
Topic: Crypto Kingdom Game Design - page 2. (Read 9467 times)

Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
September 10, 2016, 04:43:42 AM
Document base of Crypto Kingdom

Founding document / TOS

I like the idea of the "TOS" to be somewhat "weird" as they currently are. The principle of "sovereign existence" (non-incorporation in the outside world) is essential to my vision of what is CK's place in the sun. As such, there is probably no need for a more fundamental document about principles, because they are words only, so can be written and adhered to voluntarily anyway as long as they are regarded important.  

Our most recent complete Rules btw. are somewhat outdated.


Crypto Kingdom is self-incorporated. The supreme power is the General Meeting of CK Owners. The meeting nominates a Supervisory Board of 3-9 members. The SB appoints a CEO, who is in charge of everything related to the providing of the game, and reports to the SB according to how they see fit. Members of the SB need not be active players, some can be outsiders who provide perspective.

There has to be a Gamemaster (GM) and a sufficient number of admins. Also all the corporate functions need to be handled. The CEO handles or appoints people to handle all these roles.

There is an Admin Board, consisting of senior admins. GM leads the activity here. Admins are needed both to carry out GM orders, and actively be available to address player concerns.

King passes on his power to the next king. The role of the King is to be an ingame character. There are also Nobles

(With a recent idea, King could have a term of eg. 10-15 years after which he nominates a successor, or there could be elections for King among princes. Also the possibility to remove the kingship by armed ingame rebellion should be possible.)

So, there would be the following structure of important activity centers:

(General Meeting of CK owners)
Supervisory Board, Chairman, CEO, staff  -  These handle the game project and are called (A)
Admin Board, GM, admins  -  These handle the upkeep of the game and are called (B)
Ingame meetings, King, nobles  -  These handle the ingame events and are called (C)

It is hard to grasp how the difference between GM and King would go in practice, since the roles have been merged. I am trying to do something like:

GM (via his admin system) decides how things are. Example, in a situation with changelog corruption, he may rule that certain trades are in effect, others not.

King (via his court system) decides how things should be. If the GM decisions are unacceptable from the player level, King can change them.

If the dispute involves the system, the GM will rule. The King cannot make flowers grow or money appear from systemic coffers, those powers are reserved for God, represented by GM. (And actually even GM cannot print M, and issuing more CK can only be done by Supervisory Board/CEO).

So we have 3 levels of powers, but these do not correspond directly to the "separation of powers" doctrine. Or to make them such, all 3 branches should exist in level (C), and levels (A)-(B) from the player character perspective would be Acts of God.

Ingame Judiciary could be made independent, so that changes on the throne would be less of a discontinuation. I would not be surprised to see a few admins doing double-duty as Judges also, because the skillset required in both jobs overlaps, and also at present we need everyone Smiley If so, the judges process need to be described.

The right to give Rules, Rulings, Executive Orders, and other Decisions, and how they supersede each other, need defined.

Accounts in the game can be:
- Clans (player accounts)
- Corporations (ingame institutions of various kinds, with ingame owners)
- FOC's (foreign owned corporations, ie investment accounts)

Clans and FOC's are controlled by whomever holds the access to the account. Corporations have a charter determining their ownership and control. They may have ingame stock listed as well.

Certain game items enjoy incorruptibility, which needs to be strictly defined, these are M, CK and urban lands (even the implicit rule in each of these is slightly different)

The items that enjoy protected and (nearly) unchangeable dividends, such as CK, land, and perhaps a few others, may be listed.

World finances

The World is what used to be called "Town", whose collection of funds from the game enables the (A)-(B) level staff to get paid and the game to continue. Also, an important part of the solidity of the game is that it is self-owned via item CK, and that one must be paid enough dividends to uphold its value.

The world collects its funds mainly via NPC salaries, and sales of stock/bonds, land and items. Apart from these, the gameworld runs on ingame items and their production and consumption, without too much need for money.

Having NPC is a prerequisite for doing anything great in the game, and land sales will become a bigger one as the previous unbounded lands of the King passed to World ownership.

TBD, as we agreed.
Activity: 1750
Merit: 1036
Facts are more efficient than fud
September 09, 2016, 07:49:37 PM

Article. I.

Section. 1.

All legislative Powers will be vested in the Senate of CK.

Section. 2.

The Senate shall be composed of Citizens holding 50,000 CK. Each Member only has one vote, but CK may be pooled into a voting account and given to a Citizen for Voting power--only Citizens of CK may be Members of the Senate.

A Senator must be a Citizen of CK for 10 game years.

The Senate will convene yearly in game and approve measures for CEO approval. Once ratified the measure is Law and must be overturned by another Senate vote. Measures will be approved by 2/3rds majority--in the event of a tie, the King will cast the deciding vote.

The Senate will choose their Speakers and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of CEO Impeachment. When the CEO is tried, the GM will preside: No CEO will be convicted without the Concurrence of 2/3rds of the Members present.

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under CK's juridstiction: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

Section. 4.

The Senate will assemble at least once every Game Year, and such Meeting will be in December, unless they legislate that it be held a different month.

Section. 5.

Each Senate will be the Judge of their Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each will constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each Senate may provide.

