Problems that Trestor admitted in the thread:1. Proof-of-work is not required, a consensus is enough. (Thus trestor validators' consensus is needed to be trusted & they can change anyone's trests.)
2. Value of a cryptocurrency is whatever people exchange it for. Treats however have fixed rate (No other cryptocurrency "sells" their currency.)
3. Trests are 100% pre-mined
4. When you buy trests, its not a purchase but a donation, so there is no legal protection for you.
Problems that Trestor's developers said they did not understand:1. Trests only get sent from one app to another if they are validated by validators. The right to become a validator is by "buying" it from trestor but there is no return as profit! So why would someone become a validator? Either to earn from fees or to earn by selling trests. Thus it becomes a pyramid scheme where investors who will continue to recruit other investors for an incentive that is presented as an investment opportunity - the right to sell a particular product or to earn fees from them.
2. If there is a dispute, there is no history and resolving it is purely a matter of Trestor's discretion.
3. Even if trestor starts saving the history, there is no proof of it's correctness since they do not use proof-of-work or anything. thus every new participant in the network needs to trust the pre-existing validators. Thus also vulnerable to mitm.
4. If a majority decides that a transaction is valid, that transaction is validated, irrespective of any algorithm preventing trests to be created out of thin air; not even Trestor, because again, they have no proof-of-work.
5. In case of a double spend the transaction gets stuck, since validators can't vote against themselves. To resolve this they have implemented time-bound validity of nodes. This doesn't solve it. Consider a scenario where first 50% validated A->B and second half validated A->C at the same time. The transaction gets stuck. Votes expire after time t and now the first half votes for A->C & the transaction gets stuck again & so on..
All of this is apart from the problems in legality & code.
Is it legal to send any centralised form of money from a foreign country to India?Old Content:
I recently traveled to chandigarh and came across a very active cryptocurrency community here to my surprise!
On further investigation, see for yourself : https://trestor.org/
http://www.meetup.com/Trestor-Connect-Chandigarh-Chapter/ supposedly going all over India!
Spread the word please, save people.