
Topic: Coronavirus tests include the common cold. Typically 20% positive. - page 2. (Read 626 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
It isn't the same thing, to die "with" coronavirus" as it is to die "from" coronavirus.

Go to the article for links and grammar usage.


In classical antiquity, the cornucopia, also called the horn of plenty, was a symbol of abundance and nourishment, commonly a large horn-shaped container overflowing with produce, flowers or nuts.

This one will be filled solely with nuts.

The Age of Science and Reason?

For a society – even a world – that swears by science, reason, testing, facts, etc. – anything but "faith" or "revelation," it really is pathetic to watch the hysteria that comes with irrationality.  It would be hilarious if it wasn't for the devastating consequences for the countless millions who are losing their jobs and businesses.

The War on Death

Our masters have successfully (so far) been winning the battles in the war on death of favored companies; they have failed to convince us to take meaningful action in the war on the death of the planet – climate change was way too distant in the future to drum up emotional hysteria in the population.

So, what do they come up with?  They made it very personal: the immediacy of a war on death…of death.  No one is allowed to die, even if it kills you.

An Essential Worker

Every time I hear this phrase, I think of this.  I feel very saddened for those whose work is deemed non-essential.

Living in a Material World

When all you have is the material world of atoms randomly smashing together, what else do you have to live for but a war on death?

Prepositional Obfuscation

It isn't the same thing, to die "with" coronavirus" as it is to die "from" coronavirus.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

please actually study links you want to provide.. this is becoming rediculous - Don't have to study. The info is right out in the open. No study necessary.

You don't look worse. You simply look like you really are. A troll who would rather troll people than find proof for or against the CV fake pandemic.

I think it (~wanky1) is some sort of an AI babble-bot, but heavy on the A and light on the I.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534

please actually study links you want to provide.. this is becoming rediculous

it seems your on a mission to thing that isolation has not reduced deaths
it seems your on a mission to want people to just leave their home and get it..

heres a thing.. if there was no isolation the numbers would be far far higher then 'seasonal flu'
its as if your saying well there are X car crashes a year, so yea dont worry about wearing a seatbelt, go ahead go as fast as you like, speed through that red light, oh look theres a tree, aim for it

no one likes to be forced to stay home.. and guess what. governments tried it the friendly way of no force just a plea to peoples sanity..
but when dumb people think they can be rebellious and ruin any good efforts to curb it and stop it going widespread so quick. then yea expect repercussions where they have to step it up

here is the very simple thing.
if people did stay home, there would be no need for the 'oh now they are implementing ankle bracelets' propaganda
by you trying to make it into a nothingburger and try to indocrinate people into your conspiracy cults to just rebell and do the opposide to sane advice.. you are provoking authorities to have to step it up
you are the self fulfilling prophecy.
your not a prophet. you are an idiot thats causing his own limitation of rights

heres another way to think about it
imagine a gun policy
'dont buy a gun unless you really need it'
fools promote that everyone should go out and buy 10 guns each and walk around the streets aiming it at random people
ofcourse the government will then step it up and enforce some rules on who and how people should be armed and limit who should be armed.
however if someone who truly feels they need to defend themselves brought a suitable gun for defense, and was responsible with it.. then no further action would be required

but it seems you want to deny first there are any deaths due to corona..
then when you admit there are deaths.. you deny their importance..

it seems to me you would finally get your climax moment if you could convince people to go out and lick random people on the face and lick doorknobs
you dont actually care about people dying
you conspiracy lot seem like you would be happy if people started speeding in their cars without a seatbelt

and that just makes you lot look worse than just idiots, but also have a lack of compassion for other people
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

The methods by which the (fairly paltry) numbers for covid-19 mortality are coming into focus already, but here is a pretty good condensation and also somewhat fun to watch:

