Productivity goes up because new technology is invented. We have riding lawnmowers instead of push mowers. We have backhoes instead of shovels. All of these things make work easier, not harder, while increasing productivity.
I suggest that you read "The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality" by Ludwig von Mises. It's fairly short and argues against a lot of what you're saying.
Here's the free PDF version:
median income is static. why cant median income grow with GDP growth?
do you recognise as we of the left do, that as purchasing power parity falls, the relative importance of such median workers, the people who actually work in the economy falls away. So then the market economy, which naturally chases profit margins, develops products primarily more and more, for those who can afford it - a small and rising elite will consume ever more of national production - the cost of living compared to static wages will rise for most.
In contrast, a proper, well managed society will have a smaller wealth gap, and rising productivity will translate directly, to rising earnings.
You can see the effect in this plot:
high GDP/capita converges with many low GINI nations - which suggests, the argument against redistribution - socialism levels everybody down, is false.
the USA is a rather unusual anomaly. My prediction is that the USA will lurch to the left chavez style in the next 10 years, unless progressive reforms are already in place.
And this has happened because of the policies the authoritarian left have defended (and to be fair also defended by the right wing).
I dont understand how you can complain of something produced by what you defend.