Each Senate may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

Each Senate will keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Votes of each Memer, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present, will be published for review of the General Population.

Section. 6.

The Senators may receive Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of the Senate.

Section. 7.

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the Senate.

Every Bill which has passed in the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the CEO; If the CEO approves it, it will be Signed into Law. If the CEO dissaproves of it, the CEO will list objection(s) and send it back to the Senate to be Amended for a new Vote, or dismissed by a Majority Vote. If the Amended Bill passes by 2/3rds Vote, it will go back to the CEO for Approval.

Section. 8.

The Senate shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of CK, (but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout CK),
To borrow Money on the credit of CK;

To regulate Commerce with FOCs, and among the several Counties, and with the Satalite Organizations;

To establish a uniform Rule of Orginization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout CK;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of CK;

To establish Communication Channels;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors, Artists and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the GM's Court;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Counties;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the CK, reserving to the Counties respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by the Senate;

Section. 9.

No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any County.

No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one County over those of another: nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one County, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another.

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published yearly.

Section. 10.

No County shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

No County shall, without the Consent of the Senate, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports--the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any County on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of CK; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Control of the Senate.

Article. II.

Section. 1.

The executive Power shall be vested in the CEO of CK. The CEO shall hold his Office during the Term of 100 game years, and, together with the GM, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows

Each County shall appoint, in such Manner as the Leadership thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Citizens of that County--each vote will be tallied in Destroyed M--the number to be determined by the Senate in its first session. The Senate may not Vote on any other Measures until this first item is Passed into Law. A Special Vote will be performed in the Case of the Impeachment, Dissapearance, or Death of the CEO, it will convene at its earliest convience or on the normal schedule of the Senate, who will Declare a New Election to be held--the Town may choose vote at this time for the GM or King to act as CEO, or vote to continue on without a CEO until the Election Results are in--the Majority needed to achieve this Consensus will be the 2nd item to be voted for in the New Senate, and must be Passed into Law before the Senate can Vote on further measures.

The voting will be carried out by Ballot.

No Person except a Citizen of CK, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of CEO; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who has not played the game for 5 Game Years .

The CEO shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which is determined by Majority Senate Vote.

Before the Canidate enters on the Execution of the CEO's Office, the Canidate shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:—"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of CEO of CryptoKingdom, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend its Constitution."

Section. 2.

The CEO shall from time to time give to the Senate Information of the State of the Kingdom, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene the Senate, or with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Adminstrators and Developers of CK.

Section. 4.

The CEO, GM and all civil Officers of CK, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Article III

Section. 1.

The King shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of CK, and of the Militia of Counties, when called into the actual Service of CK; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Nobility in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences within CK, except in Cases of Impeachment.

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, Grant Titles, and create Orders of Knights.

Section. 2.

The King shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Kingdom, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.

Section. 3.

The King will be elected by the Senate by 2/3rds Majority and Aproval of the CEO. The King Must be removed by in-game Play, and Cannot be Voted out once Approved--the Senate has the Power to Appoint a Queen by 2/3rds majority and CEO Approval. The King's Death or Succession by Heir will be Triggered by this Event--a di-quest with RPG accepts will engage at this time and determine the success of all outcomes. The King may Request to Activate this Response, or Abdicate the Throne by hand-picked Ascension.

Article IV.

Section. 1.

The GM will be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Senate may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation.

Section. 2.

The GM's Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of CK, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority;—to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls;—to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction;—to Controversies to which CK shall be a Party;—to Controversies between two or more Counties;—between Citizens of different Counties,—between Citizens of the same County claiming Lands under Grants of different Counties.

In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a County shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Senate shall make.

The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the County where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any County, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Senate may by Law have directed.

Section. 3.

Treason against CK, shall consist only in levying War against CK, or in adhering to its Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Senate shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason.

Article. V.

Section. 1.

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each County to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other County. And the Senate may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

Section. 2.

The Citizens of each County shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of CK Citizens.

A Person charged in any County with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another County, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the County from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the County having Jurisdiction of the Crime.

Section. 3.

New Counties may be admitted by the Senate; but no new County shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other County; nor any County formed by the Junction of two or more Counties, or Parts of County, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the County concerned as well as of the Senate.

The Senate shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to CK; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of CK, or of any particular County.

Section. 4.

CK shall guarantee to every County in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.

Article. V.

The Senate, whenever 2/3rds deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several Counties, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several Counties, or by Conventions in three fourths.

Article. VI.

This Constitution, and the Laws of CK which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of CK, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every County shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any County to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators before mentioned, and the Members of the several County Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of CK and of the several Counties, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious or political Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under CK.

TLDR: It is a modernization of United States Constitution (staked democracy) with added game features to allow for quicker play--it is quite adaptable and can be forked infinately for increased competition, and defense capability--being early only grants you increased opportuities, but doesn't alow for static pyramid building. A path to County hegemony allows CK to move from the board to the VR rhizome of evolving autonomous political systems. Once Counties succeed, or secede, they are given the opportunity to engage in a new board or act as a Protectorate of CK. Also, added was a Shakespearean succession model that, while it adds some Chess-play, strategy, and other classic elements--also allows the chance for intrigue and theater--Risto built it, and I added a few tweaks, now we just need a face for this Franchise.
Activity: 1750
Merit: 1036
Facts are more efficient than fud
September 07, 2016, 10:41:03 PM

Would be similar to knighthoods in that they either go out on quests in groups or alone to perform tasks dictated by the rules of the order. A game to look at would be Dark Souls--I haven't played the new one, but the older versions had great D&D aspects combined with the realism of the Knight's Templar--though I guess you could throw in Monty Python in there just for fun. This would be just a questionnaire page with user defined capabilities--easy to produce, manage and adapt to user specifications.