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
^^^ Right. And nobody knows that Covid-19 is in anybody for sure, because none of the tests are checked carefully and accurately enough.
actually they are some tests for the specific strain..
using UK as an example.
porton down is actually studying and testing it using proper tests.
the in america CDC is too..
Exactly the thing that I am talking about. You above most people should know how to research and find one or two links to prove what you say. The fact that you don't have any links - which wouldn't be proof anyway - shows that you dopn't know what you are talking about, even if it happened to sound good.

porton down
google it, go try surprising yourself with a challenge to actually go research

Hearsay.     Cool
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
^^^ Right. And nobody knows that Covid-19 is in anybody for sure, because none of the tests are checked carefully and accurately enough.
actually they are some tests for the specific strain..
using UK as an example.
porton down is actually studying and testing it using proper tests.
the in america CDC is too..
Exactly the thing that I am talking about. You above most people should know how to research and find one or two links to prove what you say. The fact that you don't have any links - which wouldn't be proof anyway - shows that you dopn't know what you are talking about, even if it happened to sound good.

porton down
google it, go try surprising yourself with a challenge to actually go research

edit: to respond to below
you have no clue what here say is.. but if you wanna play that game your links are hearsay too.. so stop posting them

by the way. its why i am asking you to research it yourself so you have more direct contact with finding the info. because if i spoon fed it to you like you wish. youd just play the ignorant hearsay card even louder

but atleast i now know your stupid excuse for being so dumb and refuse to even try learning things
ill give you a couple days before you start to get mixed up between the lack of legal knowledge and lack of religious knowledge and start shouting heresy instead
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
Your reasoning is backwards. For example, of the tested people that were deemed positive, the recovered ones aren't included in the numbers of those tested. So who can give accurate numbers of infected that way?

But, there isn't any way anybody is testing for the full virus in anybody. Why aren't they? Because it would take too long. So they are testing for pieces of the virus, and assuming that it is Covid-19. But those same pieces are found in all kinds of other strains of Coronavirus... and if they aren't careful, in all kinds of influenza besides Coronavirus. This means that they don't know if the tested person has Covid-19 or something else.

you have it quadruple backward. basically ur just spinning in circles now

so when someone is sick and they are tested. are you saying they are excluded because they recovered??
that again means the only ones sowing as covid positive are dead


they didnt test the non symptomatic.. after all take food poisoning example. if someone is poisoned in mcdconalds.. but 99% of people havnt ate at mcdonalds.. there is no point even testing the 99%
in china forinstance. those that got sick they tested AND those who they were near.
this made them quite accurate of knowing the whole asymptomatic:symptomatic ratio
similar things were done on some cruise ships they isolated

so actual doctors and scientists that are actually first hand involved know alot more then some youtubers personal family doctor who he goes to when he has a wart or needs normal family health advice

badecker.. atleast try to do some maths and actual research
you seem to be an asskisser that would make crap up to defend the rep of some youtube guy your fangirling over at the moment. rather than thinking about the content that is being said within the video

so how about go research the content. and stop promoting the guy
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
^^^ Right. And nobody knows that Covid-19 is in anybody for sure, because none of the tests are checked carefully and accurately enough.


actually they are some tests for the specific strain..
using UK as an example.
porton down is actually studying and testing it using proper tests.
the in america CDC is too..

Exactly the thing that I am talking about. You above most people should know how to research and find one or two links to prove what you say. The fact that you don't have any links - which wouldn't be proof anyway - shows that you dopn't know what you are talking about, even if it happened to sound good.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

oh so much fail in just the first few minutes
in the first 2 minutes he talks about 'the test' where he thinks that when peopel are tested it only tests if they actively have it.. and if not its negative...
totally ignoring the other tests that are done..

also he then says that the case fatality rate.. he said it does not include those who got infected and recovered..

if that were true the fatality rate would be 100%.. why.. because only dead people never recover

common sense stuff
this guy seems to be exagerating and misrepresenting alot..

the truth is only those that are sick enough to need hospital are tested.
and from those in the severe need hospital criteria. some do survive. and the fatality rate is not 100% which he pretends it is by his interpretation of how the calculation is calculated.

