More than 2000 years ago Aristotle said that "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts" and til now is still true.
Doing something, even with the risk of failing, is better than doing nothing. If some members of the community decided to do something in order to advocate Bitcoin as a system and as a way of making money in a clear organized way, then I think this is better than everybody mind their own business, just wait things to happen and let others to be the cannon fodder.
In my opinion, we (the Bitcoin users) need some representatives to be there for us and represent our interest in front of governments, press, banking system, other industries. Otherwise, the next time when New York Times want to cover a Bitcoin story regarding the use of bitcoins in drug deals, lets just go all the members of this board to speak out for Bitcoin with that reporter and see how that will be of any good to Bitcoin and to its legitimate users
I see the Bitcoin Foundation to become more than the sum of its members and to protect the interests of Bitcoin as an idea, a community, a way of doing business, an Internet commodity and much more. If no one would step up and try to do something then how can we expect things to progress?
On the other side, we are all aware that Bitcoin is money, so its normal that people that step up should have more or less a material interest as well because this is the way this world runs. Where would be Bitcoin now if MtGox was just another Bitcoin blog? Also, did anybody think that Bill Gates created his foundation just because he wanted to burn some money? No, there was clearly an economical interest in there BUT his foundation is doing a lot of good things to a lot of people and that should matter, not what Gates win from that.
Best thing for those that don't trust the Bitcoin Foundation or its founding members is to join the foundation as a private individual (only 2.5 BTC/year), keep an eye on what's happening there and report in public anything that they think is not right so that people can discuss and those in charge be able to reconsider. I, for one, will do that!