This would be the equivalent of MAGE class. Quests would be to gather ITEMS [bought, found, produced], and within a group or alone, and CAST spells. Covens would be comprised of different levels of magicians, who could join multiple groups, work alone, or just collect badges. Again, the Dark Souls franchise has this down pat and should be a good guide for development.


Hired hands willing to ambush or protect. Lone Clint Eastwood's roaming the West for adventure. Future train robbers and bandits, a desolate landscape of cactus canopy, native fighters, and great vaults guarded by Gatling guns.

Example of an order to create


You would first be asked to decipher an ancient text. Whether this text must be found or is given outright, is up to each branch of the order. Quests would be designed by a HIGHER SECRET ORDER ostensibly the DRAGON. Quests could be treasure/leveling-up/powers. Games to look at would be portal/MGS-V/Assasin's-Creed/Uncharted.

--the value for the counties and CK would be that it creates a user defined experience and can evolve into its own natural state. It creates revenue from land buying, you'd have to live near your coven or order--also creates lasting appeal, replay value, and item sales (probably missing a few more).

Marketing? Would a launch party in Keene be a possibility?

(just throwing ideas out there)

DUELS (watching Fight Club) and would love to have an MMA-style Dojo where you could train, level-up, and fight--prizes and wagering optional.
Activity: 1750
Merit: 1036
Facts are more efficient than fud
September 07, 2016, 01:50:43 AM
With the current land situation, I think we are missing the game within the game. There are a great many players who invest all there XMR and let it ride, not because they mismanage the risk, but because they don't even think about it--this part of the game is quite powerful and shouldn't be dismissed, but I think the rules should reflect the various game styles--and some sort of guarantees should be made going forward. The fact that many will have to sell their lands, rather than pay the tax, shows how committed they are to the game financially. I've always kept just enough to keep from getting hooked by turn of events, but for most people this sort of thing is taken care of by insurance IRL. Is there a way to offer insurance for these types of players? I think the random dynamic has a few businesses scared of offering a market solution.

Also, I think personalized monsters/pets would be a nice trade-off, for current game-play, a BIG character with a set amount of points to be divvied out as the player sees fit, they would also get naming rights, and to pick the avatar/pic (back story optional). It could be turned based with Saddam going first for his work on the depository and being the one who dolled out so much for a unicorn.

*Caveat being that these are position based or gifts. (Added 04:47am EST)
Activity: 1750
Merit: 1036
Facts are more efficient than fud
September 05, 2016, 10:36:54 PM
A portal (I'm not even sure if this the right technical word, but it fits the game and words have lots of relations) that hooks-up the economy with video-streaming would be nice--is there any one working on this? I feel like this would add to roleplaying aspect.

Back to NPC: I think what these new characters would give you are options as to personalize the traits to fit the owner. The County would have rights to the ownership for a kick back to a company or the TOWN, it would adjust depend on the needs. It opens up unique opportunities for CK, the Counties, and the player. Can't stress enough how this will increase PRE desire--because you now know the value of an open franchise-- it has to have open source capabilities, and likely some limitations that can be redone if the County is willing to put in their own time and commitment.

How would you evaluate Plath now, without any changes? Now how would you evaluate Plath if you knew portals could be attached with the possibility of special luxury items personalized for a County's taste? That's the magic--you create incentive for personalization and time commitment--someone has to feed and maintain it. County owners should realize the value and race for first dibs on franchise returns (that stands for portal companies and counties).
Activity: 1750
Merit: 1036
Facts are more efficient than fud
September 03, 2016, 10:25:12 PM
Where do I find more about CKIP?

Here's my condensed explanation of the beast/creature/pet company:

Firstly, it's a weapons design factory, you are using various traits: speed, flight, size, swimming, weapon-system (fangs, fire, tusks, ect), to create unique weapons for counties, the counties would benefit by having unique fighting capabilities to reflect their owner, while the town would benefit by having a more motivated and varying strategy capability in case of invasion and so on.

Secondly, it adds motivation to players to play regularly (take care or exercise pets or create new ones), to explore other counties to find that they might want, a stream of revenue from the point of county contract to buying of supplies for the creation and maintenance of their pets, and to actively participate in the defense capability of the county of residence, or to help other counties in need.
Thirdly, it adds a little home and littler reality to your VR experience, we have money to make the game real, but without a population to nurture and fight and be general PITAs through and through, how will we ever get to the level of realism that people cling to--you need a hook, something for people to care about..
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
September 03, 2016, 07:27:38 AM
saved for backup, in progress

CKIP specification

Background: read the /CKIP tab 4 times from TownMgn.

