Acquired for a dedicated Crypto Forum.
Are you sure you acquired this domain ? Its shows its available for sale. Buy that domain first before its gone.
Domain is not free for registration but very possibly is taken by Godaddy registrar. They often occupy domains after they expire, if they estimate it may have some value.
Registrant Country pa
Registrar NameCheap, Inc.
IANA ID: 1068
Whois Server:
Registrar Status clientTransferProhibited
Dates 4,547 days old
Created on 2008-06-27
Expires on 2021-06-27
Updated on 2020-10-04
I think I've seen it at least 50 times brilliant business idea, creating a new crypto forum. I was especially interested in the ideas they were called xyzsomethingTalk.
Obviously, everyone can understand how it's work and that is possible to earn money through the running forum, But the fact that is behind a lot of serious work and of course, forum without people lot of people does not worth anything.
So, if you don't have an idea how to attract people to visit and use the forum, you can forget about this schema and no need to waste a time for programming and integrating any addons or whatever.