Credit cards are either a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you will use it. If you use it to buy something that you need and then pay the debt, usually you will have a % cash back on the purchase you made. The most important thing about credit card is the discipline.
Actually, the benefits of credit cards were originally to help people buy goods or pay bills even though they didn't have cash. Sometimes we have
an urgent need, while we don't have money, so we can use a credit card. Later we can determine when we can pay credit card bills, it can be
in the form of installments or paid at once in a predetermined period. The use of credit cards also provides benefits for users by providing cashback
and discounts. If we use credit cards properly, it will benefit us as users.
The problem is that we can become addicted to debt, so sometimes we have cash at the time but we prefer to use a credit card. In the end our debt
will get bigger and we will find it difficult to pay it off. That's why it's important that we use credit cards wisely and responsibly. I myself was stuck
in a fairly large debt because I could not control myself when using a credit card. So for now I prefer not to use a credit card at all.