Today, as I was going through the daily spam once again, I was wondering why new accounts are created and spam with 0 merit since they won't get signature payments anyway; and then an idea came to me!
I went through most of the pages of this thread and I didn't find my idea suggested by anyone else, only something close which I'd like to improve on. The similar idea is mentioned bellow,
I'm not going to respond here in detail to all of these ideas. It'd be extremely long. I will classify them as OK/maybe/no:
• A newbie welcome message or link to a welcome thread upon sign-up explaining the basic rules and links to everything they need to know including the full forum rules, helpful guides and FAQs etc. No excuses for not knowing the rules then.
OK in principle, would require thought/adjustment/implementation. Many of these things are more complex than they look at first glance.
I figured that there are two possible reasons people create new accounts and increase their postcount with spam even though with 0 merit they won't get paid for signatures,
- Either they don't know that without merit they won't receive any payments from signature bounties. Most of the spammers obviously don't know English and don't research the forums at all.
- Or they're planning to trade merit after they've reached enough posts.
Proposed solution for case (A),As mentioned by Theymos, a newbie welcome message explaining the rules guides etc. But because spammers won't bother reading them, force them into answering a quiz before they're allowed to post. The quiz could select
5 random questions from a pool of about 20-30 questions. It has to be multiple choice and it has to
punish wrong answer with a time limit before they can answer again. Every time they fail to answer all questions correctly, they have to wait 1 hour for one wrong answer and up to 24 hours for 5 wrong answers. Every time they retry the quiz
the questions will be shuffled and randomised so that they won't get the same questions every time. One of the questions will always be about the merit system, something that will force them to understand that without quality posting most campaign managers won't reward them.
Proposed solution for case (B),This is something that the community must help to eradicate. Most, if not all, bounty managers require not only high rank but also not negative trust. If we give negative trust to spammers even if they have 0 merits we safeguard that the person behind this account won't start posting normally after 500 spam-posts, buy merit and then sell the account or farm campaigns with it. But right now the trust most of us give have no value. I noticed Theymos proposed a change to the DT (DefaultTrust) system so I have hopes that this might be improved in the near future.
Sorry for the long post, I hope I managed to keep everything simple and easy to understand.
I also hope you read my post even though I use a paid signature too and you didn't automatically qualify me for a spammer!