Show of hands ? How many people are genuinely surprised ?
About time they came clean.
I am a bit surprised how utterly idiotic this is. Poor security practices, trying to conceal huge loss, letting the site bomb completely before coming clean... but yeah, a hack was something most predicted.
Ya like he takes a pre-compiled LuckCoin wallet and runs it on his machine with ties to millions in customer funds ?
Further more i already heard waaaay back that they have to compile the wallets themselves so that has to be a lie !
No real exchange runs precompiled wallets. First, they use Linux for backends. Windows is plain insecure. Second, to fire up a wallet released by an unknown dev without a code review? Never going to happen.
If Mullick reviewed the code on every wallet then he was one fast motherfucker.
He was a slow one actually. However he didn't need to do a complete review on every wallet update. He only needed to browse though those last commits. Look at that shitcoin:
Two last ones are harmless, however "Import lucky7coin" is fishy. Not a fork, not a rebase, just an import of who knows what. If they let it in, they were idiots in crypto business.
hmm interesting. r u Patrick?