You were 'buying' BTC for $5 and said you would wait til the chargeback period was over. You clearly didn't care too much about the coins, but you really wanted that trust from somebody high ranking. Rep loans can get you negged here, this really isn't any different
you could have confronted me, instead of going behind my back and negging my profile. how am i supposed to know, what is acceptable and what not. christ
i simply stated that i wanted to establish myself as trustworthy, and request to receive positive trust after completion of a trade. how does that warrant a negative trust. this is bullcrap
Can you not see how trying to buy trust to make yourself appear 'trustworthy' makes you the exact opposite?
i'm not trying to make myself appear as anything you fucking retard, i'm trying to prove my trustworthiness by completing a trade!
You are managing to appear to be someone who cares only about yourself and who will fight with those who trade with you if they do not do exactly what you want. How does that make people want to deal with you?
i want to trade with reputable members only so i don't get scammed! i would have removed my stipulation about the trust if someone told me that that wasn't allowed. how the fuck am i to know? i don't read minds.
Attempting to buy Trust won't get you much of anywhere and it may even cause your Trust to go the other way.
Bragging rights, really?
You were warned. When one finds himself in a deep hole, the first thing to do is stop digging. I believe this applies here.