In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.
so my question is, which is more risky?
A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or
B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.
The more the risk, the more the return. Running away from risks won't make you richer or more prosperous... Running towards it, however, would increase the likelihood to.
Both are really great opportunities you should take advantage of. The risks that comes with physical business however aren't as much as that of online investments. Even if I'm a business personnel, I've always hated the idea and phenomenon of marketing, so online has always had my attention. It also has more risks though, but if I'm to answer your question... Then straight up, it's going to be online investments