meaning 1 satoshi is worth ~4 cents
Fees to withdrawal BTC from an exchange is Fee: 0.00040000
at 4 cents each , that comes out to $1600
you have officially stopped trolling and now you are spreading FUD.
here you are using an imaginary future price but use current real fees in your math and pretend it is correct.
your whole comment is full of flaws.
bitcoin price is $980
fees are ~100 satoshi/byte or 0.0002 per tx
even if we assume it is 0.0004 means it is $0.39
A couple of years back
price was $5-$20
fee was 0.01BTC per tx
in the future
if price were 3.5 billion
fee would be 10 satoshi per tx
fees have changed multiple times in the past and will change in the future also.