that is my confrontation with him on the Securecoin issue back in May (the SECOND TIME) (i don't see the first time on Google *yet)
the first time was at least 2/3 before that roughly..
i brought that up as a perfect example of extreme dishonesty and scammy antics etc etc
when i originally had my first run in with him about Secure coin it was with maybe around 10 other guys who backed me up..
random guys here who seen what i did and agreed unanimously what he did was so stupid (or scammy) we all lined up to take turns laughing at him.
he was sooooooo apologetic it was hilarious he kept saying it was an accident and that he didn't mean to to do it (re-use a trade symbol in use already)
and hey maybe it was an accident but it was funny and at least a bit fishy factoring in the circumstances..
i honestly figured he was just an idiot because he popped up in December. (but after i told him and he kept doing it was for sure doing it on purpose)
back then while apologizing he started saying he would fix this trade symbol problem before he launched his coin..
you see he did not add it to any exchanges yet etc and it was a pre-ann IPO shit clone topic of sorts..
he SWORE he would fix it and apologized to us all..
2/3 months later i see SRC added to Poloniex and i am like what the fuck
We fucking TOLD HIM !
he and polo never bothered to check either and when i told Polo three months later as the mods kept hiding when i brought it up..
when i corned a Polo mod on the matter 2 or 3 times they got lippy and played dumb about it and the best i could get out of them was "ok" (ONE TIME)
and they went on for another couple months leaving exactly as i warned them it was.. they knew they didn't care.. the coin creator knew and did it on purpose.
if it was not a problem then why is it changed now ?
so when i seen it listed on poloniex he got extremely mouthy this time (this time i was speaking by myself in the ANN section with no back up unlike last time)
and all of a sudden noob dummy accounts started popping up instantly calling me names
trying to discredit me as hard at they could and he denied any of that convo happened before and that i made it all up and that i was a troll etc.
and no i sure as fucking hell don't appreciate that one god damn bit !
He knew damn well i was telling the truth 100% and he has the nerve to spout off back then and have me trolled with shell accounts ? gimme a break !
And Polo .. lol nice surprise there, guys you think they give a shit ? not bloody likely.. smug ass ocker exchange pricks ..the usual dick head exchange bullshit !
then later he comes out with changes to try and distance himself as much as possible from Secure Coin dropping using the Term "Source Coin" and playing dumb (as much as possible)
then the kicker is after all that shit while still a coin cloning noob he takes it upon himself to start POD service (guess who's clone coins are checked out ?)
the nerve wow ! ..the audacity and the gall of this little fucker LOL
that was far more than enough for me to see he has no fucking credibility.. he has demonstrated crystal clear extreme dishonesty
when your a coin cloner who is pretty much caught using tons of accounts here and you JUST got here i have to spell it the fuck out ?
looks like i did........... yet again
![Roll Eyes](
and that is why he played dumb..
that is why all these fuckers here play dumb.. busted with scammy shit then they sweep it up and and cover it up and play stupid..
and do it ALL OVER AGAIN once people are looking the other way.
this guys trade mark MO is wait, launch, hide/stay low-key for a while then come back then hide and on and on.. round & round.
this story shows how if a bunch of us confronted him and how he then he came clean
and said sorry profusely but when confronted by one guy he just played dumb and attacked & trolled.
because he thought he could get away with it obviously.