New fields
Account:parent (int, validation: existing char_id)
Account:CKIP_level (int, only system sets this)

New commands
DEPOSIT char_id amount     (superadmin only)

If amount not a positive integer, print: "Invalid amount." and abort
If char_id is not a valid char_id, print: "Invalid char_id." and abort

  player_amount = floor(0.91*amount)
  system_amount = amount  - player_amount
    CREATE M player_amount char_id [deposit]  //action type = deposit
    CREATE M system_amount 500 [deposit]   //"500" will be replaced with the CKIP system account char_id

If char_id:parent = ""
   town_amount = system_amount


find ancestors
print: "Your ancestors, starting from parent, is
[list of parent char_id, char_shortname, CKIP_level_text
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
September 02, 2016, 06:48:08 PM
As long as I am the CEO among other duties, I will need to ensure our finances.

The debacle about if we can pay the CON dues, abated for now. More than a third of the main dissident's CON are already bought by others, and when there is no more overhang, Town can begin to issue more. The interest payments are paused with the time, which is unfortunate, but fits in with everything else being paused as well. On the other hand, I don't believe changing the rate of the passage of time is required. Buying CON now seems risky short term, but it is a long term investment! Rather than thinking small, think of CK's chance to make it big, and how valuable CON is in that scenario, and how much it has already paid as interest by then. After all, if CK fails, CON is not any more risky than anything else! Wink

We need to enlarge our full-time team, and the fulltimers need to be always available and up to their tasks. Only the best is good enough, so we will pay well. The fulltimer pay will consist of base pay (EUR/week converted and paid in M every friday), plus bonus-options (determined and paid monthly, in gold, and come free-trading only after 12 realmonths if work is still ongoing).

The gold for the bonus-options, which will be massive in amount, comes from Coinshop, which, despite owned by the King, was recently pledged to be for the benefit of the game, so that King may not take back of the gold. Up to 100,000 CKG can be used for this purpose.

Full-time team is important, but no less important are the various admins and other helpers. Their duties will be mapped, and the compensation will be "by minute" as before. Unlike before, the admins also qualify for bonus-options, for fairness' sake, and to help retain them.

Town Council will also get a token compensation. It will become a more supervisory body when the 4-member team is large enough to handle most practical issues. Town Council will nominate the CEO, who in turn will decide on the other team members.

CKIP starts, and makes deposits yield "only" 91-92% to the depositor, and the rest goes to the marketers. The immediate sponsor, whom the depositor indicates, gets about 2%, and the person who recruited him, gets something, etc. Town's share is 9% on the deposits made by anons, and a fraction of those where the upline does not contain a diamond. <-MLM terminology.

We will get CKIP ready as soon as possible, and (well everyone is free to aim to whomever..) aim the marketing to the new XMR owners who can now join the "XMR club" = CK. To make the game interesting as a speculation platform before it is opened, we need to make up something. But these guys are coming from Poloniex so even with time stopped, we should be able to offer a more wholesome speculation experience.

Casino will open. Raffles will be organised. The rules that determine the value of the various ingame items are made more clear to allow more interesting trading.

Meanwhile the CEO will be recruited, and the push towards Clans done. When Clans is ready, clock will start ticking again, and we have a greatly increased community playerbase, and are fully ready to welcome the gamers to CK, and to XMR.

Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
September 02, 2016, 06:06:55 PM
Lot area is currently underused. It can only be used to build buildings on, and leaving space for anything else is not really encouraged. Empty lots are sitting empty with no income, even small.

This will change so that a Lot will have possibility to contain Improvements whose number is limited by the Lot area. The earlier thought about wood buildings (which will come in Clans) is integrated with the new thought of having possibility to boost any Lot - perhaps unless it is completely filled with a building, in which case most of the improvements cannot be built.

An example 400 sqm lot which contains a nice 120 sqm 2-story house, and has about 280 sqm of free space, this could have a CAN field, VEG garden, lawn and outbuildings. Most decorations will not yield very much, but on the other hand they can be built by hand (lower levels get free self-WP), and tie up land so that its demand and value is also upheld.

Larger plots of land that are not immediately needed for building, can be made parks that will grow in stature over the decades and promise to yield quite nice income after a long time, depending on game success. A park can also be cut down if building is needed. Parks will continue to increase the nearby buildings' yield.

Another use for lots of any size is farming. The best VEG come from inside the walls  - natural fertilizer or something - so over time all the space not needed for other purposes should become veggie gardens.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
September 02, 2016, 05:54:48 PM
Once again, an attempt of making a Rulebook, something more illustrative than the "TOS" and more compact than the Wiki
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
May 28, 2016, 12:41:13 PM
Before Clans, there is the Building Repair Editor (or how you call it - additions to the Building Editor that was released partially ready)

And this one finalises the Building module, and is not a small thing. Because it also completes the rehaul of Urban Land module.

To move on with the longer-term design goals, the lots would inherit most of the properties of Chapelries, and new land would come pre-zoned in most cases.

