it? If you missed it, I suggest hanging up your trading shoes and start donning stealing-barn-wood-(at night)-steel-toe boots from Walmart.

According to Google, there's tens of thousands panegyrized YouTube publishers enjoying tens (if not hundreds) of millions of subscribers awaiting notification of subsequent uploaded videos, any of which could educate their followers about their YTC's c-c and how they, too, can acquire shares to show support for theirs truly.

Ere long, there'll be at least a million YouTubers worldwide, of various creeds, gender and ages, introduced to, and participating in, YTC commodity-cryptocurrency trading, all thanks to a gentle nudge by one of their quasi-/pseudo-idols.

Surely, if GamerChannel1, GamerChannel2 and BadGirl8 (not to mention NASCARfan3 & WeLoveGunsDudes) are partaking, then it's something to pay attention to, thus best get on the bandwagon early for fear of missing their-ship-coming-in like what they'll soon learn about what happened to those missing out prior to Bitcoin, et al., reaching certain milestones, albeit there's still no letting up in the foreseeable future, according to their favorite periodicals or hearsay, but they may tend to still shy away from mostly Bitcoin due chiefly to its price, whereas amassing shares of a brand they love for literally US ¢ents per share is obtainable for even the most broke bloke (or blokette[?]) to either show support, hopefully profit off the brand(s) they "Like"/subscribe to/follow, or both. (yes, I'll admit that I'm a periodphobe  Shocked)

Of course, it's a foregone conclusion that mano-a-mano trading by the welcome neophytes will be accompanied with armchair and seasoned traders alike, all jockeying in and out of various c-c positions based on emotions or astute research, but rarely both.

~Bruno Kučinskas

ÇoinProLite Takes Your Sçhit - Literally!
Activity: 84
Merit: 10

A few years ago, YouTube stars were one-hit wonders, viral accidents whose fame came and went like a passing storm.

“Now we have this whole industry, with networks, managers, P.R. and award shows,” Mr. Van said. “We have this whole system dedicated to making more money and sustaining success, so these personalities are more likely to succeed longer than they could have before.”

A small army of them has descended on Los Angeles, looking to connect with one another, and Hollywood. Sensing an opportunity, YouTube recently opened a 41,000-square-foot production facility in a former airport, once owned by Howard Hughes, to nurture the next big viral hit. But many young viral stars are unsure if YouTube fame is enough, and many are hoping to move into film or television.

Sensing an opportunity, YTC (acronym defined not yet disclosed) with its league of commodity-cryptocurrencies [c-c] will not only be able to peg the performances of YouTube publishers' brands against their peers, but earn a set amount of shares of their individual c-c from each block created (numbers have been crunched) for the privilege of participating on YTC's platform.

What I've highlighted in bold in the quote above is all well and good, except that the YouTube publishers' revenue stream is still based on (read dictated by) Google's automated YouTube partners program, a many times ceased for a selected lot sans warnings or explanations, that in spite of them having the stats most would envy, but Google could care le¢¢. A select few may be able to garner endorsements or, perhaps, some other lucrative contracts to augment said income but, by and large, the majority will still be left with only a pittance of the billions that Google continues to generate in ad revenue off the backs of publishers' combined efforts. Google offering up a tax write-off production facility in LA doesn't benefit the dudes and dudettes in say Bucksnort, Tennessee, or Booger Hole, West Virginia.

But many young viral stars are unsure if YouTube fame is enough, and many are hoping to move into film or television.

During the interim of whether or not seeing their new-found fame move into film or television come to fruition, most YouTube publishers are strapped for cash - for whatever reason (especially if they reside in a high-cost-of-living city, e.g., LA or NYC or Tokyo or Zurich) - even if their gross income via Google ad placements on their videos seems to dictate otherwise, and most publishers wouldn't mind one iota in having some other viable source enter the space providing another revenue spigot to tap.

Ergo, there's definitely a market for something exactly like YTC to fill that void, with them folks willing and able to sign on the proverbial dotted line to commence them BTC$¢whatever a flowin', currently calculated at no less than $7,884 US/yr if their c-c doesn't perform above 1¢ per share on YTC's exchange.

~Bruno Kučinskas

ÇoinProLite Takes Your Sçhit - Literally!
Activity: 84
Merit: 10

Please refrain from quoting this post, for I now use it as a place to pen drafts for subsequent posts on this thread. Thank you.

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Granted, upon reading the above post, one realizes that ÇoinProLite is not necessarily required to see YTC to fruition, but it's a kind gesture, nonetheless, for providing those locked in with their mined Schit to have an outlet to monetize their stagnant position, hence seeing CPL's beauty in my epiphany, disclosed in the OP.

