Somithing like a preamble to the Constitution could add to the flavor of the game--while they are only words--they serve as a symbolic refernece point, that may or may not, highlight the Libertarian and CryptoAnarchist's roots and aims of the game's origin. My guess is some may appreciate the nod more than others
Good that we agree.
Crypto Kingdom is self-incorporated. The supreme power is the General Meeting of CK Owners. The meeting nominates a Supervisory Board of 3-9 members. The SB appoints a CEO, who is in charge of everything related to the providing of the game, and reports to the SB according to how they see fit. Members of the SB need not be active players, some can be outsiders who provide perspective. --What is the path to board and CEO change? What, if any, are the rules regarding regular meetings, board disputes, changes of structure, ect...?
I am tentatively proposing that the governance in providing the world would be corporatic, ie. one share => one vote. This model is fair because the value of the voting CK items is about 100k XMR and the aggregate value of everything else in the game is only a fraction of that. If we tinker with the principle, it is likely that CK will not maintain its status as an interesting investment for the investor-minded. It is already the reality that the new players are not able to buy too much simply because it is so expensive. And tricks to distribute the ownership widely don't work: as long as it is given to players for free, they will just sell and buy something that is needed more, or withdraw.
The above issues can be tackled with delayed delivery, such as stock options that come to the player possession only after 1-2 realyears, and therefore encourage long-term play. The other way is to encourage small holdings as we did in the Ancient era with regressive dividend schedule.
The role of the SB is to help the CEO, who calls the shots regarding the project. SB would be nominated by either a "simple majority nominates all" or "1/9 of votes is needed to dominate one" model. The latter was used with Town Council, at least in letter.
The general meeting could be called if a percent (eg. 10%) of CK holders so demand. The board will appoint and remove CEO.
All rules that the CK holders decide (mainly to give protection to the players and limit their own power to increase player trust) should have a supermajority requirement, which could be for instance 2/3, 75% or 90%, or needing to have the majority in two successive meetings.
All this is very basic and used everywhere in corporate world. Having the World governance handled such, allows much more interesting ways to govern the ingame events.
--What is the path to Admin and GM change? What, if any, are the rules regarding regular meetings, disputes, changes of structure, ect...?
CEO appoints GM, who appoints admins. The work that the World does is administrative, so it is good to have clear command structure. If this principle is to be changed, it needs to be changed "at the source" - in the way how the General Meeting votes are allocated. Having multiple opinions in the administrative structure is not a good idea.
There is an Admin Board, --when does this board meet? What is its structure? Are there any protocals for dissent, disruption, time-management, ect...?
It is not important to address these matters in a constitutional level if it is agreed that the whole structure of admins is centralised under the GM, and that to the CEO and that to the Board and that to the General Meeting. I repeat that in this level, people get paid for their work so efficiency is important and they'll figure out the best ways according to situation.
Inside the game, it's totally different - playing happens for fun - as we'll soon see
KingThe King is an important position because he exists regardless of the World (is not nominated by any shareholder decision). What the king does, we need to see in what level (A...C) he is operating. If he is purely in (C), the office becomes very much like how the player makes it.
To add interest, there could be a senate as well. Senate is reasonable to consist of peers (Earl+) but on the other hand, King appoints them!
One way is to make peerage depend on objective achievements, or at least be possible to be gained so. A method we were using earlier is "CKG-days" that makes holders of large amounts of CKG gain levels when they have owned it long enough (to prevent recycling).
In Clans, to get a fresher start, we could reset the levels (while allowing the House of rpietila in Tavastia etc. era levels and titles to be used as courtesy titles). This would encourage people to buy CK, or do other things that are requisites for levelups.
Today, the CK-days concept would translate to approx.: "To become an Earl, you need to own 50 XMR worth of CK for 6 months". Since CK costs 0.01 XMR each, we are talking about 5000*180 =~ 1,000,000 CK-days. This would be scaled to apply to all levels, and used as an alternative, or in connection with other possibilities for levelup.
The violent death / coup / civil war route is available as a GM action. Meaning GM is unable to initiate it but if someone calls for an event solver, it will be solved.
CK ownership and Urban Land will still be protected, since they are great value and allowing them to be robbed "legally" is not a good idea.
(General Meeting of CK owners)
Supervisory Board, Chairman, CEO, staff - These handle the game project and are called (A)
Admin Board, GM, admins - These handle the upkeep of the game and are called (B)
Ingame meetings, King, nobles - These handle the ingame events and are called (C)
I still feel that this separation is important to be achieved. Playing the game becomes much more interesting when there is an "outside force" deciding the outcome of the events, even conceptually (since the General Meeting consists of players and even if CEO and GM may not be active players in the distant future, most of the admins will certainly be).
Ingame Judiciary could be made independent, so that changes on the throne would be less of a discontinuation. I would not be surprised to see a few admins doing double-duty as Judges also, because the skillset required in both jobs overlaps, and also at present we need everyone
If so, the judges process need to be described.
The right to give Rules, Rulings, Executive Orders, and other Decisions, and how they supersede each other, need defined.
--Above I listed in bold questions and suggestions to current proposal. Also, can King appoint offices such as Queen and King's Hand? And create and confer power to Knight Orders? These would esstially act as permanent ingame workgroups or have specific tasks and be disbanded once complete--with special honors, titles, ect, going to the members. The document and power structure seem fine, but some details need fine tuning or expanded.
Historically, King had the following powers:
King's privileges are:
1. Receives the initial gold. <-- has been received
2. Receives the top crop of the land's produce (from Version 4: Economy onwards). <-- I have bought land and built farms and still own them
3. Initially owns (as a fief at least) the land in the Old Duchy (the city area and immediate surroundings) <-- This is recently given to the World
4. Appoints the nobles. <-- still exists
5. May grant titles etc. <-- still exists
In addition, king owns now somewhat massive royal buildings in CryptoTown, including of course the whole of Borough Versailles and the partially-built palace of 5,000 sqm.
So yes, king is a king and can do everything, except not change the Rules (that power belonged to Town Council and their appointed GM, and will be similar in the future).
As for the Laws, this is an important matter because the laws are an ingame thing, and therefore not the domain of the GM-Admin system.
Also ingame taxation is to be discussed. The World will make their collection from NPC upkeep as previously, and ensure that all counties that are not well protected will be burned to the ground soon. But whether king and nobles will tax or subsidy their subjects, is up to discussion.
I will also reply to your longer proposal and pick the salient points in my understanding.