Read "the defining characteristic of the modern state" in Britannica ?
Yes. Did you read that if you break into my house, I can take my gun and legally cap your ass? Do you not consider that violence?rse
Of course. It is delegated. Because you can do that in the USA because thet violence monopolist there allows you to do so.
You got that backwards. The people granted the the state the right to use violence. Lrn 2 history, lrn 2 civilized society, lrn 2 civilization
What part of "the defining characteristic" don't you understand ?
"Defining characteristic" means just that--a characteristic that defines the term. I live in a state which does not have a monopoly on violence, allowing me to defend my person (and, in many states, property) with violence.
The people have given their states similar rights.
When you try to steal from the state, as you admitted to doing by taking the taxpayer's money and wasting it, the state defends itself by putting your ass in jail. If, at the time the party van arrives at your door to take you to jail, you chose to use violence against the jackbooted thugs, the jackbooted thugs have been granted the right to use violence on you. Fair's fair
What is it that you still don't understand?