Credit cards can be very useful and helpful, but they can also be difficult for yourself later if the person can't control their desires. so people who are allowed to have a credit card are adults who are already responsible for their finances. I have a credit card but I only use it to make payments and receive money. because of my previous activities quite often in receiving and sending money like in paypal or some other financial services so I need a legit credit card that I have myself for this. so I think credit cards are good or bad depending on the person.
It could be life saving for a while as well, for some people at least. My grandmother is sick, she has alzheimer's and my mom takes care of her own mother, it is a very psychologically difficult problem for a "kid" (my mom is 60) to take care of her mother. While having something so challenging both mentally and physically, there is also the added cost, it costs nearly 400 bucks a month just to take care of her and give her all her needs, even just the diapers for an adult costs nearly 100 dollars a month here.
It is really expensive and I do try to pay them as much as I can, pay like 100 bucks a month to them but that is literally quarter of it and not enough at all. But, they have a credit card, and they take out loans and yes they just postpone the debt and that is nothing that is helpful and eventually it will be horrible for them.
At the very worst case my dad will sell his car (and I wish he did, he is too old to drive anyway
) and pay all of their debt. However if they can sustain until my grandma passes away then they will not have that cost, and can pay the debt very easily. So, it could be LITERALLY life saving to have a credit card, without that I do not know how they could have kept my grandmother alive.