I just noticed something in your system what shouldn't be there.
I cashed out 0.04 BTC. You sent it to my address, but the inputs are not even confirmed. That's not how you should handle business. Now I need to wait for your incoming transaction to be confirmed first, before my cash out is confirmed.
Basically it means that I am dependent on other on how much fee they sent, because if they send a low fee, the transaction will take a long time before it is confirmed. My cashout has to wait for that, so I have to wait for other transactions to confirm.
IMO, you should send coins to people who cash out only from confirmed inputs.
I believe sometimes blockchain are having some pending activity that so many of them that not getting their money because of pending. And I think that is not some problem at all, in the end you just got your money on your wallet. About the inputs pending, I believe some big site will face this problem too, like crypto games to not paying you must not be possible. Anyway may I know how much fee that you used to withdraw? Fast or just a normal fee?
I used the adviced fee. That doesn't matter though. The point is that they use unconfirmed inputs in a transaction, which they shouldn't do.
Please send me transaction ID you have this issue with, as we didn't experience this issue before.
EDIT: Have changed one configuration setting and I think it should fix this issue. We will test it out. Thanks for noticing this.