- Farming (S-VE1) and weed harvesting (S-CAN) would be possible in lots directly, no need a chapelry.
- They would be automatised, with "designate to VEG / designate to CAN" automatically granting the production shares.
- If you want to build, the "de-toggle" from farm/weed, would require the number of shares to be able to be done.
- This can be used as an option to tap on the land you don't want to sell nor build yet - just sell its produce and buy back when ready.
- The granularity of the said shares will be increased to allow small lots to be used as well.
- Quarry geology will likewise be lot-specific (initially the same for all lots in a chap), so everyone may quarry a small area if they so wish, to gain stone or improve the building foundations.
- Quarry points (QUA) can be produced in Quarry companies, as well as Building points in BuildCo's. They can be used to quarry the lot in an instant.
- Lots would have "elevation" in meters (voxels). This is not used for much just yet, but it's nice to know if you have views over the city or flood risk. Later, this will be baked in to the formulas as well.

- Wood buildings will come in a simplified form, with the aim of getting new players "more skin to the game". Also they need to have a stone place before getting to L6, so there will be an active market for wood houses that do not produce except to the resident (and thus are better sold).
- Lots with existing buildings have several options:

* Quick Repair structure (increases Repair% a little, small part of Lux% is converted to IC (half lost))
* Complete Repair structure (all Lux stripped off and converted to IC (half lost); Repair% reset to 100%) - this will cost half of the original construction of the structure, so demolish is always an option
* Lux update (increases Lux% at the usual cost)
* Demolish (converts the whole building to its parts (STO1 and windows, half of Lux is credited as IC, work is lost)
* Add floor (increase the # of floors at normal cost, the new floor requires same Lux% and inherits the existing Repair%)

Lot splitting will remain admin action due to too many variables regarding the Visibility and Commerciality calcs. The admins doing this will be instructed well and there will be a standard procedure and fee for the owner to apply these changes.


Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
May 27, 2016, 03:57:53 AM
Technical specification (in progress)

The main components are:
- gamedaily (hourly) script.
- its decisions to generate (create to the S-VEx) or destroy (spoil from current owners) VEG.
- the script functioning to make a realistic annual cycle.
- balancing of the market by automated ask placement by "Farmers" yet not in actual famine.

Hourly script contents:
- Determine "x" in NEWDIVIDEND S-VE1 VEG x
- Determine "x" in NEWDIVIDEND S-VE3 VEG x
- Determine "x" in NEWDIVIDEND S-VE5 VEG x
- Determine "x" in NEWDIVIDEND S-VE7 VEG x
- Determine "x" in NEWDIVIDEND S-VE9 VEG x
- Determine "x" in NEWDIVIDEND S-VE11 VEG x
- Determine "y" in SPOIL VEG y
- parameters and random rolls change variables that affect the results of the above.

Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
May 26, 2016, 02:57:07 PM
The Dream of the Ages - Vegetable Race - Coming Live

In connection with Clans, Vegetables will finally assume the life-and-death importance they have in people's nutrition to this day (well, especially if grain is counted).

VEG is produced from several types of S-VEx shares, which are different based on their distance to CryptoTown. Longer distance means:
- higher transport cost
- longer transport time (delay in arrival)
- more chance of spoil by heat/frost in transport.

An hourly script will determine yields and spoils to cause a realistic yearly circulation and fulfilling the important principle that the system current state is public, but the future state is unknown to all except as a scenario universe. This for instance causes "fair" (not GM-administered) shortages of food and also bumper crops.

During harvest season, a small amount of VEG is coming to the owners every hour. This abolishes the need to lurk to catch the admin-random creation time, and leaves some incentive to check after every full hour, whether the frequency is after every, second, 4, or 12 hours.

The declining health value of VEG will serve as the pressure, ensuring that VEG gets eaten as soon as possible. On the other hand, the frequencyBonus will be refocused on FOOD alone, discouraging the eating of Superveg alone. And the market will take care of the rest Smiley

In the new system, automated purchase and consumption of staple items (VEG, MEAT, CAN, MEAD, BEER) is enabled by timed commands happening every week, at your chosen time. Also it is about certain that futures markets will develop to offer fixed price VEG streams to the consumer, with the issuer bearing the market risk and getting their cut.

Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
May 26, 2016, 01:08:37 PM
HM_The_King: sneak peek on Clans consumables mgmt:

[8:52pm] HM_The_King: the system will have the consumables management automatised
[8:52pm] HM_The_King: this means that VEG is created automatically each hour(!) during the harvest time
[8:53pm] HM_The_King: and the parameters are selected such that it is not known what the total harvest will be
[8:53pm] HM_The_King: it takes time to bring VEG from the manors - this causes a few hours delay
[8:54pm] HM_The_King: which would not otherwise be significant, but VEG’s health value (currently 5(super)/4(normal)) will start to degrade by the hour
[8:54pm] HM_The_King: and may start very high such as 6.0
[8:54pm] HM_The_King: and go down over the autumn, winter and summer to 3.0ish
[8:55pm] HM_The_King: in addition, spoil may happen at random extent and time
[8:55pm] HM_The_King: spoil is caused by the cellars freezing in the winter
[8:55pm] HM_The_King: the more distant places can also produce VEG
[8:55pm] HM_The_King: with the challenge being that the road transport takes so long
[8:56pm] HM_The_King: and VEG can really take only the temperatures between 5-15 celcius
[8:56pm] HM_The_King: so, taking night/day difference into account, only very limited time window 2/year is available
[8:57pm] HM_The_King: so due to this, and the transport cost, farming in a more remote place, such as Ramsey, NL or Stonehaven, is a high risk/reward business.
[8:57pm] HM_The_King: it may save us from famine though
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
May 21, 2016, 09:33:30 AM
1st class consumers:
L13-L20 PCs
Any PC with age 75+
Health minimum: 2500
Happiness minimum: 500

