Previously I commented on sending confirmation e-mails from the same mail service as cryptsy for log ins and so forth.
Anyone think there is a connection to that and whats happening now?
To think I would not have been involved if craptsy had let me take my funds A MONTH AGO...
i bet with you that is run by Cryptsy (BigVern) maybe they use a chinese sock puppet to get the "ownership problem" solved.
Everything fits, BigVern is in China and if he would just have sold the website there would be no reason to be there.
And who would buy a site like cryptsy? the trading engine sometimes leads to impossible market states like the first buy is higher then the first sell.
And even after months of withdrawal problems they told the people that the new withdrawal system is so complicated that they need more time to understand it, which means they developed something that they don't even understand (but i guess this excuse was just used to get more time ripping off customers that were still allowed to deposit) even mentioned Cryptsy multiple times, like on the coins sponsors page (they fixed this by now) but a picture showing this, was posted some time ago in this thread
ya there is many points to this issue that blatantly call out Cryptsy staff as liars.
Take for example the domain name.. it was shown to be registered to "Project Investors" when doing a WHOIS.
Now lets think about this..
bitebi9 was later said to have been only available for Chinese users or your not allowed to sign up.
We also had JShock say on chat supposedly that BigVern had gone to China would be back on Monday
and because of security reasons he was not able to transfer Bitcoin from the cold wallet to the Hot wallet because
of the serious threat of Chinese hackers.
Take note: JShock then banned that same guy the very next day when he asked about an update on that comment.
Some have a staff member who confirmed BigVern was in China at the same time that users on this very topic
happened to stumble onto bitebi9 AKA Cryptsy China.. what a brutal coincidence !
Later Shill's like Terrik showed up on it trading although not a citizen of China.
Proof was seeing the idiot use his same user name on their chat box LOL ..Then he admitted it too.
So it's clear to me Terrik and cyberpinoy read this topic and bolted over there ASAP
skipping over the Chinese Citizen requirement and registering anyway and their staff over there (who we don't know)
never noticed the American(s) on their site i guess.
How did he know ?
Was it just from reading this topic ? Or is Terrik getting Cryptsy staff helping him out ?
Terrik then later tried to say the site "was not live" among other lies.
Terrik is indeed a lying slithering greedy deceitful "grinning" little NET scam pushing snake in the crypto grass.So JShock after a while decided he would say on the Cryptsy Troll-Box that BigVern just sold them "some scripts"
But users had already posted here many similarities between the whole site..
minor cosmetic changes were made nothing more.
We also had a user post here how the Chinese chat box looked the same and
and how it contained the same unique Google Adsense URL.
Odd how they would have missed that.
They also have responded back to user requests for missing coins being deposited as "".
A user waiting for NVC coins to show up had gotten about 7 replies back that was copied and pasted
stalling the user indefinably.. saying.. "we'll let you know" days after day for a week or two.
Now explain to me guys why if you had sold "scripts" to a Chinese company why you would leave legal ties to it ?
Why would BigVern go and register a domain name (bitebi9) on behalf of his Chinese buyer ?
It said in their TOS that it was for Chinese people only..
So why would the Chinese Cryptsy script owners want a US based company registered for their site ?
If i was a Chinese exchange operator i would not want a US company showing as it's owner.. WHY ?
I don't think the Chinese govt. is going to appreciate US based business setting up shop over there like they did.
It's not like BTC and crypto etc is considered as highly reputable over there.
Further more "Project Investors" is named in BigVern's divorce and another dozen other web site /company names.
Leaving that Chinese exchange site domain in jeopardy !
So what had gone down all along ? 4 consecutive months of users unable to get their coins out.
Then a user found ties to an address linked to Cryptsy showing 6 million in BTC
with that account seemingly skipping the Tier process and moving 20 BTC amounts at a time 24/7 daily.
Which as we all know our normal Cryptsy user can't move even a fraction of 1 Bitcoin with out waiting weeks !
So think about it..
6 million from the USA site / market
Wouldn't you need Bitcoin to start up a new exchange ?
I think BigVern gave the Cryptsy users the middle finger while he set up the new Chinese site.
And the fact that BigVern used the "Project Investors" USA company name on the Chinese only site is damning.
Does it make any sense that he would go and register the domain for the Chinese only market NEW Exchange owners ?
Of course not that is simply retarded !
But that is precisely what JShock said..And who is JShock ?
A guy that had pulled many scams with BigVern since the 90's together..
Including a Porn Web site Advertising company where they had 1 of them pretend to be a customer.
Then we seen them run a Penny Auction site (Foopile) with a trail of fraud / theft and unauthorized CC charges on the web.
THEN we have their existing staff sucking their cock and staying after all the abuse.. HORUS
While they announce all offices in USA & Canada are closed while they OBVIOUSLY
take the Cryptsy users BTC funds to start up a new operation in China.
I am stunned how Horus is not worried about his Job.. looks like an exit strategy to me.
But he's the big "investigator" LOL
..of them have been caught lying and playing games together since the 90's
A leopard never loses it's spots people !
..of these people i have pointed out have shady deceitful dishonest history.
EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM !From Owners to Staff to Admins to Chat Mods to their ass kissing Shill's
- Jagropolite / o0o0
- Terrik
- cyberpinoy
- Paul Vernon
- Jim Shockney
- Horus
- Mullickand on and on and on and..
Don't believe me ?Pick ANY one of these scammy cunts and i will post proof of them being dishonest.
It's just one huge giant circle jerk of Scam.
Cryptsy wound up being a Craigslist ad.. Scammers seeking other Scammers for Money making opportunity.
I have had enough of ALL those fucking scammy pieces of shit and they are going to have to leave Crypto now.
With my authority i now proclaim Cryptsy and Shill friends.. DONE !GTFO of my Crypto scene you scammy cock suckers.. we don't want you here LEAVE !