I have some familiarity with a certain SE Asian country where three interesting things happened:
oh i miss the wet markets, lots of virus out there..i'm gonna go virus shopping hehe
That's a real problem for TPTB. The people's immune systems are well exercised and strong. Things which would put you typical Westerner in the ER are not even noticed by the peeps around here.
Another problem is that you cannot just dose the water supply with things like fluoride because of the infrastructure is not 'advanced'. To do people that way you would have to coordinate with about 100,000 local shops who run RO units.
On the positive side, the minds of the peeps are owned by Facebook. If you cannot get a real pandemic going (which was notably difficult to do in the early days) you can do a completely virtual one using the corrupt news and the social media control system. (International eugenics corporation)
Nestle owns the place food wise which is handy. McDonalds and Jollibee are exquisite fine dining here, so you can do the more well off people that way.
On the infrastructure side, since I've been here fiber has been being laid everywhere at breakneck speed, but it remains mostly coiled on the poles. Seemingly zero interest in selling actual services. The set-up is here. Everything seems like the trap lever arm is being pulled back and the trip set.