confirmed existence of ''The world's 600 virtual currencies''
because if we would not support Cryptsy - this info could be soon outdated as number of virtual currencies might fall below 200 or below 100
There are too many trash currencies out there. I've heard counts as high as 2000. Hopefully, this cryptsy dive will take out a few hundred that should die.
There might be 10 worth investing into... most of those 2000 are just scamcoins that were dumped and abandoned by the "dev", ages ago
Personally, I'm sick of the overly general or non-global coins. I think the best coins are the ones that have an actual purpose other than "to just buy stuff".
I concur. Using coins to "just buy stuff" is sooooooo overrated. Coins NEED a purpose:
This is one of this big problems I see with Bitcoin even. Adoption is always an uphill battle. Bitcoin is like a shovel looking for a hole to dig. The only thing that keeps bitcoin on top is that it was first, it has organized development, and all other coins are denominated in bitcoin.
Realistically I think the market has to contract to about 50 coins or less. There are just too many now. The only way we get there is if the majority of shitcoins are not listed on most exchanges.
With luck, this cryptsy debacle knocks out a couple hundred shitcoins that deserve to die. Cryptsy has like 266 currencies listed under the BTC list. It's just sheer horror.
Deja vu, anyone ?
"Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve"
The paperfiat noobs were crying, for Big Bro to intervene/ save them, then, just as the cryptofiat noobs are crying now.