So I have to pay to get a reply? Also, I don't like your tone. You already sound like a government agent.
'Sorry, you mailed the wrong address, you should have known!'
'Since you behaved not according to our standards, I will not put your item on the agenda, you are wasting time'
'You aren't contributing to the system, so you have no right to reply'
It was actually my intention to donate, but you probably read over that part. Before I donate somewhere, I want to know what their principles are.
And trust me, I was about to donate a fairly large amount.
Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
Edit: Oh yeah, like a real politician, you actually avoided answering my questions.
Let me be direct: your concerns amount to hysterics. Nobody on the foundation wants to (or could) change the rules of Bitcoin.
I'm not interested in having hysterics in a foundation that tries to get real work (the kind of work worth paying for) accomplished. Please start your own foundation to pay for stuff. I suggest you use a name that sounds less like Foundation and more like "club" or "well-wishers." This way you'll find it easier to keep the feeble minded from thinking you are evil. Oh, don't charge more than $30 entrance fee and update your btc based fee each week if necessary to keep the fiat cost low (instead of once chabging it once a year...or forget using that whole Bitcoin thing for actually receiving payments, it's too unstable to be useful...please note this is sarcasm).