Citizens are stuck in the middle and end up having to fight for causes they don't care about.
If people can do business with people all over the world without the need for centralized approval, the governments will become the obsolete enemy of progress.
Decentralization is a war against the instigators of war.
Yes they can, but we're far from this point right now. That's why I still believe we're in the early stages of crypto. I believe crytocurrencies can eventually eliminate war because the financial system is the major thing that currently keeps people tied to the corporations, the elite members of society and governments. However in order to do this they must be global, accepted by a good part of the population and the problems with how complicated it is to use them must be fixed. Crypto Currencies are a way to sidestep traditional power dynamics which can work hand in hand with Internet and other decentralized tools to build a better world. In the least, wide spread adoption of Crypto currencies can spur development and innovation, which in turn can lessen many conflicts. The more people get used to decentralization, things being owned by the crowd and the free flow of products and transparency of currencies, the better it'll be for all of us. Anything that chips away at centralized system of power will help in this.