2nd class consumers:
N7-N9 NPCs (1250-2500 mil annual consume book value)
L8-L12 PCs
Any PC with age 40-74
Health minimum: 2000
Happiness minimum: 100

3rd class consumers:
N5-N6 NPCs (750-1000 mil annual consume book value)
L5-L7 PCs with age 15-39
Health minimum: 1600
Happiness minimum: 20

4th class consumers:
N3-N4 NPCs (500-625 mil annual consume book value)
L1-L4 PCs
Health minimum: 1400
Happiness minimum: 5

5th class consumers:
N1-N2 NPCs (250-375 mil annual consume book value)
Health minimum: 1200
Happiness minimum: 0

Suits handling
Each NPC item_type would have a requirement of clothes based on his level and the work (eg. Army wear grey always, stonemasons wear brown). This will be calculated, and be readily visible what the requirement is, and how well it is fulfilled. Having extras (esp. Orange) will give happiness bonus. The managing of suits needs to happen only after the spoil round because they are not affected otherwise.

How is consume allocated?

(preliminary thinking)
- The number of consumers is calculated internally for each class
- Each consumable item has highest_class parameter, making eg. MEAD be consumed by the lowest levels only
- Otherwise, the highest classes get served first, so that in a typical case, the more expensive things make sense to be consumed first
- There will not be the same kind of variety in the total amount of HealthChallenge, the Quests/Events will administer the Sicknesses, which require additional consumption of spirits etc, separately, so the total "minimum amount" is pretty much deducible beforehand, and will have only slight if any random annual variance.
- It is also possible to make the Health to be treated as a lump sum, so that only the happiness requirement scales up greatly (and the consumption of MEAT, FOIE would be incentivised by the variety bonus alone, which can be done easily)
- If Happiness is treated as lump sum, it would be easy to implement (no need for different classes to be taken into account except in the initial calc) but this will make it very demanding to play a single high-level PC without servants (the servants would dilute the total quota, allowing less total cost, but requiring everyone to get used to the new mechanism and tinker with the suits etc every 3 years, which however they need to do even now though..)

Example of a Corporation with the typical number of staff (yielding 50 WP)

class2 = 1
class3 = 1
class4 = 8
class5 = 26

Consume quota = 36*200 = 7,200 + 7,200 + 7,200
Health minimum = 2000 + 1600 + 8*1400 + 26*1200 = 46,000 HP
Happiness minimum = 100 + 20 + 8*5 = 160 CUL

If varietyBonus scales as it has (modified for the # of consumers=36), the planned eating might be:
1,800 * MEAT => 13,500 HP
5,400 * VEG => 25,200 HP
1,800 * BEER => 5,400 HP
1,800 * MEAD => 2,700 HP
total 46,800 HP (minimum achieved!)

this is such that all the Wisdom quota is left, and half of the drinks (and frequencyBonus not used).
Seemingly it allows a base to be used with some fixing, and not even much.
Current challenge is whether it is necessary to force using the higher-valued items based on the higher-class NPC (more design&implementation), or if this cannot be achieved by steeply rising requirements for them, which are put into the same pool nevertheless (causes the result of "needing" to have lower valued NPCs as well to have large enough quotas), or some other way to manage it.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
May 21, 2016, 09:22:02 AM
Syksy: hmm, interesting, NPCs bound to the player chars
[5:10pm] Syksy: sounds promising, and definitely good for the economy that the clans will explicitly have to consume for the NPCs that they employ (and have an increased quota accordingly)
[5:13pm] HM_The_King: there are soem design challenges
[5:13pm] HM_The_King: which of course keep the work interesting
[5:13pm] HM_The_King: one is: how to allocate the consumption to the different NPC classes
[5:14pm] scinawa left the chat room. (Quit: Leaving)
[5:14pm] HM_The_King: as N1 allocation is 250,000 per year
[5:14pm] HM_The_King: which is not very luxurious life, given that suits also needed !
[5:14pm] HM_The_King: N9 is 2.5 mil
[5:15pm] bit2017 joined the chat room.
[5:15pm] HM_The_King: and therefore he requires wine and foie, just as any baron would
[5:15pm] HM_The_King: Another one is the frequencyBonus
[5:15pm] HM_The_King: currently max 4x, and maxbenefit is 1/4 of quota
[5:15pm] HM_The_King: (50 units in a quota of 200 will give benefit)
[5:15pm] Syksy: indeed
[5:16pm] HM_The_King: If this is scaled by #NPC
[5:16pm] HM_The_King: it will mean 500 units in the highest bracket, 4x
[5:16pm] HM_The_King: kinda destroying it
[5:16pm] HM_The_King: but scaled it must, somehow
[5:17pm] HM_The_King: my design challenge is that only one set of consumes is needed, and the allocation (who eats the veg and who drinks the clxii) would be automatic
[5:17pm] HM_The_King: with full feedback, no purposeful secrets
[5:18pm] Roopatra: That sounds like it will be very interesting!
[5:18pm] HM_The_King: the frequencyBonus is a continuous function, it is just now discrete with 1 decimal
[5:19pm] HM_The_King: if we make the max_benefit_amount to be 25% of a quota of one consumable_type (or a lower %) * TIMES the amount of NPC to be fed,
[5:20pm] HM_The_King: and the function continuous with no maximum, then it will boost the value of luxuries even more
[5:20pm] HM_The_King: as if 1*AYA is shared between 3 ppl, it might give 4-6x freqBonus,
[5:21pm] HM_The_King: but shares among 500, it will be considerably higher
[5:21pm] HM_The_King: (assuming we leave 4.0x bonus in case the # of consumers is 1, as has been the case always so far)
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
May 21, 2016, 09:05:24 AM
Clans Challenge etc stuff, preliminary thoughts