At least, that's how I envision it, coupled with giving YTC a boost, of sorts, since some ex-Schitters would no doubt participate in trading YTC and/or its myriad commodity-cryptocurrencies, e.g., TA, Bruno or TEDx, the ladder being a laggard, perhaps, due to its brand recognition but, until such of their ilk come aboard, there's literally thousands of common-folk YouTube publishers with tremenous reach dying (or is it trying?) to increase their revenue stream to compensate for all the noble efforts they put into their venerable brands. Recall, via Google's automated YouTube partners program, many a formidable publishers barely bring home the ba¢on, let alone lipstick for whatever pig.

To further illustrate the potential of YouTube publishers' brands that could trade their commodity-cryptocurrencies on YTC's exchange, listed is another baker's dozen of YouTube channels, accompanied with projected ticker symbols (in bold, as I envision them), and please try not to freak out when you witness the first one, for $he'$ worth more than what meet$ the eye - literally!:

Mishka: (beats Doge all to hell!)

The last two depicting how one particular publisher having more than one YouTube channel can easily further bank on her brand by attaching herself to YTC's commodity-cryptocurrencies.

I duly hope the following makes more sense now:

  • Schit ---> Ø, or...
  • Schit ---> CPL
  • CPL ---> BTC/?, or...
  • CPL ---> PY ---> BTC/?, or...
  • CPL ---> Project Y's myriad commodity-cryptocurrencies ---> BTC/?
  • PY ---> Project Y's myriad commodity-cryptocurrencies ---> BTC/?

Here's the kicker: Many a YouTube publishers have befriended other publishers, and you know damn well if one found a way to further monetize their brand, they're not afraid to share their findings with their fellow publishers, especially if the sharing doesn't effect their bottom dollar. In fact, outta fear of alienation, it'll be counterproductive for one entity to not share their new-found revenue stream to their peers when it'll be plain as day that they're reaping rewards sans little effort. That little effort consisting of simply embracing YTC via attaching their brand to the program, and the rest will be taken care of automatically. Actually, a tad more effort's warranted on their parts, but hopefully you get the gist.

~Bruno Kučinskas

ÇoinProLite Takes Your Sçhit - Literally!
Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Guess another example's in order to whet coiners' appetite as to how grandiose ÇoinProLite, et al., truly is.


  • 160,248,343 Views for this one Video Alone
  • 1,014,473 subscribers
  • An active YouTuber with 39 Videos Uploaded to Date
  • Total View Count for all 39 Videos: 359,652,619

Take a quick look at some of the stats of Talking Animals' recent uploaded videos:

Not too shabby!

Let's take a look at Talking Animals' 'About' page:

What have we gleaned? 1,699 Followers 3,779 Followers 19,584 Likes Andrew Grantham has 58,401 Likes Andrew's Merc, Donating Profits to

The important takeaway depicted in the above stats are the numbers of Followers or Likes, of which the high view counts help elevate. The number of uploaded YouTube videos is not necessarily a bellwether as for how one amasses followers, i.e., Andrew ONLY has 39 videos to his credit.

That's a formidable charity that Andrew Grantham contributes to:

Please take the time to digest the following to further appreciate the magnitude of what ÇoinProLite, et al., curtails: (title is a link)

It's the new American Dream: Quitting your job to become famous on YouTube.

Dozens, possibly hundreds of people, have built up huge audiences on Google's video upload site, and the media is full of stories of their success. The archetype is Jenna Marbles, who has millions of fans and makes an estimated $350,000 a year from her self-deprecating takes on life as an American female.

But before you buy a videocamera and tell your boss to shove it, consider what it costs to become a YouTube star. Turns out you can be one of the most famous people on the web and still barely get by.

The New York Times recently profiled Olga Kay, another YouTube star who does self-deprecating monologues on female American life (are you sensing a theme here?). It's a great story if you want some hard numbers on the costs and revenues of being internet famous:

-  Kay has earned $100,000 to $300,000 in each of the last three years. She has 1 million subscribers. That number is merely the gross revenue, however.
-  She makes 20 videos a week, all of which are filled with ads via Google's automated YouTube partners program.
-  Kay likely gets about $7.60 per 1,000 ad views, down from $9.35 in 2012, according to TubeMogul, which buys and sells video ads.
-  Ads are only run on a minority of videos shown. Roughly, a video creator will earn $2,000 for every million views. "And then YouTube takes 45 percent," the Times notes. (The IRS will take its cut of the remainder, too.)
-  Kay spends $500-$700 a week on editing costs.

In other words, Kay is probably getting by on less than 50% of what her videos make in gross revenue. In a $100,000 year, she might be looking at $21,000 annually, after YouTube's cut, taxes and editing costs, according to our back-of the-envelope math ($100,000 minus $45,000 for YouTube, minus editing costs at $500 per week for 50 weeks, minus 30% for the IRS).

