I lost huge. I overextended myself and lost over 30LTC.
Coin2x scam LTC address: http://block-explorer.com/address/LNmmNAngcrESHScaWjhQ93PUnwghrCec6X
Here is the TXID: http://block-explorer.com/tx/79da5e1c8485266bf686ec8daf16462ef3c984910677b0100d54a3630756e65b
I hate myself even more than the coin2x scammers. I am perma-banning myself from any form of gambling. FML.
not true m8 i did send also mooncoins and leafcoins and get them back according 2x so that is true and i can show those transactions id and believe me i am telling the true
i dont know excacly wy they are off line but we just have to " wait" and see
[ edit : forgot to say that if this is a scam and they ript off all those people, then from the hart i say : i wisch them a slowly painfull dead ,
otherwise i hope i am wrong and hope they wil return en send the coins back i send to them
becous the are not my coins but from our project, see link in signature
hopefuly they send back all of your money but i think its been a day or 2
and if not your in a deep shit man specialy when you said that those coins arent yours but in your project
and that is correct, all the coins i collect are for the project not 1 coin is private !
il give some proof , il edit this post in some minutes
this is one proof : i send some coins , get them back double and send them back again in trust
more proof to come
same with mooncoins send them 100.000 i did get back 200.000 so again i send them back to double for our project :
leafcoin proof on the way :
here are the leafcoins proof we send got them 2x back and send again :
after that : website went offline.....
so if you can see iam not talking bullshit what so ever but now : if this seems to be scammed then thats sadly to rip off such project
so now i would stay far away from those websites ,
they told me they do exchange to double your money , so for us it seem nice to see some coins growing, but not this way ofc
for any donation i recommend visit our website donation page
***your support is highly appriciated ***