3.80263902 BTC
111.90119260 ETH
139.27248999 LTC
3284808.99192133 DOGE
15.96473550 XMR
7.69435953 BCH
136.80104136 ETC
19.53518905 DASH
179.20557849 GAS
1843.42256129 STRAT
So its been more than a month without jackpot hit, is there any stats on how what was the longest period of time without a single jackpot?
Hunting it for the smallest part of it seems to be something worth to try as players do not really need to start with big bankroll for it.
Of course it is all about luck to hit the jackpot, anyone may hit it several times in short period of time like user "vitamins", he was so lucky to hit it 4x in around 2 weeks.
On the other side, other players may not hit it even once for so long time playing the dice game. I'm trying my luck now, hopefully I'm lucky enough for the jackpot.