Something all websites are having, specially when free rewards are in place, like faucet, tips, vouchers and so on.
Whether or not other websites are doing it is irrelevant in my opinion. The policies and minimums currently used on the website make it impossible for a small stakes users to play and enjoy themselves. If they deposit 20 doge, and turn it into 60
through legitimate betting and decide to quit, they will quickly find out that they cannot withdraw their coins unless they make an additional deposit to meet the minimum, or if they get extremely lucky and double their deposit 4-5 times over. Reaching out to customer support is pointless because the same immature moderators that frequent chat will likely be your "customer support agent".
Not everyone has the means to deposit additional coins to meet the minimum. Even if I did, I should not have to go through the hassle of purchasing additional coins from an exchange, transferring them to, and eating the transaction fees along the way to get my coins off of the site; just because your company wants to prevent "faucet abuse".
Deep down I think you know why the policies are truly in place, it forces players that make small deposits to continue gambling their coins in hopes of meeting the crazy withdrawal minimums, and the house always wins. Of course you guys are going to make every excuse in the book to not review/revise your policies and to keep the crypto flowing in; never out. Potential players should be aware of these things before they decide to make a deposit on your website and send their coins to an account that they will likely never be able to withdraw from.
Not to mention that withdrawing faucet or tipped funds is against the TOS, so a lot of legitimate players are going to never want to receive them just in case your staff decides to not honor their withdrawal.