the price has to do everything. how can you loan 10 btc at 100$ and pay back 10 btc at 60$? it makes no sense
why keep it at a bank? when you can keep it on a stick in a vault or something? what if something goes wrong and it happens like Greece? the goverment just says no to withdrawals? in the future this may happen but stiil there are even more issues that will arrise like anonimity. i must keep them at a bank where people know who i am so Bitcoin takes one straight in the face cause it suppose to support anonimity. corect me if i am wrong.
Look i know there is a lot of text there , but you should really read some of it if you are going to comment on the subject ?
I'm sorry for my writing manner , i wouldn't say I'm the most literate person in the world .
lets be clear:
- The Banks primary purpose is not lending. sorry for calling it a "Bank" but that is the correct Latin derived English word
- "on a Stick somewhere in a vault" - is too hard for 80% of the population, if you need to understand this point , do this , go to your Mother and explain the principals of Cryptocurrency now tell her to back up the wallet and Encrypt it.
- "something goes wrong and it happens like Greece" - seriously? these are free market institutions im talking about , i'm not explaining why Greece or Cyprus happened , but it can't happen with a Block Chain ok, just understand that .
ok hopefully I've corrected you .
yes you are basically "wrong" not wrong but misunderstood the writing.
anonymity is not the reality ok don't trust me , trust what the NSA say themselves , of course , come on we've all known this for years right? , you type here , you have no anonymity who cares , what? its Stasi land next , so what ? people stop crying about anonymity.
the world is heading and has been for about 15 20 years towards open source intelligence system , when you know you are being monitored the monitoring becomes useless yes , you see? you understand?
because of course now , you might start a conversation with your NSA and Local country analyst, {i bet a lot of this has been happening of late} {i've been talking to my guys/guys girls for a long time} Hi : D
you might say stupid meaningless things that create noise and disrupt the process, you might joke and win them over with common sense , because they
KNOW its stupid.
you have to understand that trying to be Anon to a Government that you are scared of is silly , stop being scared , they are silly, the worst they can do it kill you in a violent way. - that happened already. it didn't work then and its not going to in the future .
all it will do is accelerate the downward spiral of the society - because the globe has information relevant competitive force, everything you see happening is this downward spiral.
but just like a "Black" hole its a positive as well.