Cryptsy hot wallet was not locked for sure.Supposed cold wallet too.
"Hacker" behaviour was too odd for the hacker.He took 500 BTC from hot wallet immediately,than during 5,5 hours hack took LTC,BTCD,XC and then on the very end he took 11825 BTC from "cold" wallet.
"Hacker" risked so much during these 5.5 hours to be detected and stopped.He did not take main prize of 11825 BTC immediately,but he took many other altcoins of much less value first.Not at one hacker would do that.This very special "hacker" was so sure that nobody can stop it and that he has so much time on disposal,that he can allow himself luxury to take shitty altcoins first,and 12000 BTC on the end,after 5,5 hours of full rampage.
After all,Vernon looked for 1 year how "hacker" directly,without any hiding sending stolen altcoins to exchanges and cash out 4685 BTC.And do nothing about it,except he bought $1.3 millions house and 2 luxury SUVs for another $120.000.
When all altcoins were sold in July.2015, he went to China and open exchange exactly on anniversary of theft 28.July.
Finally in the big finale,coins from unhacked wallets and cash vanished from Cryptsy and Cryptsy Canada.
All these things are more than enough for red Interpol warrant for arresting.
Sell bitcoins on the street in Florida, get arrested, and the Bitcoin-themed rags dedicate copy about the ordeal. Prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Sonny Vleisides was using a third-party payment processor that they're licensed for as an exchange that they're not licensed for to the tune of over U$10M and nary a Bitcoin-themed periodical pens a single word.
BFL even set up a charity that it funded and funds from others were donated to the cause, then later the funds were used to pay its ongoing expenses.