We presume Kay's real numbers are a little more optimistic than that — otherwise why bother?

Jason Calacanis, a well-known Silicon Valley entrepreneur who was part of YouTube's professional partners program, said that to make 10 videos he would spend $25,000 to $75,000 in costs before a dime was earned in advertising:

We were huge fans of YouTube ... but we are not creating content anymore because it’s simply not sustainable. YouTube is an awesome place to build a brand, but it is a horrible place to build a business.

Here's Olga Kay's channel.

Now that Project Y's PY has been identified as some sort of YouTubeCoin [YTC] (actual Ticker Symbol, albeit representing a different brand yet to be disclosed, but the domain name, among others, have been procured), allow me to further expand upon how ÇoinProLite's CPL ---> YTC can benefit the likes of Andrew Grantham and/or their causes, in Andrew's case that being

Note: The charity aspect is not too important for this overall endeavor to be successful, but in some instances such could prove to be beneficial for those YouTubers embracing [YTC] with their own commodity-cryptocurrency, in Andrew Grantham's case TA (a two-letter Ticker Symbol representing his YouTube brand Talking Animals).

That said, the following image makes a tad more sense now, doesn't it? (TA, in blue, is located to the left of Zach, in red, on the far right)

To clear up any misunderstandings, the ticker symbol Bruno represents

Visit the next post to obtain a better grasp of how this all pans out.

~Bruno Kučinskas

ÇoinProLite Takes Your Sçhit - Literally!
Activity: 84
Merit: 10
op with too many colour make me dazzling
 Lips sealed

Notwithstanding the sizzle, what'd you think of the steak?  Kiss

~Bruno Kučinskas

ÇoinProLite Takes Your Sçhit - Literally!
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
op with too many colour make me dazzling
 Lips sealed
Activity: 84
Merit: 10








But, serious!

Thanks for your input, bud.

To give you coiners an inkling as to what Project Y consist of, consider the following image:

Each two-to-six-character term (the Bruno depicted is not me) represents a Ticker Symbol corresponding to a formidable brand's commodity-cryptocurrency that'll be traded on Project Y's dedicated exchange. Literally, said brands each have a strong loyalty base, any one of which would be the envy of most Crypto-/Bitcoin-based entities currently in existence, according to readily available data.

Affiliates partnered with Project Y will benefit immensely, as well as their sycophants who may opt to trade in and out of position of the myriad brand's commodity-cryptocurrencies as others become more trendy or, perhaps, when new ones - familiarly named laggards - embrace Project Y down the road.

  • Schit ---> Ø, or...
  • Schit ---> CPL
  • CPL ---> BTC/?, or...
  • CPL ---> PY ---> BTC/?, or...
  • CPL ---> Project Y's myriad commodity-cryptocurrencies ---> BTC/?
  • PY ---> Project Y's myriad commodity-cryptocurrencies ---> BTC/?

Does ÇoinProLite look a tad more appealing now?

~Bruno Kučinskas

ÇoinProLite Takes Your Sçhit - Literally!
sr. member
Activity: 423
Merit: 250
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
Can't tell if serious or not. But props for making one hell of an an.. eye-catching thread.

So this coin doesn't yet exist, I take it?

This is serious, thanks for the complement, and yes the coin doesn't exist yet.

The entire OP (as it looks now) was first penned at, of which had a small handful of posts accompanying it. A mod has sense deleted that thread once this one penned.

At this stage, I'm interested in learning how viable the concept is for those wanting to better their shitcoin positions. I'm going to penned a thread just for this purpose alone.

Please participate in the poll located here:

~Bruno Kucinskas
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145

What I learned was that if Bitcoin is ever to be understood and embraced by the masses, then it has to leave conference rooms and enter living rooms.
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1026
In Cryptocoins I Trust
~Bruno Kučinskas (Founder of ÇoinProLite)

I thought I recognized those colorful posting skillz.  Wink

Colorful text highlighting, colorful metaphors  Shocked or both?  Tongue

A little bit of both I suppose, but the picture of the elephant pooping kind of grossed me out. Luckily I wasn't eating or anything.  Tongue

Elephant? Try white rhino: Rhino Business. You don't get out much, do you?  Cry

Once in a blue moon. Smiley

Anyways.. carry on.
Activity: 84
Merit: 10
~Bruno Kučinskas (Founder of ÇoinProLite)

I thought I recognized those colorful posting skillz.  Wink

Colorful text highlighting, colorful metaphors  Shocked or both?  Tongue

A little bit of both I suppose, but the picture of the elephant pooping kind of grossed me out. Luckily I wasn't eating or anything.  Tongue

Elephant? Try white rhino: Rhino Business. You don't get out much, do you?  Cry
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