- NPC will become part of the owner's challenge. Half of the current NPC payment will be allocated to this purpose. When/if NPC lodging will be the owner's responsibility (this may or may not happen, because it makes the scaling of NPC hordes much more tedious with possibly no fun effect), then the payment would be reduced even more.

- Consuming basics will be mostly unchanged (frequency and variety bonuses, item health, CUL, WIS ratings), the biggest difference is that the consuming quota will be waay larger (up to 6 figures of instances cf current 200) and will be credited automatically towards a few "classes" of consumers so that drinking mead will make the WOR-1 healthy and happy but not contribute anything to a BUT-9.

- CUL rating may be changed to Happiness and wines' effect changed more to this (from the current outsized Health values).

- If health or happiness does not reach the minimum # of points in each of the classes, this will lead to such NPC having a chance to quit

- If happiness goes over the minimum (not even difficult), this will cause more NPC to spawn to you as a bonus, which can be used or sold

- Automatic fulfillment option will be provided so that you can consume on autopilot up to the minimum required amounts. This will not be cost effective vs. own management, but will probably beat the so-far "self-assigned health management" in ease.

- Clans will bring new Quests, which are similar to other games except that these are 1-3 weeks deadline (many games have daily) and these are more challenging, requiring actual problem solving. The quests will be raffled from a pool, and each quest in a pool has parameters to which level it may be assigned.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
May 19, 2016, 08:36:25 AM
Jewelry Editor NEW Spex

Jewelry Editor is a Main Menu GUI feature for NEWing custom items of item_type JEW (jewelry).

The following fields are prompted from user:

Type of Jewelry Item (this goes to item Description; all jewelry belongs to same item_type (JEW))
1 Crown
2 Sceptre
3 Coronet
4 Tiara
5 Baton
6 Orb
7 Bracelet
8 Signet Ring
9 Ring
10 Necklace
11 Chain
12 Pistol
13 Custom item

The mouseover texts for different types are listed in the post above.


(name of the item as text box)

Choose: Most Elaborate / Very Elaborate

Amount of Metals

Gold: (fill in)
Silver: (fill in)

Constituent Parts

(the items are listed so that user can type the amount to the fields he wants and leave the rest empty; these are the usual items)

Other items to be added

(box prompting any item_id and amount next to it and note "do not add CKG/CKS items here, amounts will not be credited")

Additional IC to be added

with note: "please add more IC to account for the parts that are not paid as items"


(text box for user description of the item, only that, no stories - the item:description will be populated from "jewelry item type text" (it is not an actual item type - all belong to new item type JEW), a list of Constituent Parts, Other items to be added and "user description", so no need for repetition)


(text box for user storytelling)


Year is asked in [1600, current] with current as default. Each year in the past increases the IC cost by 3%, no other effects.

Payments of metals

CKG is paid via text box + amount similar to the one in Other items to be added.

CKS is paid via text box + amount similar to the one in Other items to be added.It is also possible to consume IC, which will be counted as 2*CKS/IC (normal rate).

Preview Item

Calculates the IC cost and the level of item. Backdating does not affect level.

Create Item!

All Constituent Parts, Other items, Payment of metals and IC cost will be consumed and item created.

No excess validations needed, just let the items be created if the price is paid, it is up to the players if they create funny items.

Some item parameters need to be set at defaults such as repair=1, let's see.

Item IC cost calculation:

[(Amount of CKG + Amount of CKS) * 0.1 * (2 if Very Elaborate / 1 if Most Elaborate) + Additional IC + 4] * (1 + 0.03 * backdating_years)

Item Level calculation:

Add together the IC cost and the "embedded IC" of the constituent parts:
each K1 item = 1
each K2 item = 2
each K3 item = 5
each K4 item = 10
each K5 item = 20
each K6 item = 50
each K7 item = 100
each K8 item = 200
each K9 item = 500
each K10 item = 1,000
each K11 item = 2,000
each K12 item = 5,000

The same table will determine this item level, so that the level is the fulfilled amount (eg. if total = 723, the level is nearest down (500) = K9).
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
May 10, 2016, 05:14:19 AM
Overall Game Scoring, Ranks and Levels system

When moving on to the more scripted gameplay for larger audiences, getting the score tracks more defined is important.

