when admitted to hospital due to respiratory distress.. .. oxygen is the most effective thing.
someone that cant breath for 10 minutes=dead.
no matter if you dose them with 20 kilograms of vitamins. it aint gonna do crap you cant bring someone back from the dead
vitamins dont react within minutes.. thats another myth
however if you can keep someone breathing for 14 days. they have better chance to fight it even without any other meds/interventions.
no matter how much lemon water and supplements you take year round. you can still get sick.
you can still pass it onto someone else.
pretending you have the opportunity in hospital when breathless to decline oxygen and be able to get the words out 'give me vitamins'. wont be the case. if you cant breath you cant talk.
if your at home and struggling to breath. your first thoughts and ability would not be to go to your kitchen pantry to dose up on supplements. your thoughts would be on your breathing
so hoping that if you get sick and in hospital you can just happily and casually request random treatments. or demand going to court to demand something wont happen. when your in hospital. the only thing on your mind would be your breathing
yes if your blood oxygen level is sufficent. then many things can reduce/hide symptoms. but pretending anything is the single magic pill that people should megadose on daily just for the sake of wanting to think they are immortal.. is foolish