I personally like horus, i think he got a lot of unfair backlash when everything happened. i honestly believe he had nothing but good intentions.
Hitmen are bound to come when you steal millions from people online, especially a group who enjoys anonymous money transfers.
Yep, Horus is a great guy if you love giving your personal vitals to a guy who knew about the hack, lived in a rent-free condo paid for by Paul Vernon up there in Canada while cryin' 'bout livin' from paycheque-to-paycheque, all the while banning folks off Cryptsy's chat box and assuring all its user that Cryptsy's fine, encouraging others to join the Ponzi while the joinin's good, then when shit hit the fan, he came to this thread one last to assure those conned that he will do everything possible to help, whereupon he ... wait for it ... we're still waiting for it, it being Horus helping in the investigation.
Yep, great guy that Horus is, with his name, Paul Vernon and Marshall Long, collectively, owning Cryptsy Canada, using Horus-Paul's condo address on the incorp papers.
And, if you think that's funny, I've been bumping heads with an asshole who stands behind cryptocurrency's number one liar, Leroy Fodor, in spite of ALL the evidence backing the claim, with this asshole calling me a troll because I don't know what I'm talkin' 'bout and that I, not Leroy, is the fuckin' liar.
Yep, Horus is a great guy. Thanks for the enlightenment.
God Bless (<-- quote from a new Bitcoiner on this forum who's lying through his motherfuckin' ass as well)