Instead of using something like a phone number, why not tie it to another wallet. So, 2 step wallet verification.
Then it would retain the anonymity that some desire.
I want to give credit here - it was this comment and the OP AliceWonder that lead me to this vision.
Let me lay this out -
In the future for Crypto to be incorporated to the "public" and not centralized it needs to be seamless, and easy.
I envision a "Vault" its the users Crypto Vault its a specialized piece of hardware with encryption built in, but is easy to use on a custom OS, etc.
in the Set up of this device , all and any Crypto can only be sent to the users "Wallet" - basically the portable device - Possibly just a card.
This is what the future Crypto Banks will be all about - as i said , {arrogantly} - information systems are my thing:
but to be successful -
Confidence and security are 1 and 2 , after the two prime features I mentioned up-thread. < read the other thread
The first Crypto banks functions will aim to provide seamless centralized security with human face to face interactions - with fees being happily paid by the Crypto community for the benefit.
These mini "Vaults" will be literally onsite at a "Bank" location - users can come to the bank and go though the ID verification process and Transfer currency savings from the "Vault" to the "Wallet".
the ID verification process has a minimum Verification with other optional extras that the Crypto user can add on possibly at extra cost.
The "Wallet" will have all the normal standard security features but in the event that a user:
1. loses their password or
2. forgets their "verification password"
3. becomes the victim of theft.They can always use the Banks features to pause or stop the existing Wallet and go back to the Central Authority that they originally registered and ID themselves and either reset or reissue a "Wallet".
Of course the transactions of a "Vault" to a "Wallet" are one way essentially.
You may say - "how would you Pause a wallet?" - well a Wallet is a piece of firmware essentially , it doesn't have to have the security of a Vault its a usability/security trade off like old world internet banking right now, so if encrypted communication can be sent to the Wallet from the Vault or Bank on the event of theft, then the transaction can be reversed or paused, just as happens now.
save the Anon bullshit - this is how it will work, its a completely opt in user pays system, if you want to try to achieve complete Anon then don't opt in - most people will . seriously save it, i don't care, and neither do 99% of the population, if you are that intent on being Anon then you probably have a pretty high degree of knowledge about how to use the Technology you have , so then you don't need to use this service.
I could envision the ID verification process being more and more common sense and Bio-tech based. i.e - an easy to remember secret password , a signature and maybe a optional Eye scan, as well as the normal Drivers lic or Passport. as is used in a normal bank.
as its all a service and opt in , users will have a completely reverse view of this technology , {before you start to say it} it will be the Technology serving the user , the Banks will be competitive and free market institutions. this could essentially be happening now.
Of course as these institutions will be free market - quickly the Banks with the most confidence in their security measures will introduce
Crypto - insurance for their customers. basically FDIC up to certain amounts.