Somehow I always end up procrastinating updating the design. I like data much more than graphical stuff.
However, with all the above tips, I managed to add a design to
Congrats! I know how it is hard to work with someone else's code, specially when you are learning a new language.! Well done!
Unfortunately, some of the other links on top aren't working at the moment
(cheap servers tend to disappear after a while). Long-term, I want to add this design to's main page too. But first, I should get a bit more comfortable with the CSS. It still feels like I don't really know what I'm doing with CSS, so this took quite some time. Ideally, I'd like to strip most of the unused stuff out, a much smaller file is easier to use.
If you wnat to learn CSS, i think it will be fast and easier if you take a look at this css framework is an amazing framework, used everywhere. It is simple to use and will save you a lot of time coding (your current design uses a few bootstrap elements)
I managed to fix your footer, which was not displaying correctly
in the begining of your page, add the class
pb-0 (which means
padding-bottom:0) in your
Then, you should move your footer section tag outside of the container div (The Container class is what make that horizontal padding/margins around your page, centering it. Your footer and your navbar should not be inside it.)
something like this.
This is the image with the full code