seriously.. when will people actually start looking at the research and not some professor who is not himself an ICU consultant on actual hospital wards actually servicing patients

screw it leets carry on..
at just 3:45 the next misunderstanding occured.
the video saus from first seen on january 1st. to march 9th. if the math is done 6m would need to be infected.
on march 23th 499 deaths =0.01% fatality rate..

here is the mislead
1. 6mill were not tested 6mill dont have it.. why
becaise self isolation
less people have it. yes self isolation does not cause infection. it does not cause immunisation. it causes delay in getting it.
the 6m number is a fake number
what the video done was take a number of ~500 deaths. and then multiply it by more then 10000. add a bit more. and then say that 6mill is a significant number from somewhere..
that number is not based on any real stat. but done by fools making up numbers. to make the death rate seem small
here ill give you an example
i have 2 eyes.. if i multiply it by 3 .. i can say in a 3 headed man there should only be 2 eyes and thats what the number indicate.
see making things up by jumbling numbers.. a 3 headed person (6mill had it) is a made up thing

i really do find it stupid when people cant even use common sense or crunch number properly or even do some research
ICU doctors and the CDC have more info than that youtubers personal friend ..
.. ok not even at 5 minutes but ill cntinue

so 4:45 he says that the expectant is between one end 50k100k deaths vs other end 2-4mill..
ill just quote this

Medical-Surgical Intensive Care 4 Beds in Community Hospitals 55,663
Cardiac Intensive Care 5 Beds in Community Hospitals 15,160
Neonatal Intensive Care 6 Beds in Community Hospitals 22,721
Pediatric Intensive Care 7 Beds in Community Hospitals 5,115
Burn Care 8 Beds in Community Hospitals 1,198
Other Intensive Care 9 Beds in Community Hospitals 7,419

thats like ~100k beds that could be utilitised but would involve some adaptation and moving around to make isolated from other wards.. aswell as kicking out the current patients using them..

so even at that guys low end of 50k-100k.. there just aint enough to think of this pandemic as just a usual thing to expereince in life..
things needed to change, shift wards around train staff, get extra supplies, more ventilators etc.
so the self isolation was done.. to DELAY  the spread.. emphasis DELAY not cure

.. one last thing
if lets say january 1st was the 'seed' date.. and r0 was 2.6peopel in a normal 7 day contageous period
by march 23 would be something like 36k infected.. not 6m

for there to even be a number of 6m in third week of march. would require 150 people already infected actually in USA on january 1st
sorry but that 6m number has absolute no meaning. no math. no actual realistic bases.

have a nice day
3 debunks in just the first 5 minutes of the video..

Your reasoning is backwards. For example, of the tested people that were deemed positive, the recovered ones aren't included in the numbers of those tested. So who can give accurate numbers of infected that way?

But, there isn't any way anybody is testing for the full virus in anybody. Why aren't they? Because it would take too long. So they are testing for pieces of the virus, and assuming that it is Covid-19. But those same pieces are found in all kinds of other strains of Coronavirus... and if they aren't careful, in all kinds of influenza besides Coronavirus. This means that they don't know if the tested person has Covid-19 or something else.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534

oh so much fail in just the first few minutes
in the first 2 minutes he talks about 'the test' where he thinks that when peopel are tested it only tests if they actively have it.. and if not its negative...
totally ignoring the other tests that are done..

also he then says that the case fatality rate.. he said it does not include those who got infected and recovered..

if that were true the fatality rate would be 100%.. why.. because only dead people never recover

common sense stuff
this guy seems to be exagerating and misrepresenting alot..

the truth is only those that are sick enough to need hospital are tested.
and from those in the severe need hospital criteria. some do survive. and the fatality rate is not 100% which he pretends it is by his interpretation of how the calculation is calculated.

