I am part of lawsuit and i saved screenshots of about everything. Having about 2 btc stolen, 15k todays money. I am still unsure of my settlement status, though they asked me for tax forms so i think that is a positive thing.
a few months back i had a talk with the crypsty lawyer. and this should make us all cry.
The wallet the had access to is public knowledge you can find the balances of all coins recovered in court document. coins had 300,000 us value in jan 2017 now its worth millions i calculated 7 million at one point and i am sure it is higher.
when i talked to lawyer he said they sold our crypto to people whocalled and pesterd them to sell the coins to them. so we get 300,000 crap ass dollars
for assets worth millions. That is where our money got truly lost for a second time.
These lawyers gave our money away.
Since when does a court ordered sale of an asset class the lawyers are not familiar with for almost nothing?
case and point is how they liquidated the house nettles owned, it had to be appraised by several real estate compaines to get top dollar. house did not sell for 300k when worht 7 million right , ??Yet the court allowed these putz to sell a sset class they no nothing about? where was the dutch aution?? where was the auction advertised?? we got screwed twice. by these lawyers
we should all class action sue these greedy jerks.
I do not lie
When did they asked for tax forms? I sent them all screenshots in mail but they only replied that they have updated my claim.
They sent out an e-mail in September this year to approved claimants. The IRS form had to be to be completed and mailed back to them by October 5, 2017
You submitted a Claim Form in the class action lawsuit styled Brandon Leidel, et al. v. Project Investors, Inc. d/b/a Cryptsy, Paul Vernon, et al., U.S. Dist. Ct. - S.D. Fla. -- Case No. 9:16-cv-80060-KAM (the “Lawsuit”). Your Claim Form and supporting documentation have been accepted, and payment will be issued pursuant to the terms of the Settlement Agreement and Plan of Allocation in the Lawsuit.
To process your payment, you must complete and submit to the address listed below an IRS W-9 form if you are a resident of the United States or an IRS W-8 form if you reside outside of the United States. Additionally, please include documentation demonstrating your identification such as a copy of your Driver’s License, Passport, or other government-issued identification when you submit your IRS W-9 form or IRS W-8 form, even if you have previously submitted that documentation. The IRS W-9 and IRS W-8 form can be downloaded from the settlement website:
www.cryptsysettlement.com/important-documents or at
www.irs.gov. If you are unable to download the IRS form, you can contact the Claims Administrator via mail, email or by calling toll-free as indicated below.
Submit your completed IRS Form and identification documentation by mail no later than October 5, 2017 to:
Cryptsy Cryptocurrency Litigation
Claims Administrator
1801 Market Street, Suite 660
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Be sure to include a copy of this notice with your submission.
Cryptsy Cryptocurrency Litigation
Claims Administrator
1801 Market Street, Suite 660
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Toll-Free: 1-888-868-4936
[email protected]