In many of the previous posts about the trading I had seen so far in which there were some questions about the trading strategies , but this time I had to tell you that following the same strategies won't help you anymore, so you have to make new strategies for yourself and followed them for getting the profit.
Some strategies might still work though as some of them are pretty much generalized so everyone can use it, but you're right that we should create our own strategy so we can get it to our specifications. If you're continuously losing money when your trading, you better evaluate your strategy and see what's making you lose.
Yes, strategy is the most important part of trading it is easy to master the techniques and reduce the risk if you trade using your knowledge and intellect. If you are afraid of losing money stay calm for a while if you analyze the charts you will be less likely to lose money.
If you are done dealing with your analysis, it's best to calm yourself down if there's something unusual that happened inside the market, the chance that whales are playing is very possible, your knowledge will allow you to calm even there's downfall.
Use every venue of information while creating your own strategy, less risk if you do things step by step and not to rush everything.
It is very sad to read such messages, in fact. I would like the uttraders to succeed. In any case, if you see that the result of your work is losses, try to analyze the cause of these losses.
If it's not for you then it won't happened, I mean if you keep losing even you already done doing your analysis, and it keep happening from time to time, it is much better to switch career and forget about it.