seriously.. when will people actually start looking at the research and not some professor who is not himself an ICU consultant on actual hospital wards actually servicing patients

screw it leets carry on..
at just 3:45 the next misunderstanding occured.
the video saus from first seen on january 1st. to march 9th. if the math is done 6m would need to be infected.
on march 23th 499 deaths =0.01% fatality rate..

here is the mislead
1. 6mill were not tested 6mill dont have it.. why
becaise self isolation
less people have it. yes self isolation does not cause infection. it does not cause immunisation. it causes delay in getting it.
the 6m number is a fake number
what the video done was take a number of ~500 deaths. and then multiply it by more then 10000. add a bit more. and then say that 6mill is a significant number from somewhere..
that number is not based on any real stat. but done by fools making up numbers. to make the death rate seem small
here ill give you an example
i have 2 eyes.. if i multiply it by 3 .. i can say in a 3 headed man there should only be 2 eyes and thats what the number indicate.
see making things up by jumbling numbers.. a 3 headed person (6mill had it) is a made up thing

i really do find it stupid when people cant even use common sense or crunch number properly or even do some research
ICU doctors and the CDC have more info than that youtubers personal friend ..
.. ok not even at 5 minutes but ill cntinue

so 4:45 he says that the expectant is between one end 50k100k deaths vs other end 2-4mill..
ill just quote this

Medical-Surgical Intensive Care 4 Beds in Community Hospitals 55,663
Cardiac Intensive Care 5 Beds in Community Hospitals 15,160
Neonatal Intensive Care 6 Beds in Community Hospitals 22,721
Pediatric Intensive Care 7 Beds in Community Hospitals 5,115
Burn Care 8 Beds in Community Hospitals 1,198
Other Intensive Care 9 Beds in Community Hospitals 7,419

thats like ~100k beds that could be utilitised but would involve some adaptation and moving around to make isolated from other wards.. aswell as kicking out the current patients using them..

so even at that guys low end of 50k-100k.. there just aint enough to think of this pandemic as just a usual thing to expereince in life..
things needed to change, shift wards around train staff, get extra supplies, more ventilators etc.
so the self isolation was done.. to DELAY  the spread.. emphasis DELAY not cure

.. one last thing
if lets say january 1st was the 'seed' date.. and r0 was 2.6peopel in a normal 7 day contageous period
by march 23 would be something like 36k infected.. not 6m

for there to even be a number of 6m in third week of march. would require 150 people already infected actually in USA on january 1st
sorry but that 6m number has absolute no meaning. no math. no actual realistic bases.

have a nice day
3 debunks in just the first 5 minutes of the video..
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Here's a half-way intelligent conversation with yet another scientist who makes the point that I've been trying to make.  Anyone (including Fauci) who says anything substantive about so-called 'covid-19' is pulling your leg because pretty much the most basic number is almost completely missing.  That would be the denominator in the mortality equation: deaths/infections=mortality.

We can go back and forth on whether a person with stage four heavily metastasized cancer who had a maybe a trace of SARS-cov-2 rna in his body was a 'covid-19 fatality' or not, but it's pretty unimportant at the kinds of ratios we're probably looking at once we get the overall infection rate.

That a usable infection rate number remain AWOL in the beginning of the 2nd quarter speaks volumes about what is really going on here.  At least it does to me.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
^^^ Right. And nobody knows that Covid-19 is in anybody for sure, because none of the tests are checked carefully and accurately enough.


actually they are some tests for the specific strain..
using UK as an example.
porton down is actually studying and testing it using proper tests.
the in america CDC is too..

yes most countries hospitals are/were usng old tests for general corona and not specific tests for just one new strain.. but here is the big thing which for over a month know you are ignoring

the machines and chemicals needed to make tests for something specifically new take time to make.
right now theres only enough for a small amount of testing.

this is another reason to self isolate. to prevent high majority from getting it YET. so they can prepare. and then once they have more hospital beds, more ventilators to treat. and then more easy access to test people at discharge.. then isolation can be lifted in some stages.

self isolation is not the end of the spread/event. its the calm before the storm
please again for the many times i have had to tell you in many topics. just do your research.
the video you keep linking is just opinion of a guy that took a bit of info and is mis-representing it to drum up some attention from certain people of easily duped minds.

try to not just believe what that video says as is. actually take the info. then research it. take it back to source data and understand the source data not the videos interpretation.

just for once put some effort in
but i bet you will just reply with an excuse to avoid research and still deny there is a new strain and deny that anyone has ever had it.. like a typical reply you make
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
^^^ Right. And nobody knows that Covid-19 is in anybody for sure, because none of the tests are checked carefully and accurately enough.

Activity: 980
Merit: 62
They are also testing for the common cold because COVID-19 starts as an ordinary flu.
In comes on the next level as something more serious where it affects your lungs and causes difficulty in breathing and causing pneumonia.
If you have heavy health historical data you might be affected hard by COVID-19.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

I'm not saying that there isn't a COVID-19 test, but I would not be surprised if they many places are just testing for coronavirus.

For the reasons mentioned above, testing generally for any coronavirus would be pretty useless because there are many coronaviruses that humans commonly get which cause few to no symptoms and aren't any big risk.  I mean, if you're going to scam people might as well just throw the swab out and totally make up a fake result.

The government has been stung by criticism over its slow response to testing people for the virus and currently lags far behind other countries, such as the US and South Korea. To bridge the gap, Number 10 has ordered thousands of kits from private enterprises, including from a Luxembourg company, Eurofins. On Monday, Eurofins sent an email to government laboratories, warning that a key component known as “probes and primers” had been contaminated with the coronavirus, according to the Daily Telegraph.

Doesn't say whether the coronavirus was SARS-cov-2, or whether it is on the swab they stick up your nose until it practically touches the brainstem or not (which, obviously, may produce some health risks.)  Doubt it would be on the swab, but I also doubt that the contamination contributes to testing accuracy.  In the way I define 'accuracy' at least.

I couldn't help but notice that it doesn't seem like the 'doctor' who circulated the fun little drawing was exactly encouraging people to rush out and get a test.  Just sayin.

As a matter of fact, it seems like every effort in the world is made to NOT understand the background infection rate in the United States, or any other country in the world.  I've bitched about that on other threads.  It bothers me because I'm kind of n science geek and systems analyst, and I have an idea of what kind of data is necessary to make what kinds of scientific and policy inferences.  The denominator in the mortality equation being one such desirable numeric.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
2 people above dont have to worry.
basement dwellers dont social and touch people to get it.

their way prevent getting it is to stay stay away people

they pretend to hate chemical companies. but then megadose themselves with chemicals
very strange way to live

You know this from personal experience, right?     Cool
Activity: 4242
Merit: 8672
I'm not saying that there isn't a COVID-19 test, but I would not be surprised if they many places are just testing for coronavirus.
For the reasons mentioned above, testing generally for any coronavirus would be pretty useless because there are many coronaviruses that humans commonly get which cause few to no symptoms and aren't any big risk.  I mean, if you're going to scam people might as well just throw the swab out and totally make up a fake result.

The media has even stopped referring to it as COVID-19 and are using the term "coronavirus disease". Is this just to cover their ass?
That's the same as anything else in the news, people call it all sorts of things-- like the telephone game.  The media doesn't mind just telling outright lies when they feel like it,  why would they start now bothering to cover their ass? Tongue

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
2 people above dont have to worry.
basement dwellers dont social and touch people to get it.

their way prevent getting it is to stay stay away people

they pretend to hate chemical companies. but then megadose themselves with chemicals
very strange way to live
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Remember this when they test you.

Thanks, Elwar. Looks kinda uncomfortable. I think I won't go in for any CV testing.

Good choice!  These Dr. Mengele types are so desperate for more victims of their little plandemic and get you hooked on Big Pharma product that this is probably how they make sure they infect you.

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