Ah mOgliE ca fait plaisir de voire un FR qui parle $ sans avoir peur de qu'en dira-t-on.
Si tu veux je peux faire un peu de recherche pour toi mais j'ai une possible solution :
Vanuatu Discretionary Trustsources :
ici je te fais des copier coller :
Vanuatu is a small island country located in the South Pacific Ocean. It is officially called the “Republic of Vanuatu”. It was colonized by both France and the United Kingdom gaining its independence in 1980.
Its political system is described as a “unitary parliament republic”. It has an elected one house parliament with a prime minister and a president.
A Vanuatu Discretionary Trust offers the following benefits:
• Total Foreigner Involvement: Foreigners can establish trusts with foreign beneficiaries and assets located worldwide.
• Privacy: Trusts do not register with the government allowing for complete privacy.
• No Taxation: Vanuatu imposes no taxes on their trusts. However, U.S. taxpayers must disclose all world income to their IRS. Anyone subject to taxation of global income must report all income to his or her government.
• Fast Formation: The trust deed can be prepared in one day.
• No Reporting: Trust do not file any accounting records or tax returns.
• Estate Planning: Trust can exist for up to 80 years providing many generations of the settlor’s family with estate planning benefits.
• Asset Protection: Discretionary trusts provide stronger asset protection than common trusts against claims made by the settlor’s and/or beneficiaries future creditors because the trustee has total discretion over distribution of the assets and income.
• English: The three official languages are English, French, and the local native Bislama.
Features of a Discretionary Trust
A discretionary trust has the following features:
• Settlors do not have to be physically in Vanuatu in order to create a trust. However, the trust deed must be signed where the settlor may appoint a nominee in order to protect his or her privacy.
• The trust deed can be executed anywhere in the world.
• Trusts do not have to register with the government.
• No restrictions exist preventing unlimited transfers of assets or accumulating income.
• The duration of a trust is for 80 years.
• Trustees can borrow funds using the trust assets as security
Vanuatu has no income tax, no corporate tax, no capital gains tax, no withholding tax, no sales tax, and no VAT tax.
However, they do have a stamp duty assessed on every legal document of settlement. The rate is up to a maximum of 1% or a minimum of 2,500 VUV (currently $23.77 USD). Since a typical initial settlement is under $15,000 USD, the minimum stamp duty usually applies. Only transfers of assets with a legal instrument are assessed the stamp duty. This means that cash and bank wire transfers are not subject to the stamp duty. In addition, foreign assets transferred by legal instruments not subject to the jurisdiction of Vanuatu do not pay a stamp duty.
Note: U.S. residents must report all world income to their IRS. Everyone else paying taxes on worldly income must also report all income to their tax authorities.
Trusts do not file any financial statements or accounting records with the government. No audits are required.
Public Records
Since trusts do not register with the government there are no public records regarding trusts enabling the settlor and the beneficiaries the utmost in privacy.
Time to Form
A trust deed can be prepared in one business day.
A Vanuatu Discretionary Trust provides these benefits: complete foreign participation, no taxes, privacy, asset protection, estate planning, fast formation, and English is one of the three official languages
Donc :
1) tu veux liquider ? Tu peux utiliser des stable coins via des DEX (TUSD sur ETH par exemple) donc pas d’échange involvé. Ou alors tu te créer 5 nouveaux comptes binance et tu retire un peu tous les jours sans faire de KYC.
2) tu es riche tu viens en vacance en NZ je t'offre une biere et on fait un tour dans ma lambo (uniquement si il y a eu bon bull run)
3) tu veux vendre : je suis en NZ, j'ai des broker en NZ et australie qui peuvent acheter (pour 1 million ca peut prendre 1 semaine).
4) tu prend un avion et tu va au Vanuatu toi meme, c'est une destination vraiment prisée car il y fait toujours beau et chaud mais pas trop. Tu te prend une semaine pénard a faire bronzette
5) les broker peuvent virer depuis la NZ tes fonds en USD ou en NZD/AUD vers ton trust vanuatu (genre tu vend par lot de $50k, bien entendu tu a le virement le meme jour que la vente des BTC, pas d'arnaque, tout est fait dans les regles).
6) bien mieux que le secret suisse, le vanuatu est le choix numéro 1 pour les riches kiwi et australien (NZ) qui veulent cacher de l'argent au fisc ou meme a leur épouse. Seul hic, un peut comme un paper wallet, tu meurt sans testament ni sans avoir dis a tes héritiers que tu a un trust, et bien l'argent y reste indéfiniment jusqu’à ce que quelqu'un viennent le réclamer avec papier de succession et certificat de décès (et si personne n'est au courant et bien personne n'est au courant