You thinking is flawed. Tyrany? You don't see it? Bitcoin Classic is diss'ed as an ALTCOIN and not BITCOIN. On every corner the tyrans are trying to shut down information about Bitcoin Classic so people will not be aware , so people will not have the right to choose! You don't see tyrany ?
You always have the right to choose, there are 700+ coins out there, each one with different specs. If you dont like bitcoin's structure, then create a democracy coin , nobody stops you from doing that.
When Leuda says : "Bitcoin is not democractic" . This doesn't sounds you like a tyranic? Not at all?
He is right, bitcoin is not democratic, it's a business, and the more money you have invested in it, the more dominance you have over it.
I have no problem letting the bitcoin elites vote for me with the condition that when i become rich others should honor this privilege too.
I think you should go read Bitcoin whitepaper and you can see that actually Bitcoin Core became an altcoin since it's much far from the initial project and roadmap.
I dont like to talk about technical aspects of bitcoin because i honestly tell you that i`m not expert in them.
However, you dont have the honesty of admitting that the majority of bitcoin users arent experts either, but you would like them to decide over it's faith.
It's like letting 5 year olds building a nuclear powerplant.
Yeah I will be happy to dump my 500 coins if Bitcoin Blockstream Core wins this battle. Sadly they are controlling all media channels were people can inform themselves and choose. So this will be a hard battle.
I dont think you have 500 bitcoin.
bitcoin is supposed to be public consensus, not a group of elites getting togheter like Bilderberg Group trying to decide the faith of world. That's tyrany. That's against the freedom that Bitcoin has been promoted since it was born!
It's a business, if you want your voice heard, build a big bitcoin company or get 1,000,000 bitcoins so that you have the leverage necessary to make your opinion heard.