Well, since it seems I lost the battle here already, I will just quote what I sent to BitcoinLeader yesterday:
It seems to me that you will end up with unfitting logo for your website. People around here and most designers did not noticed
your website is about business, finances, investing. Not every type of logo fits on every website. To create cool looking logo with
some effects like glass reflection and so on is a noob level job and given todays graphics tools almost everyone can do it but it is
important to understand where logo is supposed to be located and what is the purpose of business. Most logos posted on your
thread are just fine for gaming websites, fun stuff, direct sale of some products or affiliate sales and so on (purpose of logo being
to attract and entertain) but your website is not about gaming or entertainment. I know you think letting people on this forum
decide is good idea but I think you are totally wrong. Not only because most here have no clue about design matters but also
because many use multiple accounts to enter coin giveaways, bias some voting or just troll around.
Check websites like NASDAQ, MarketWatch, different brokers, FXEmpire, any financial and investment instituition, info website or
blog and you will see that logos are usualy simple (purpose is
not to attract and entertain but have subtle logo of some sort).
http://www.fxempire.com <--- many logos there, check them out
World of Warcraft logo is cool and nice but logo based on it would not be really fitting for funeral services.
Nothing more to add, so long and thanks for all the fish!
Hi, thanks for sharing this. I'm always interested in what views other people have in certain matters. I must say that I agree on most topics you cover. For instance letting other people decide on the look of what is really your calling card is something that should be managed. However, I don't think it's a bad idea. It's a great way of creating some exposure and get some intel on what you intended audience expect of you. This is important information from a commercial perspective.
I know that writing this could cost me a BTC but I like sharing these kind of thoughts more than I like BTC. It's also a good source of feedback for me. When people are sharing their thoughts on my contributions I also get intel on how I can improve. Even if I'm called a eight year old.
That's really my reason for playing these games. A little exposure and intel on how my intended audience wants to see things...
Are some people trolling or using more then one account? Maybe. But when managed by the OP this shouldn't be a reason to let a very good source of feedback pass.
On the glassy bit. Most logo's used on website and other media are flat. That's true. My design also started out flat. But it evolved into a glassy look. This isn't a noob thing. It just happened. Just as Bitcoin just happened.
Beautiful isn't it?
For reference my noob contribution: