
Topic: Coronvirus Easy Cure. - page 4. (Read 743 times)

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
April 04, 2020, 08:45:02 AM
when someone has been entered by the COVID-19 virus then the vitamin injected is the most effective way to increase the patient's immune system to be able to fight the COVID-19 Virus.

when admitted to hospital due to respiratory distress.. .. oxygen is the most effective thing.
someone that cant breath for 10 minutes=dead.
no matter if you dose them with 20 kilograms of vitamins. it aint gonna do crap you cant bring someone back from the dead

vitamins dont react within minutes.. thats another myth

however if you can keep someone breathing for 14 days. they have better chance to fight it even without any other meds/interventions.

no matter how much lemon water and supplements you take year round. you can still get sick.
you can still pass it onto someone else.
pretending you have the opportunity in hospital when breathless to decline oxygen and be able to get the words out 'give me vitamins'. wont be the case. if you cant breath you cant talk.

if your at home and struggling to breath. your first thoughts and ability would not be to go to your kitchen pantry to dose up on supplements. your thoughts would be on your breathing

so hoping that if you get sick and in hospital you can just happily and casually request random treatments. or demand going to court to demand something wont happen. when your in hospital. the only thing on your mind would be your breathing

yes if your blood oxygen level is sufficent. then many things can reduce/hide symptoms. but pretending anything is the single magic pill that people should megadose on daily just for the sake of wanting to think they are immortal.. is foolish
full member
Activity: 1414
Merit: 228
Omicron is another FUD
April 04, 2020, 08:30:38 AM
stop saying that food can cure COVID-19 patients easily..  I've seen what happens to the spice market in my country when my country's government says Red Ginger can ward off COVID-19 from entering the body and immediately the price of "red ginger" rises high!!   when someone has been entered by the COVID-19 virus then the vitamin injected is the most effective way to increase the patient's immune system to be able to fight the COVID-19 Virus.

a little explanation of why food does not cure patients 100% and need injections of vitamins or vaccines to sufferers to be cured..

what is a virus ->
Viruses are subcellular organisms which, due to their very small size, can only be seen using an electron microscope. Its size is smaller than bacteria so the virus cannot be filtered with bacterial filters. Viruses are pathogenic microorganisms that infect the cells of living things. Viruses can only replicate in living cells because they do not have cellular equipment to reproduce themselves. All forms of life can be infected by viruses, ranging from animals, plants, to bacteria and archaic

what is a Vaccine ->
The vaccine can be in the form of a weakened virus or bacterial strain, so that it does not cause disease. Vaccines can also be in the form of dead organisms or their purification products (proteins, peptides, virus-like particles). The vaccine will prepare the human or animal immune system to defend against certain pathogens, especially bacteria, viruses, or toxins. Vaccines can also help the immune system to fight cells.

Corona sufferers who recover do not recover 100%, their lungs have been damaged (due to healing that only relies on the body's immunity by injected vitamins and breathing through oxygen tubes and not vaccines).

COVID-19 is a virus similar to SARS (an outbreak that struck the world in 2003), and until now the SARS vaccine has not been found, so it is very unlikely that we can find the COVID-19 vaccine in the NEAR TIME..
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
April 04, 2020, 07:13:50 AM
now you grasp the basics of the game
level 2.
imagine for every 5 balls on something 1 ball transers to whatever it comes into contact with

so public door handle touched by 1000 people might have 200 that transfers to your hand
where as a recently cleaned handle that has 100 people touching it. might only have 20 that transfers

you then after touching a recently cleaned handle. then touch a public hand rail.
non cleaned your upto 520 on your hand
cleaned your upto 40 on your hand

so u touch clean hand rail(40 total).. you then touch your glasses and 2 stick on your glasses
later after touching other things(80 total). you touch glasses again 4 on glasses(6 total)
later after touching other things(120 total). you touch glasses again 6 on glasses(12total)
later after touching other things(160 total). you touch glasses again 8 on glasses(20total)
later after touching other things(200 total). you touch glasses again 10 on glasses(30total)

you go home wash hands then touch glasses (6 on hand again)
put hand to mouth and 1 is now in your mouth

now imagine the numbers if you done nothing.
your not 100% by wearing safety gear and its shown by wearing it people become complaent thinking they are then safe to touch random things as much as they like and be near as many people as they like

but when you play the viral load game and run scenarios. you start to appreciate why social distancing and self isolating (not coming into contact) is less transfer risk than gowning up in full on hazmat suit and dry humping everything you can touch. to then later take the suit off and be touching it
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
April 04, 2020, 06:50:13 AM
whats next. badecker advertising full on scuba wetsuit and snorkle

there are people who are getting it even wearing safety equipment.
this is because it stays on the equipment and then people touch the equipment with their hand to take it off. and then rub their face
.. you know like when you take off spectacles and rub the bridge of nose. or rub the end of ur nose because it has been tickling

i have seen many people wearing facemasks. but like every 2 minutes then touching face to adjust their mask back into position. or tweak it a little to be more comfortable if its too tight.

some wearing facemasks actually end up touching face more than usual. not even realising they are doing it

its also about when you wash hand. dirty hand bathroom door handle.. touches faucet to turn it on... washes hand.
then goes straight to touching faucet handle again. and then bathroom door handle again.

all im saying is all these protections wont actually immunise you 100%, heck. even women wearing full on burka's in the middle east are getting corona(which is where the belief first began that it must be getting in through the eyes. thing started)

its far better to just socially distance and not be touching random things...

now here is a good mind image game to play
its bout the scientific buzzword 'viral load'
imagine the virus was a small sticky marble. or just imagine any small ball you can hold in your hand.. and those infected had loads of them

imagine for every person/thing they touched they gave a marble to/stuck a marble on the thing they touched. and when someone touches the item they get the marble.

just play that mind game of imagining touching a public hand rail/door handle that has thousands of sticky marbles on it. now having a handful of sticky balls on your hand. then you touch your glasses and have a few sticky balls on your glasses
then you wash your hands. removing balls from your hands. but then touch the glasses again.

so they are now back on your hand. yet you didnt touch random strangers while in the bathroom

you then go to the kitchen grab bar of chocolate and snap off a cube with your hand and put the cube in your hand and then eat it.
you now have sticky ball in your body.

now repeat that for everything and everyone you come into contact. and realise just how many sticky balls build up over time and then how much they can actually reach your mouth.

yes not wearing anything and not cleansing surfaces and not changing mask/eyeswear regularly is the same as just licking a public hand rail. but if you think you can be 100% safe.. is actually more then likely going to cause you to be too comfortable with taking risks. EG thinking beause it cant get into your eye from direct air. your safe enough to keep touching and adjusting the glasses every couple minutes while touching other public things too..

think about it. wearing glasses and adjusting every 2 minutes means it can build up 30 balls in an hour of contact. which is 240 balls in an 8 hour shift.
then washing your hands. and then touching glasses again. is you getting 240 balls on your hand 2 minutes later
just let that scenario run through your mind and run simulations in your mind of how many balls can end up in your mouth at the end of the day

(plus it will distract your mind and give you something to do, so nice boredom relief)
Activity: 2310
Merit: 2073
April 04, 2020, 05:28:59 AM

To be honest, I do not wear a protective mask for eyes and respirators that can protect a person from coronavirus in Russian pharmacies simply do not. So I have to wear a medical mask to observe social distance and constantly wash my hands with alcohol if I am not at home.

Do you wear such protective glasses and a respirator if you have to leave home?
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
April 03, 2020, 08:08:10 PM
the antibody test linked above is not corona specific.
it just shows a result if there is a mass amount of general antibodies in the blood.


If you are referring to this ...

(A) get an immune system test

(B) take supposed immune system enhancer for a couple weeks

(C) take the blood test of (A) again

I did not intend to indicate it had ANY relation to coronovirus but just the generalized concern by the prior poster of "boosting the immune system"

The point being, taking "folk remedy to boost immune system" has no meaning unless one can do a before and after test and validate that it does seem one has or has not had a boost.
Activity: 2310
Merit: 2073
April 03, 2020, 08:06:57 PM
I'm not a believer in belief in folk remedies, but if you want to get scientific about it you can proceed as follows.

(A) get an immune system test

(B) take supposed immune system enhancer for a couple weeks

(C) take the blood test of (A) again

I'm against the use of immunomodulators because I believe they only increase a person's immunity for a short time.  I believe in folk remedies, I also practice sports and observe a regime of self-isolation, and in case of a forced visit to the shop I have to wear a mask.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
April 03, 2020, 08:02:25 PM
the antibody test linked above is not corona specific.
it just shows a result if there is a mass amount of general antibodies in the blood.

this can be a sign that the body has recently dealt with a virus/invader.
but it does not distinguish if that antibody is no set o remain programmed to continue fighting the same varient.

also some one can get shot and get a wound based infection. and the body created antibodies.
then while still bleeding. the person can get a cough.
take a test and stupidly think that the antibody count means they are over the cause of the cough.. where as the body is ust dealing with the gunshot wound puss. and hasnt even started on the cough.

so be very careful in regards to generalised 'antibody' tests. and also when to use them.

this is why smarter people are actually formulating an actual antibody test that searches specifically for antibodies that are dealing with corona viruses.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
April 03, 2020, 07:51:55 PM
Real butter is yummy. What do you think about eating a butter patty and a teaspoon of peanut butter at the same time, just for the flavor of it?


You may find this strange, but I don't eat peanut butter. I also do not like to eat animal fats, but due to the desire to improve immunity, I began to eat three teaspoons daily of a folk remedy to improve immunity (honey, butter and alloe juice in equal proportions). This is very disgusting.  Undecided

I'm not a believer in belief in folk remedies, but if you want to get scientific about it you can proceed as follows.

(A) get an immune system test

(B) take supposed immune system enhancer for a couple weeks

(C) take the blood test of (A) again
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 03, 2020, 02:30:26 PM
Real butter is yummy. What do you think about eating a butter patty and a teaspoon of peanut butter at the same time, just for the flavor of it?


You may find this strange, but I don't eat peanut butter. I also do not like to eat animal fats, but due to the desire to improve immunity, I began to eat three teaspoons daily of a folk remedy to improve immunity (honey, butter and alloe juice in equal proportions). This is very disgusting.  Undecided

Try raw salmon... ocean caught, of course.     Cool
Activity: 2310
Merit: 2073
April 03, 2020, 02:24:58 PM
Real butter is yummy. What do you think about eating a butter patty and a teaspoon of peanut butter at the same time, just for the flavor of it?


You may find this strange, but I don't eat peanut butter. I also do not like to eat animal fats, but due to the desire to improve immunity, I began to eat three teaspoons daily of a folk remedy to improve immunity (honey, butter and alloe juice in equal proportions). This is very disgusting.  Undecided
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 03, 2020, 10:47:44 AM
There's still a part of me that thinks there's a chance BADecker is just a character invented by someone involved in all those ads on fake news sites for books that will heal your chronic illness or  $59.99 $29.99 (Save $30, limited time offer!) bottles of ground up multi-vitamins that will make you live longer and fuck harder.

You mean there's a difference between

-living longer and fucking harder


-getting totally fucked up?

Who would've thought?

I lived a good portion of my life during the Russian Communist days. Here you jokers are, trying to promote Communism by playing on the fears and lack of understanding of average people.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
April 02, 2020, 11:12:00 PM
There's still a part of me that thinks there's a chance BADecker is just a character invented by someone involved in all those ads on fake news sites for books that will heal your chronic illness or  $59.99 $29.99 (Save $30, limited time offer!) bottles of ground up multi-vitamins that will make you live longer and fuck harder.

You mean there's a difference between

-living longer and fucking harder


-getting totally fucked up?

Who would've thought?
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 02, 2020, 10:57:27 PM
humans need many minerals.. thats not the issue..
but nutjobs like badecker are trying to talk people into megadosing more then the body needs. and doing so at the wrong times when the body doesnt need it

he does not realise if a human only needs 100mg of Vit C and he is trying to sell idea's of needing 8000mg a day. he is not seling the healthy option of fruit and veg eating. he is selling the commercial profiteering marketting plan of chemical companies..

yet he does not even realise it.he pretends to be against big pharma/anti-gov. yet is actually playing the same game
and thats what makes me laugh and facepalm him the most

You have a point there. Whether it's megadose of C, colloidal silver, M...., H2O2, each and every thing he promotes has a commercial vendor behind it who makes big profits with his false claims.

And those four are not the only ones. He's promoted over a dozen "supplements" with various claims.

LOL! Haven't you figured out that the medical and medical insurance are some of the most expensive things around? You go pay for your medical... where people die by droves in hospitals being poisoned by chemotherapy. Many of the rest of us will take the cheaper way out because it works.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
April 02, 2020, 10:41:34 PM
humans need many minerals.. thats not the issue..
but nutjobs like badecker are trying to talk people into megadosing more then the body needs. and doing so at the wrong times when the body doesnt need it

he does not realise if a human only needs 100mg of Vit C and he is trying to sell idea's of needing 8000mg a day. he is not seling the healthy option of fruit and veg eating. he is selling the commercial profiteering marketting plan of chemical companies..

yet he does not even realise it.he pretends to be against big pharma/anti-gov. yet is actually playing the same game
and thats what makes me laugh and facepalm him the most

You have a point there. Whether it's megadose of C, colloidal silver, MMS2, H2O2, each and every thing he promotes has a commercial vendor behind it who makes big profits with false claims.

And those four are not the only ones. He's promoted over a dozen "supplements" with various claims.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 02, 2020, 10:38:56 PM

I haven't heard anything about zinc, but I read somewhere that with the approach of acute respiratory viral infections you need to strengthen your immune system and lungs. You don't need to use immunomodulators because they'll eventually weaken your immunity. You should eat more animal fats such as butter or lard.

Real butter is yummy. What do you think about eating a butter patty and a teaspoon of peanut butter at the same time, just for the flavor of it?

Activity: 2310
Merit: 2073
April 01, 2020, 08:33:05 AM

I haven't heard anything about zinc, but I read somewhere that with the approach of acute respiratory viral infections you need to strengthen your immune system and lungs. You don't need to use immunomodulators because they'll eventually weaken your immunity. You should eat more animal fats such as butter or lard.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
March 31, 2020, 09:44:26 PM
^^^ Don't worry. Coronavirus isn't the disaster the media is making it out to be. So, you'll probably live through it without taking any extra nutrients.

When it comes right down to it, nobody is bothered by the fact that you are mentally compromised. The forum is for everybody. Don't take it so serious. People enjoy your take on things, just because it is different.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
March 31, 2020, 02:50:40 PM
humans need many minerals.. thats not the issue..
but nutjobs like badecker are trying to talk people into megadosing more then the body needs. and doing so at the wrong times when the body doesnt need it

he does not realise if a human only needs 100mg of Vit C and he is trying to sell idea's of needing 8000mg a day. he is not seling the healthy option of fruit and veg eating. he is selling the commercial profiteering marketting plan of chemical companies..

yet he does not even realise it.he pretends to be against big pharma/anti-gov. yet is actually playing the same game
and thats what makes me laugh and facepalm him the most
Activity: 2674
Merit: 2071
Join the world-leading crypto sportsbook NOW!
March 31, 2020, 02:48:52 PM
Prevention is better than cure.
Some zinc rich food

Firm Tofu
Pumpkin Seeds and oil
Hemp Seeds
Grass-Fed Beef
Chickpeas (all legumes)
Cocoa Powder
Cashews Nuts
(Shiitake) Mushrooms
Brazil nut

Zinc is needed daily same as Vitamin C
Magnesium and Vitamin D also importend but not on daily base

Also water is very important.
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