The scoring is planned to be from 1-20 with "1" as the lowest level possible (achievable even with zero effort) and "20" being the highest.

The char level is already in 1-20, and no major changes are planned there.

The wisdom and culture are both in 1-20, so will continue. It is still a little bit unknown how the split of WIS+CUL of the dead characters will become part of the char_highscore and whether it will continue as clan_current_items.

The CKIP will have a 9-level system, scaled to the 1-20 for ease. CKIP will determine the levels independently. They are be demoted if qualifications are no longer fulfilled.

Admins and gamemasters will be graded according to their experience and authority to the 1-20 scale. Past contributions to development can also raise the level. The level is not directly correlated to admin permissions level. Most admins have more system permissions than what they need for jobs that they usually do or even are comfortable doing.

Therefore, there is a 1-20 graded scale for each of the major success factors of the game:

1. Playing the game, ingame success
 - CUL
 - WIS
2. Design and development of the game, GM/adminwork
3. Marketing the game by gaining more players and deposits.

Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
May 04, 2016, 10:27:26 AM
Specification of Jewelry Item Type Texts

These will be displayed on the right (or a suitable place) when the type is selected. They will guide the user to select a correct amount of suitable materials for his jewelry item. There are no system-enforced restrictions whatsoever, to keep it easy to develop.

1 Crown

Crown is worn only by the King and it is not allowed for the subjects to make them. Lawfully possessing a Crown is not a crime.

2 Sceptre

Sceptre is part of royal regalia and it is not allowed for the subjects to make them. Lawfully possessing a Sceptre is not a crime.

3 Coronet

Coronet is a metal headpiece worn by others than the King. It may be crown-style, or a metal band around the head. Making and wearing a coronet are both restricted to certain occasions, and now the occasion is the Coronation of HM rpietila II. Only nobles may use precious metals in the coronet (and are required to use them). A gold crown-like coronet needs to be 300-900 CKG and a silver one may be a less (due to gold's greater density). This style has (up to) 16 points for jewels or pearls, in different positions. Princes and Dukes may have 2 arches in their coronets, with 20 additional pearls. (The King has 4 arches with 40 pearls.) The most important are the front stones, which can be 2 on top of each other. If a band-like coronet is used, it can only have one stone in the front (or none at all) and up to 8 pearls. Band can be made from slightly less metal than crown-style. Peers are exhorted to wear crown-like with more jewels and minor nobles can have band-like. The choice of metal is individual preference. Coronet may not be backdated.

4 Tiara

Tiara is a metal headdress worn by ladies only (a treasury item). Female nobles may wear a tiara instead of a coronet in coronation, but they are allowed coronet as well. Tiara creation or backdating are not restricted. As little as 150 CKG or 75 CKS can make a good tiara especially with some pearls and possibly a gemstone. A tiara must be of precious metal and commoners may create and wear them if wished (main limitation is ladies only).

5 Baton

Baton is a richly-adorned handheld item that designates general or supreme command. The creation of Batons and public display of them is restricted to those with the command. Currently the only Baton in existence is the AOK-C (Commander in the Ancient Order of the King) Baton of Princess Roopatra (made 1583, of wood overlaid with 500 CKG). There is a plan to evaluate the existing Orders and military structure, with possibly the establishing of the Corps of Marshals of Crypto Kingdom, who would be entitled to a baton. The Supreme Commander of the RCA (King) is entitled to one but does not have it. Batons are used in the field, where also the King could have one. In court, the King has the Orb whereas the guests may have the batons.

6 Orb

Orb is a piece of jewellery, an often hollow sphere of gold or silver, pearls, and typically one gemstone on the cross (the part that protrudes upwards). Usually a royal object, in CK there is no prohibition against making and bearing orbs. They can even be made in miniature or large size as indicated by the metal content. The current Royal Orb from 1530 weighs (only) 100 CKG as it has a wood frame, so a new one will probably be commissioned. If CK follows the suit of other countries, the creation of orbs may stop, causing them to become rare.

7 Bracelet

Bracelet (wristband) can contain anything between 15-300 grams of metals depending on style, plus other things if wished.

8 Signet Ring

Signet Ring is a typically large ring that can be used for sealing documents. Due to its affordable price and availability, Jade (JADN) has emerged as a popular material for the engraving, but pure gold and other gemstones are usable as well. A large ring can weigh over 50 grams (of gold, silver is half the weight).

9 Ring

Ring is worn in a finger and may feature gemstones. There are many rings existing in sizes 3-25 CKS and 5-50 CKG.

10 Necklace

Necklace is defined as being a piece of jewellery worn by ladies only. They are therefore treasury items for most players. Necklaces may feature anything hanging from them, and can be of quite many thicknesses - and weights - as well.

11 Chain

Chain means a wide and heavy necklace that can be worn by men also. While they are often made to designate something special, such as a position, chains are not restricted items and can be made by anyone. In AOK, 100 CKG Chain is the first token, the second one is 250 CKG Bracelet (Chain is first because it is more visible even with less gold). Third is Baton.

12 Pistol

It is possible to tailor your pistol, and this adds not only to its level, but also to its value in the shooting contest. The item remains a pistol, just unique and much cooler.

13 Custom item

It is possible to make any items of course. Even all the items already listed are in the same type.
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