Since trading fees went to 0 there never came another payout from Paul's shares either.
I didn't use cryptsy, but what sense does it make to drop trading fees to 0% when you're trying to make good on insolvency? I would have thought that collecting trading fees would be your best hope of making up the shortfall.
it was desperation. paul claims lots of withdrawals occurred after coinfire articles so this could be true. Paul couldn't afford to pay out the withdrawals so had to create a method to scare people into not withdrawing while hiding it under the whole but now you can trade for free... It did reduce their income but it was Paul trying to prevent the insolvency being exposed earlier.
Paybans were an immature stupid way to have people ban and get more money to cryptsy. I think they were hoping people would 1 day ban others for bigger fees.
I suspect too that cryptsy had big reserves of doge and the like they wanted to direct people to trade to so they could recoup the btc while under the whole 0 trade fees.
Problem was his ploy didn't work and when people kept withdrawing the reserve got too low so they played the technical issues.
Pauls wife knew how much shit she was in so she just bailed... I guess love only goes so far.
Has anyone actually calculated the amount cryptsy lost? not in $$$$ USD or bitcoin I mean a %%%% of cryptsy's entire holdings? I suspect it would of been around 70%
more importantly it showed AGAIN how Vern was there and tinkering with site code making changes.
while hiding
Priorities ? say and do nothing about site problems that were acknowledged..
because there was nothing fix i guess we found out later.. hackers.
paybans are only good for shill's ass kissing and advertising.
I checked that site last time Cryptsy got DDOS'd
remember i reported RarBG got hit too and this time KAT too ?
I didn't just Google it then.. i had it bookmarked it for about a decade or so now.
Point being is i tested it and it was NOT working right *last time*
It was reporting 'down' on me either way i was pretty sure.
But NOW ? it seems to work fine so uhhmm well fuck i don't know LOL
I guess it must have been the Med's again man ahahhah
AND I DO have a problem with HippieTech he's an idiot nutjob.
If that cunt wants to jab away at me endlessly i will finally lift a finger to stuff it in his ass.. Exposing HIS BS !
HippieTech i have bent over backwards to appease you and you still act like a colossal fucking prick to me.
enough's enough ya fucking goof.
Hey idiot..
I am not in cahoots with any shit coin teams or am i anybody else and NO i never made any coins.
Stop being a fucking retard.
YOU ARE acting like a fucking wacko moron drunk on conspiracy theories.
You seem to fail at grasping what Off-Topic means.
This entire forum is nothing but a goose chase to harass people.
No matter what the topic is about you just show up & hijack it with an endless rant / conspiracy.
You have NEVER had one shed of proof to back up any idiot claim against me so fuck of already crazy idiot.